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Everything posted by silverfox8124

  1. Rebalance in what ways? Efficiency, thrust, weight, size? And on the note of starting off small, 'tis a good thing to do, as my first mod, Kerbal Weather Systems, has turned out to be quite the project for my first mod... so take it from someone who has a bit of experience when I say, take it easy, step by step. Look over part config files and see what you can do there to get a feel for things, then maybe peruse through some mods you find may have the functionality of yours, then look through their code to get a footing of how they may do things, and how you may also achieve said things. As for making it downloadable, just take the folder you got the part config from, and package that as a download, when users go to install the mod, it will over-write the configs to give them your values instead of Squad's. It's as simple as that! From a fellow Furry fuzzy animal, I wish you the best in your KSP modding adventures! ~SilverFox8124 P.S There is an IRC channel specifically for KSP modders called #kspmodders on Espernet IRC network. If you haven't used IRC before, here is a web client to get you connected and started: http://webchat.esper.net/?channels=kspmodders
  2. Lightning and storms shouldn't be asked for at the time, seeing how my mod even lacks the basics to start lightning, or thunderstorms. So put plain and simply, I put anywhere from 6+ hours on a weekday, to over 12+ hours on a weekend day, EVERY DAY into this mod, I've been dedicating a lot of time to pump out updates and features at the speed I have. And yes, this mod has tons of potential, which is something that might end up killing the mod some day, simply because it will be too overwhelming to handle when you have so many feature requests and things to try and keep track of, not to mention when you try and implement features that aren't really given the best options available (Like how I don't see any way to set the temperature at a specific location, so I'll have to do lots of magic to try and get that to work) that can be very hard to work with and implement. All in all, I'd like it if we all kept our dreams and inspirations to a time where the mod shows that it can move that way. Yes, I have a hopes and dreams section, but it's there for hopes and dreams, something to aspire to, not to be accomplished right away. I know how ansy you guys are to have all these cool weather features, but even with the bare "basics" I have now over 4 thousand lines of code, that's 4000+ lines of code to make it work, and it's only doing so very little. I'm not to discourage your suggestions, but I'm showing you all how much I actually have on my plate right now and that sometimes suggesting things that won't happen until a month down the road, isn't such a good thing for productivity. I really appreciate all of your support, suggestions, downloads, even donations if you were so kind as to donate so I can offset some of the electrical bills and time this takes up to do. With that being said, I am doing this all for you guys, for FREE. In fact, I pay for you guys to have this mod in your games and KSP installs, just out of my love for sharing wonderful ideas and things that can be done. Again, thank you all for your support, I am very hard at work with this mod, and I'm making sure that all things are good to go feature wise and everything else so that it can be shipped out to you guys to download and use. As always, have fun flying and don't let the calm breezes stall you out! ~Mwah <3~ ~SilverFox8124
  3. @tofox, that's planned to happen, however KSP isn't really made out too well for the whole weather thing as it may seem so far. I'm still working on finding a good way to go about setting/ changing the temperatures in given places, and going about daytime heating/nighttime cooling, as well as high fronts and low fronts for pressure systems. Also, yes, they will be very different from planet to planet, Probably not in the near future, but in due time harsh winds will blow through jool and the such. Implementing weather is quite the challenge I must say.
  4. @Spacepetscompany, Hrmmm... I'll look into that, that may be seen sometime soon. Depending on how easy it would be to implement.
  5. @TavishThomas, I've put a GREAT deal of thought into the rain, how it should be implemented, and how I'd like to go about it. Here's why you can't do an overlay: -In basics, no matter the camera angle, the rain would always look like it's moving "down" relative to your camera, so if your camera is above the ship, rain is now moving sideways. A way around that would be to adjust the overlay depending on camera angle relative to ship, which would get overly complex, require several overlays, and would ultimately use more resources than reasonably wanted. -To the above, it would be "better" to replace the overlay with a particle emitter above the camera, so you have the particle effect actually moving along a plane instead of textures, and there's a good chunk more I can do with particles than textures. But problem with this, is that you have the camera angle problem again, and to get around that would be overly complex and would end up wasting time to code when easier methods are available. Another problem would be that the rain should stop when it hits the ship, which if you have an overlay, or particle system above the camera, would require unnecessary ray-casting to see if the particle is supposed to be dead or not. A better idea than the overlay, but still not the best option so far. -The option I'm taking, and what I see as best fit, easiest to implement based on current systems, and functionality and the vast things that it can provide, is to have the particles that make up the clouds, emit the rain particles, through a sub-emitter system. The cloud particles give me the inherited velocity that would be imposed on the rain particle, the location for the rain to spawn from, the actual effect of the rain coming from the clouds, make the rain look like it does IRL sorta, and it can affect the surrounding terrain and vehicles, even buildings. Using this method also allows way for other weather stuff to happen, such as snow, lightning, tornadoes, and anything else I come to think of that can utilize it. Since I'd using the cloud particles to obtain the inherited properties from (horizontal speed from the cloud's momentum imposed on the raindrop, height of the cloud particle, and location of the rain to spawn from, as well as a few good other properties), this makes it all the much easier to pass information on to the raindrops, and even give way to having splashing effects when the particles hit terrain or other objects. The rain could also affected by wind in this scenario, which would be simulated as an external force via the wind at the particles altitude as it falls, which wouldn't be simulated in the first two methods. This method however, would most likely be the most tasking, resource wise, but that all comes with playing around with values and the such. It'd be similar to how Minecraft's framerate drops when it starts to rain, just because of all those particles being spawned. It's a different situation with the snow however, as it falls slower (do to it's flat surface imposing drag on it) and there can be less of it to cause the same effect, with lasting longer, there are less calls made to draw new particles, and this shows vast performance increases when compared to rain. TL;DR Overlay would be too stupidly complex to implement, particles above camera can't orient properly, Rain comes from clouds, period.
  6. @tofox, Like, In reality, there aren't people who set the wind speeds, it happens naturally, that is my goal with this, is for weather to happen naturally instead of the user having to set it.
  7. @AndreyATGB, well, wind is a magical invisible force that pushes your stuff around, I don't know how else I can make the wind better in regards to how you're thinking about it. I'm working on getting a formula down for proper wind speeds at certain altitudes, that will probably come in the next patch. Rain would be fun to have, but it's going to be a lot of work, and may be not happen for a few patches yet. But I can guarantee that rain will come.
  8. @Max.10.07, Nope, they are just for pretty stuffs, As we speak, I am working on making them move with the wind. I am also looking into getting Rain into the mix, and re-calculating how wind should behave in the atmosphere, (as it's quite tricky because there are values that I need to be able to change, but can't directly change them..) and plenty other things. And if you are more satisfied with better atmo's clouds, then use better atmo's clouds, but I do not suggest having both mods installed, as I don't think the clashing cloud layers would look good. And if you want more clouds, press ALT + N to bring up the cloud GUI, you can add your own layers that way.
  9. Yes, wind happens on ANY body that has atmosphere. @Morthgal_dwarf, I don't know why either, because you haven't told me anything except "it doesn't work" Can you please give me the information I requested?
  10. @Morthgal_Dwarf, you say you can't see my GUI? What mods do you have installed? @xXIndestructibleEVAXx, Yes, it adds clouds to all the native planets with atmo, if you add your own planet, it won't have the clouds, as I haven't worked on an implementation for such yet.
  11. @sober 667: I did do that at one point, but I removed it when I revamped the wind as the automatic gusts and stuff were just stupidly written.
  12. Update! Interesting things are happening... My Easterly wind seems to be backwards once again, I will pump out a patch for this ASAP, as well with the patch will include the 2d cloud overlay. EDIT: PATCH IS OUT, PLEASE UPGRADE TO LATEST VERSION.
  13. @AndreyATGB, Trust me, he is hard at work and is applying work to EVE as well, a large overahul is on it's way for EVE.
  14. @AndreyATGB, Im sorry to say but it'd be redundant to have EVE installed as well as KWS. You'd have conflicts of overlay data. Also, I wouldn't have clouds that don't move by wind. I'd probably have them not moving with wind, just for the time being, but i will work my hardest to make sure they can move one way or another!
  15. Update: I'm getting real close to having a cloud overlay being put into the game guys, just need to find out what's causing my overlay to not appear, and then I'll have some moving clouds to you all reals soon!
  16. Hrm, if there are any part makers who are passing by on this thread, it would be lovely to have your assistance for making sails and other parts. If any of you have experience making parts, please PM me
  17. @ymir9 Solar wind isn't wind per se, but it's the electro-magnetic radiation emitted from the sun during either coronal mass ejections, or whatever else the sun has in it's kit to spew out radiation. TLDR; Solar wind is sun magics, and it may make it's way in eventually. Current development has almost grinded to a halt because of my brain refusing to learn the ways of texturing and mapping that to overlays...
  18. @Mekan1K No, It uses FAR as a dependancy, you MUST install FAR as said in the OP.
  19. @rpayne88: I very much appreciate the offer, and may have to take you up on it. But now is not said time. Try asking again when more weather options are available from my mod. <3
  20. Update! Version has been released! GUI stuffs added and textboxes to play with!
  21. @landeTLS: If that was a question asking where I'm going with things, turbulence is something I've been looking over, but it's debatable at this time whether it will be added or not.
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