1010: Cratery Coast asks if it can have these Craters: Cratery Coast owns these territories: ALL OF THE JOOL SYSTEM And parts of Eeloo: As well as the parts of Kerbin above.
1007: Cratery Coast kicks everyone out of the Jool system. They continue sharing Eeloo. They also kick everyone out of the territories they had: (CC= Cratery Coast)
887: Dres is still in lockdown, but Barbles Kerman has gotten better. When he sees that Bop has been taken, he declares war on the Krepublic. The Krepublic leaves Eeloo in retreat.
886.3: A deadly disease wipes out 9 out of every 10 Kerbals on Dres. Something is up. Didmy Kerman has not been seen publicly in a while... Planets and Moons 886.3 and habitation levels 1-10. Moho: Krepublic 5 Eve: Krepublic. 4 Gilly: N/A 0 Kerbin: N/A 10 Mün: N/A 0 Minmus: Cratery Coast/USK 6 Duna: N/A 0 Ike: Krepublic 4 Dres: USK In lockdown because of Virus. Jool: ..... Laythe: Cratery Coast 9 Vall: Cratery Coast 4 Tylo: Cratery Coast 6 Bop: STOLEN BY KREPUBLIC FROM CRATERY! 5 Pol: Cratery Coast 6 Eeloo: Cratery/Krepublic 7
882: Barbles Kerman, the leader of Cratery Coast, falls sick. He is out of action... for now. Didmy Kerman will lead Cratery Coast until Barbles Gets better, or dies.
876: Cratery Coast launches "Operation Ruby Sunrise" to find out what is on Duna. 877: Pol is colonised permanently by Cratery Coast because of the high amount of minerals and resources on it.
873: Eeloo: 874.9: Cratery Coast has finally made Laythe fully habitable. All the salt that they had to take out of the Atmosphere and Ocean goes to Good Foods Co. and Building experimental rockets.
870: A rocket launches to Eeloo. The Cratery Probe discovers the amount of rare materials. Any country that colonises it first will be rich. They will also get snow all year round
848: Cratery Coast offers a deal. Peace is Go, but only if Cratery Coast gets the territories it lost back and the Jool System. If the awnser is no, the Grand Challcelor of the republic will be dead by 850.
847.8: A giant Station is released into Laythe orbit. It is Omega Station. But it is modified. It fires a weapon at Laythe. The weapon has been worked on for 23 years. It turns Laythe back to its original self, when "The Few" landed. 847.9: 15 Death Müns are knockout out in 25 days. Nobody knows who is responsible.