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Everything posted by silverfox8124

  1. @DaMichel: Fun game to play, see how high you can set the wind and try and make a safe landing
  2. @nismobg: I've been talking to Rbray about it all, and EVE just doesn't have the capabilities it needs to be used in the way I want, I'm taking from his teachings and EVE's code however, so it will be very much like it for a while. When it comes, I'm sure it'll be well worth the wait.
  3. Impending update incoming! Alpha 0.0.4: Major wind re-work, update to newest FAR, and proper wind directions! Expected release in a day or so.
  4. @MoeslyArmlis: While certain things might be cool to have, I'm more focused on the necessities of weather systems rather than little auxiliary phenomena. As I'm quite sure you don't have a super computer lying around to dedicate to the heavy computing that is required for real-time weather mapping and simulating. I have to market this and make this for the average computer.
  5. @AndreyATGB: I'd settle for no less than clouds that could move with the wind!
  6. @illectro: That's always been a thing, when you have force on the wing, yet the wing isn't being pushed by any sort of "thrust" ie. engines, it thinks of it as the wing is stalled, or it could be that there's force acting on the wing, but the wing isn't moving. Could you give me screenshots or more information on how you have your craft set up?
  7. @illectro: Have you tried structural panels? They were updated in the newest release of FAR, and they are showing no stall, just a large AoE sideslip, which is to be expected with sailing craft.
  8. @NotExactlyRocketDesign: Yes, I am updating the download link now.
  9. Have you tried calling for Biome.LowestHeight and Biome.HighestHeight yet? Those have been working for me if you do them right.
  10. Steven, If you're using raycasts for measuring the distance to ground, then just do so. You can call a ray's distance travelled and it also has a vector to it which you can return. No matter what planet/mun you're on, you can raycast the ground and get the "real" altitude by raycasting the ground and getting the distance travelled by the ray. ~SilverFox8124
  11. Update!: Wind directions have been implemented to be scientifically accurate: "Northerly" winds, for example, are winds that come from the north, and head south.
  12. @boomerang, Sorry to hear you've given those mods up, I'd love to have this work with stock, but it's a mod that requires FAR, You wouldn't be seeing this mod without FAR essentially.
  13. @Everyone, mod link is now fixed, you can now download the mod from Kerbal Stuff.
  14. @all of you: I'm looking into this, as I can download the mod just fine, even when seeing the page as if I wasn't logged in.
  15. @kolago: Weather science and alerts ARE planned and WILL happen in due time.
  16. @Spacepetscompany: Yes, Having Toolbar compatibility would be awesome.
  17. #kujuman: I do have plans for weather stations being able to give reports and such other data, I also have plans for weather satellites.
  18. @kiwiak: I have not spoken to the creator of scansat for mod support, probably won't for a while. And as for the navball, I dont think that'll happen anytime soon, or perhaps at all. And even without scansat, pilots still have to factor in wind conditions.
  19. Update! Kerbal Weather Systems Alpha is out! Enjoy the new GUI!
  20. Update!: GUI is finally coming along, after 2 days of straight GUI work, I've finally got something better looking and set the basis for other weather controls for the future! Eeee! Can't wait to pump it out to all of you! <3
  21. @xxjetterxx: Sadly, no, the automatic wind feature was a thing, but since the code overhaul of 0.0.2, I've removed it's functionality for now. I will add it back again when I have reliable data and formulas to work off of.
  22. Update!: the coordinate system that kerbin uses isnt matching as it should be, im working on getting the wind to work as it should, but for now please bare with it while i get a patch ready. ~SilverFox8124
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