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Everything posted by DMSP

  1. Hah. Nicley made, I had a similar idea except with a habitation nodule instead of a rover. You beat me to it. Well done!
  2. There are 3 words that make up ICrashRockets name. ICrashRockets is illuminati confirmed.
  3. Thank you so much! Have a great day or night or afternoon or morning.
  4. Could you move the second one from mission reports to fan works? Thanks!
  5. Please help! http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/98102-DMSP-Missions http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/104425-Dunbas-1-The-story-of-a-base-on-Duna-Mods-can-you-move-this-to-just-plain-fan-work Thanks!
  6. Dunbas 1. Commander: Shepfred Kerman Lead Engenier: Fredby Kerman Lead Scientist: Matzon Kerman Secondary Scientist: Melfrid Kerman Well, Kerbal Kind has come so far in just a few decades. Really, I mean we were on Kerbin, and just Kerbin, 59 Years ago.- Shepfred Kerman, on Duna. Chapter 1: Touchdown Commander's log: Duna Entry 1: Ok.. We are on Duna! It is so diffrent from Kerbin, and very different from cold, dark interplanetery space. It is nice to look out of the window here. So much red. I can't wait to start my new life. The supply ship is on its way, with a new module. Crew is excited, and I am glad they are. I'll miss Kerbin, but at least the sunset was nice Shepfred: Well guys, good work. We are here on Duna, and we will survive. So quit worrying Melfrid! Melfrid: Ok, Ok! How about we get to work and collect some samples. Shepfred: No need!, I went EVA and here *Gives Matzon 4 rocks* I got some rocks. Matzon: Thanks. *Fredby climbs into the habitat* Fredby: Kerbol set. It is very dark and eerie outside. KSC is asking for status. What should I say? Shepfred: Say that Dunbas 1 is ready for anything. Fredby: Rodger that. As the crew went to sleep in their modules, Ike shone above. KSC relaxed as they knew the hard part was over. Or was it.... ''How do you like it guys? Give feedback please!
  7. This happens to me, but I do not mind. My cargo bays go all white. It is on and off. Also my Habitat pack does it too but that's fine, just a bug.
  8. When you get to the mun, land, return to kerbin, and then stage.
  9. Did you know that Kerbals control humans and we are all in Human Space Program? HSP
  10. Darn... Good point. Can you lock this?
  11. From visual surveys. We should make a list of locations and their names. It could help us map Kerbin and other celestial bodies.
  12. Anyone have the coordinates of the boulder? #Savethemagicboulder
  13. OK then, my mobile research base on Ike is launching its lander to the north pole... Report back soon. [Edit]: Jool and Moho are perfectly alined with an eclipse coming... Weird Stuff is happening... [Edit]: Kerbin is alined too! Oh gosh... [Edit]: Eclipse ended. Nothing to report.
  14. Glad it helped! I never noticed the payloads! I have the crafts now, thanks! You are epic at designing.
  15. Jool! Can we make a pizza explore space manually alone?
  16. Hi! Can you post some of your payloads, like the one you put on Laythe in your "Astroliner XI SSTO - Tiny cargo to Laythe" video? I love building ground bases, and things like the Payloads in your videos would be epic to have! Your craft are epic +Rep! Thanks, DMSP.
  17. Has anyone checked on the old easter eggs? Anyone found some? There is a part that says "Kurvy"! I think it is the Mk2 to Mk3 adapter! Let's find some!
  18. Guys, my first mission in 0.90... WAS A GREAT (un) SUCCESS! Jeb, Bill and Bob are on Laythe...
  19. YES YES YES! Now I can build really ugly cargo shuttles no deliver lots of modules to my bases! Great work on the update, Squad. I don't think there is any game better than Kerbal Space Program. I can't wait to check this out! [Edit]: EVERYONE CHECK OUT THE EASTER EGGS they might be back!
  20. *Cough* We really need to sort out our allies... *Cough* *Cough*
  21. 1126.1: IPVs are modified with heavy guns, and the name of KW2 switches to KeW1, as in Kerbol War 1. Old IPVs and ships are used as shells from orbit. "Operation Abort (Citizens)" commences, and the citizens of CC are sent on multiple IPVs to _______.
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