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Everything posted by DMSP

  1. *Cough* We really need to sort out our allies... *Cough* *Cough*
  2. 1126.1: IPVs are modified with heavy guns, and the name of KW2 switches to KeW1, as in Kerbol War 1. Old IPVs and ships are used as shells from orbit. "Operation Abort (Citizens)" commences, and the citizens of CC are sent on multiple IPVs to _______.
  3. This would help because I tend to use spoilers to hide big chunks of text. Is there an option? Thanks, Dmsp.
  4. What does that mean? 1135.59: CC IPV Cruiesser arrives in Laythe orbit. Typical supplie day. Then, nuclear bombers hit vall. CC scrambles fighters. (Help me out with KW2 because it needs to happen.)
  5. Not about gameplay, but about the forums. When I am editing a page with spoilers, there is a lot of text in the spoilers. I tend to make spoliers to hide large amounts of text, but is there a way to hide them whilst editing/creating a post? Thanks, DMSP (Also, if you could, add this feature! I will help in any way!)
  6. Here is an idea I had, but I don't know if it counts because I crashed at the end. I had forgotten to add parachutes but it would have made no difference to the mission (Apart from the landing) considering I had more than 200 delta V at the end. Enjoy!
  7. 1328.2: CC, noticing the flaron's new aircraft, starts to launch long range flex and strech missions. IPVs are put on alert.
  8. Not here apparently. worir4 the nose cone.
  9. See... It almost messed up the game.
  10. This was banned a while ago, no time traveling...
  11. Here is a whole album I made. Pretty simple editing though.
  12. 1320.1: Inter Munar Missiles launch and destroy every remenent of the Republic of Minmus. The Valkyries that were destroyed were in a "Graveyard" and the cities were heavily fortified factories. Casualties were minimum. Good thing: No more IXSs and CC IPVs blowing up.
  13. Yep, right here and checking in. Ikaneko?
  14. This is not mrrpamplemousse checking in. Gene Kerman
  15. 1315.6: CC is having a meeting with Kasa, when the outpost they are meeting at is attacked. Firefight between the hostiles breaks out. Jeb the XV is almost killed, and Barbles narrowly escapes. The attackers are from "The Republic of Minmus". War is declared. The war is over in a matter of hours when a Valkyrie bombs The Republic of Minmus's home base. Crises averted.
  16. 1315.4: Something is found on the Mun... A particle accelerator ring. Also, a fusion core. Near it the trashed components of a CC Ark station. The Accelerator ring and Fusion Core belong to an IXS. The surviving station parts have scorch and laser holes in them. They were attacked. The fusion core also has some... There is one survivor in a Habitation Module of the IXS. He is a young Kerbal. He is picked up holding his plush Kraken.
  17. Question: Is there a chance you could make a Part list? I think it would make your mod experience better, because some people would only like certain parts so they know what to delete/not delete from their game data folder. I can help if you want. -Dmsp
  18. Did you know that Pizzas are intelligent beings waiting to kill us all?
  19. DMSP


    Ok then... Sure... This is definitely not creepy at all... Hm? Whats that? Can I smell sarcasm? OMG The English Container! #Illuminati Unconfirmed
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