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Posts posted by keeper

  1. Recent studies show that Kerbals indeed don't actually breathe. Their constant state of either excitation or fear, their lack of any noticeable survival instinct and the fact that they can only focus on one task at a time has led biologists to think that Kerbals aren't able to breathe from the day they are born (or spawn, or whatever...). Then, natural selection has made them able to survive and live in good health, without the need to breathe.

    Yes, yes, totally correct.

    Spawned with everything they need. And dont you just love their little outfits!

  2. I'm interested in this multi threading malarkey.

    I was under the impression if they get unity5 to do that, then they will then be able to make KSP do that.

    Why are we talking about single vessels being limited to a single thread core? Thats horrible!

    Would my single vessel not use all my cores? Please??

    Is that not depending how they update KSP??

    I hope all my cores get used 100%, hell each and every part should use its own core pl0z. I got 8 of the damn things!

    The idea that 64 bit or multi threading will not improve the game much at all is a horrible idea.

    No comment on the mac thing. I just dont bother with apple stuff. IMO its all garbage. Expensive, good quality garbage.

    All the reasons why you think you need an imacapple, believe it or not you can do it all with a PC.

    TBH the only time i heard of someone NEEDING an imac was a software developer, probably making something specifically for apples.

    I never needed, or wanted one :D

  3. Haha I remember my first space station where i docked it all together, think it had something like 500 parts, got about 5fps...

    That was back in version 0.18 or something and with a bunch of mods for space stations.

    I just built the same kind of thing, not so crazy on the mods any more i've limited myself but its got everything i need at 140 parts total. Including about 15 docking ports. 10 - 15fps. Yessss.

  4. I too am anxious about the interplanitary time warping, theres something in the back of my head that just tells me I shouldn't - because i'm probably forgetting something.

    I think it's because i've gotten so used to doing the 3 - 14 day missions to teh muns, and when they needs more stuffs sending then it's not too far from home.

  5. I havn't bumped into many issues, I have met the craken maybe 3 times since .25 & i play with nuff mods.

    All three occasions were beacuse of part clipping, were fine on takeoff, but then in orbit when docking then returning to the craft after some time it threw a few wobblers.

    I have had strange behaviour like what you say with struts, and strange staging but have worked out its something I'm doing in the editor which is changing it somehow.

    I understand what you say, there are certain "things" that need "workarounds" and I'm one of the lucky ones, I havn't had any probs with overheating or overlays.

    When the game came from .25 to .90 or whatever it was then it became obvious they would be going past v1. The other game I have that is like that is minecraft thats at something like 1.8.something i still with 1.7.1 because of mods :/

    Getting help for problems in games like this is a nightmare, everyone is everywhere with versions and mods and it becomes tedious but I persist. Admittedly I dont play MC any more. I didn't even get to the end after a good couple years playing either. lmao

    Anyway. Hope they figure out the going to one side thing on the runway, lucky again for me I havn't really started with planes and maybe they'll start rolling out updates like... like bacon.

  6. Spent too long at minus and mun. I keep building more things to send to Duna, I always end up going to mun/minmus and back in yet another "test" for the real thing.

    I go from making things for just one purpose to things that could nearly go the entire kerbin system. None of it ever ends up at destination Duna.

    I make ships and sometimes forget I even made them, coming back months later randomly checking crafts and wondering what on earth I was thinking.

    More often launching something with more than one payload, then forgetting what craft its on when I want to re launch that bit of payload.

  7. I long for the day when we can rack up the part counts.

    I probably have the worst CPU for the job AMD fx 8350 8 cores, when I hit KSP it clocks itself at 4.2ghz, one or two of the cores get busy and my graphics card starts steaming.

    My plan is that unity 5 will work with my crap hardware better. so hopefully can consider not upgrading

  8. I know whats going on here. I am their supreme decision maker, the leader of the Space Kerbal Program. I am not a Kerbal they know I am human and communicating to them via USB keyboard and mouse lol.

    My kerbals are actually fabricated in the Astronaught complex. They are not hired. They dont know I know this & I dont know why they lied to me about that.

    They always wear their space suits because the atmosphere is no good for them on Kerbin, even though it would be fine for us humans. I think they are secretly using me to get them to other places, to see if they can live their instead. No proof yet, but i think they have or are planning to make a Kerbal Civilization Program (To which i fully intend on being the supreme leader of).

    The space program is at the forefront of Kerbal interest, and so nothing else matters. I decide everything regarding everything on Kerbal interest, which right now is the Space Program. And so whatever I feel like doing, is probably in the best interests of every Kerbal in the game & so is completely dedicated to me.

    The snacks cupboard is an inside Joke to the Kerbinaughts, that they think I'm unaware of.

    I know they don't eat, poop, sleep, breathe, reproduce, etc

    And so they are all expendable. But they dont know that. HOE NO.

    I have noticed there is something strange regarding those first 3 Kerbinaughts, they call Jeb, Bob and Bill. I dont yet know what it is, but by some unknown habit of myself - I make sure them 3 do it all first. Then the others can follow. Its like I should have some faith or trust in them, so they should take the furthest new steps.

    That about it really, i think.

  9. very interesting, i get frustrated when random crap happens that i think must only happen to me. e.g. Just docked my solar panel attachment to my minmus minimining base, it must be at least 30m wide, 20m deep only less than 10m height on any part. But upon docking the whole thing manages to flip vertical. Why me.

    Or when spend 20 mins picking something up, orienting it then i let go of it 1/2m from the ground, and the landing legs go soft and launch it upwards. yup, where does that madness come from?

    I mostly fail at this game but failing doesnt make me frustrated. nope :)

    low fps frustrates me, but there is not alot now i can do about it :/

  10. Im using mods that add parts, I did try the welding mod back on .90 but it spat a screen of text at me and refused to work. Sadly.

    Part count is a priority for payloads. I can't stand the 3 - 5 seconds it takes for 1 second to pass when i arrive wherever I'm going. Every aspect of control is difficult when theres low fps and slowdown :(

    I cant help but build big. I'd always go bigger, but my computer regularly says no.

  11. I play other games,

    Team fortress 2, minecraft, left 4 dead, rollercoaster tycoon 3 (I know!), OpenTTD, Also on my desktop is spacechem, papers, please, uplink, survivalist, elder scrolls oblivion, dig-n-rig, Path of exile, Im sure im forgetting another very important game...

  12. Soon my main crane will attach itself to the lander and leave, taking about 150 parts away - but not until the new power segments arrive. They will feature an overwhelming amount of solar power at hopefully a very low part count.

    The segments were launched in sets of four, with the quadthingimobobby. The miner, the battery, the science core & refineries were all launched seperate.

    I put a winch on the end of my cranes arm, but again forgot to bring any pieces for it - will pack some new parts to use on the next ship.

    It seems Infernal robotics is OK with docking to new pieces moving around and undocking said pieces. The problem lies in picking something up and docking that new piece I picked up to another piece (e.g the station) and then when you undock the crane, all the joints on the crane (if moved) will start to pull themselves apart.

    For next time a simple work around will be to put a docking node on the ass of my crane, not connected to any IR parts which will do the final dock. Hopefully that will be ok.


    Wow, every time i tell myself "TEST IT HERE FIRST" Then i think, naww its fool proof! LMAO I've spent SO much on this, and its taken forever.

  13. Very nice! I am building a base on minmus with similar goals (refinery & science) - despite me being parked on the greater flats my main challenges are (9fps) lack of gravity, and stupid mistakes on my own part from putting the pieces together.

    Built a lil crane to put the station pieces together, runs out infernal robotics doesn't like docking / undocking payloads :/

    My plan went to crap. At first I thought my crane was broken, so I re-built it from scratch and tried again. Then i discovered its a mod limitation.


    Thats a pic of the lander i (didn't) use, all of the parts managed to land with their middle stage LOL

    I used the crane to detach the parts from their (non) landers and place them on the ground. Then I was able to connect some parts without infernal robotic bugs.


    I ran into problems, luckily I planned for this (50% of the time) I sent another lil rover to move the parts from underneath. Sadly non of my power segments have dock node underneath.

    Wondering weather to skip this practice and get to Duna already!! I was ready to give it a rest when i realised I'd have to redesign my power segments, but thats why Im here in the first place!

  14. re-entry on atmosphere planets simulate heat now, so doing certain things to manage heat

    A heatshield underneath


    a longer re-entry so you slow down more before getting into thicker atmosphere - which will blow up Jeb at too high speeds.

    a slower re-entry, if you have fuel burning retro etc

    I have managed with heatshields - just about...

  15. LMAO all funny.

    A lil fabrication workshop where the engi can tinker and whatnot, and over time recieve "parts" from ore

    "parts" can be used to build.... things!

    Things from VAB or SPH!! Oh yes. Please.

    Over time - is emphasized.

  16. Hehe yea, spending hours driving accross minmus with a full set of kethane tanks back in .25. Think I was close to 100 tonnes.

    Crashing, re-loading.

    again and again

    Handed the reigns to MechJeb, thinking I could finally go to sleep.

    Woke up to a crashsite. re-loading.

    Spending the following evening messing around with Mechjeb controls and waypoints.

    Crashing, reloading... etc etc etc

    The next night i did the 90KM run in about 2 hours on and off. Some parts I did fast, some parts I left for MJ to do at a snails pace.

    Landing there was a great idea, sure. Ah the things we do for Kethane. And the lessons we learn.

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