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Posts posted by keeper

  1. the last time i remember dreaming about something like that in a video game must have been about 10 years ago, i was poorly, had played far too long and mostly turned into nighmares.

    I specificly remember Banjo kazooie, the big whale thing in the sewer level, that strange bouncy repetive music, and the blue eggs. Scary .... i tell ya. And there was James bond, goldeneye 5th mission i think survelance where you see Borisin teh game and run around inside the bunker, yup I was there, bad times.

    Nowadays if i found myself in space dreaming i'd probably freak out.

    Worst yet : Last week had a nightmare my car got stolen, thank god I was dreaming!! The relief when i woke up :D thank god I was dreaming

  2. When i started this career I aimed to have all the science of mun and minmus in 2 - 4 missions, and have tech tree finished. (and i give myself science boost at the start :P) Thats not my end game. Must be 10th launch now, just about done most science and on tech tree just Xenon and small parts missing.

    No time wasting now, in past versions I've mined Minmus, now I want to mine Duna before doing asteroid collections.

    I must build a new base worthy of Duna, and that is my brick wall atm, last night i spent about 4 hours messing around in VAB/SPH thinking how to make another new base but no bright ideas came, and certainly no launches :(

    All the crap I built in the past has some wierd non working vital part or mod or is buggy in some way so all vehicles are freshly built for purpose, I am missing some of my old tugs and cranes so much. I am thinking about a lorry now to tow the landed station parts. Re-entry on kerbin is not 100% for me lol so need to think about that

  3. When i started career i give myself loads of science to start, and loads of money :D

    Less grind.

    Do it. The game is yours.

    I think unlimited fuel ,unbreakable parts, and stuff like that is cheaty cheaty

    But who would ever do such things right? I dont know.

  4. Probably something like that ^^

    I have AMD 64 bit 8350, 8 cores

    nvidia gt 650 ti boost 2gb lol

    8gb ram


    I crank the rendering quality to high, have terrain details on, textures to half res :/ to save memory for mods, left the lighting/shadows default, terrain detail on medium (wishing to put on high)

    It runs ok, about 30fps... When theres less than like 50 parts fps can go from 45 - 60.

    500+ parts becomes more of a slideshow on launches, depends how warm it is inside lol.

    Graphics card fan goes like hell the whole time regardless, cpu usually around 25 % but smoothness generally depends on part count mostly. for me.

    Probably if i had better graphics card it would run smoother. But I could always turn it down a bit.

  5. yes this sometimes mostly happens in whilst in space on EVA and it turns into some mad rage of grip lacking death inducing race to grab the ladderof flingy flimsiness.


    So it might be that they dont have a deathwish, just some funkiness with the ladders hokai

  6. I thought the contracts were alright, the absurdity of some of them need declining immidiatly, no worries.

    The challenge for me is making them profit, piling on as many contracts as possible then pulling hair out trying to achieve them all in one flight heh heh heh

    Should be able to make demands or negotiate for some of those contracts though, ugh.

  7. All of my kerbals came from LKO, there was one from minmus.

    For the time being I had done passenger style landers for mass meetings on minmus, get them all their first 2 stars.

    That is very interesting going to Jool first, I was looking at Duna next, never got there though. Never set off either lol

  8. In my career play I'm proper tight with the budget, overkill on accepting contracts and watching my millions mound high.

    When I'm building my ships I skimp on everything except science equipment, they all end up looking nearly the same, and somewhat universal hunks o metal but it's nice, it's right.

  9. munted lmao

    I got my jeb, bill and bob to a minmus orbit station, sent bob out to collect some science, he got out but my view stayed on the ship - to which bob was still accounted for inside.

    Bob was out, but bob was in!

    We went back to the KSC to check the roster, we forgot to check the roster and reloaded the ship immidiatly, bob was indeed still outside, and inside the ship, and there was no room for bob to get back in the ship. At the time we put escape hatch on lockdown, Bob broke the rule and got out, there were now 3 Bobs. I was horrified at the idea. I thought my entire game was broke. I'm playing career here.

    As much as I respect Bob, I hated the new Bobs with a passion, I have a thing I shouldn't kill the kerbals and I felt a drudging & grueling sense of responsibility to save the new Bobs.

    No rescue mission was even planned, or would be a long time off at the very least, but the thought that i'd have to start again, again came to mind first. - oh no.

    I didn't want it happening to all my kerbals but google found a fix, just making room in the same cabin get them all in together and they all mould (munt?) back into one.

    Unlocked the hatch, evactuated the cabin, and got all the first and second Bob inside. There were two Bobs inside.The third Bob got in together with them & it showed only one Bob inside, with that done and everyone back inside I was left to reflect on how that could even be possible. What is wrong with that

    Bit of a faff, but the space program goes on!

    With just one Bob, thankfully.

  10. KSP takes about 20 - 30 seconds on my SSD. With about 10 small mods.

    Took about 2 mins on v0.9 with about 25 crazy mods. Never tried it on a normal hard drive but guarenteed it will be quicker loading.

    Couldn't say if the loading between scenes are quicker, (probably should be in some way) but gameplay i doubt will be affected at all.

    But SSDs' yes, not for KSP but because windows loads in about 6-10 seconds. Everything is so fast

  11. To be honest, the worst thing about watching someone play KSP is when they make a simple, tiny, mistake building their rocket, then spend 30 minutes trying to figure it out.

    Meanwhile I'm yelling at the screen, "Your fuel line is backwards dumba**!"

    My biggest peev is watching others be slow/thick, applies to any game, I especially hate it when i watch 10 mins of messing about, then they edit out loads more, and they still haven't sorted it. Or they have built something entirely different after giving up at failing.

    I don't mind a bit of trial and error, or tweaking, fiddling with small bits, so long as its editied, quick to watch, see the difference, and the video creator acknowledges what they were doing for educational purposes lol.

    I've been found guilty of trying to rotate the view on a video, but that doesn't bother me it reminds me i should be playing not watching.

    Hate watching other poeples loading screens. I have SSD, i dont record, and they're still long enough. If your making a video, you could at least edit that crap out its not hard at all. It should be mandatory you edit out loading screens if your not actively in commentary for those long few seconds.

    I think its been covered in the forums before, its just typical you want to show something off for a video on youtube, so the sun sets and its nighttime. If you're actually making a video for youtube though, if you were any kind of director you'd be playing in daytime side, so your video isn't black on black, with shades of black, with a crappy shady voice over etc.

    Laptops. I hate people using onboard mics from laptops. I can hear every keystroke you make, and half of all the keys around the one you pressed from your stubby fingers, feeling for the right key. Also onboard mouse clicky is crapy crap sound. Laptops should just GTFO.

    Also, crap microphones/low voice overs/too loud game sounds/external other non related sounds (or any variation)

    If i go on, i'll more or less be saying i'm hating youtube but thats not true at all, i can put up with some of those listed but those are just a few of what i dont like about videos of KSP on youtube. lmao essay

    EDIT: Screaming. I hate it when people scream on youtube. For whatever reason, its more painful for me than funny. Its not funny at all 99% of the time. Its your childish mind getting all worked up about a video game, and i don't want to hear it like that.

  12. Think i paid about £12 around $20 when it was 0.23.

    Totally worth it, and they did say throughout developement, get it before release and dont pay full price. I got an offer at that price.

    I think its worth it, but i'd never spend full price kind of money on games, I got other .... to pay for. :/

  13. I cram them full aswell havn't noticed any probs...

    Managed to fit : 4xGoo canisters, 4xthermometers, 4xbarometers, a structural cube thing, magnetometer and orbital telescope from dmagic slightly clipping but only a little bit no probs :) Done a few missions with that config.

    Last time i seen the craken was with clipping external mono tanks back in 0.25 :/

  14. Wicked, nice landing site.

    When i tried to land there, i went much closer to the arch where theres a (rather steep) gradient.

    The plan was to setup and eventually suspend my mun base from it using Kerbal Attachemnt system. The plan has since been upda... err postponed ;)

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