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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. @FreeThinker, that looks like it is the same issue. I'll wait for the new release and will test again. Now the bigger question... What am I going to do over the weekend now??
  2. I have done some more testing in a cleaner environment. Clean install of KSP, KSPI-E, Dependencies that are included with KSPI-E, and Hyperedit. Looks like we do have a bug. The TLDR is that we are actually relaying power. It is just converting it from any band to microwave. I'm actually able to transmit IR and receive Microwave by forcing it to go through the UV Light Mirror. I will perform a lot more testing/debugging, write a proper write up, and do some bug hunting this weekend.
  3. Fair enough. I'll give you a hand. I'll set up a test environment with just KSPI-E, its dependencies, and hyper edit. If I can repro I will see if I can see anything in the source code and or config files.
  4. Hello Everyone, Forgive me as my googlefoo is failing me. First of all, I just want to say excellent work with this mod. It has been some time sense I have played with Interstellar and the improvements that have been made are incredible. Especially with the mechanics of power distribution. Speaking of power distribution, I have a question. Currently I have a power plant on Minmus, This plant has the capability of transmitting Microwave, UV, and Infrared power. This is done through using the Free Electron Laser and Gyroton, Around Minmus, Mun, and Kerbin I have my communication and relay satellites. There are two types, relay for Microwave power which utilize the Phased Microwave Transceiver, and relays for UV which have the UV Light Mirror. My issue is, no matter what band the Free Electron Laser is set on, the relays do not relay UV power. This includes the visible light spectrum as well. If I have a clear line of sight to the power plant, I have no issues, can receive power on any band. Microwave power relays work fine, though from Minmus the loss is laughable which I would expect. What am I missing? Thanks for the help.
  5. Thanks Ya'll, I'm planning on using CRP and Regolith. I'm still in the early planing stages and haven't gotten into the development part yet. Also trying to work with an old high school buddy of mine to see if he is willing to help with models and textures. I'm good with code, but when it comes to making things pretty... not so much.
  6. Good Evening Everyone, I'm currently in the planing stages of a new mod. Essentially there are some things that I would like to see in KSP, and I have some free time on my hands so I figured why not. Has the modding community created a "standard" when it comes to custom resource properties and extraction? I have seen the Custom Resource Pack, ORS, and ORSX. All appearing to have standardization and compatibility in mind. If there is not a standard go to solution, I have no problem building my own. Just would rather my projects be compatible with others.
  7. It has already been done. Check out this thread http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/104943-0-90-KSP-Interstellar-port-maintance-thread?p=1630968&viewfull=1#post1630968
  8. Thanks for the info. Unfortunately I do not have the time to jump in and help out. Years ago I was big into modding, but now that adult hood has caught up to me time is ever so precious. Now and days most of my time is devoted to work managing servers and network infrastructure. Have any idea on how to fix a bad block on a raid 5 array, with out doing a low level format and rebuilding the server from scratch? Chkdsk has failed me. Anyway back on topic. Thank you for your help and all the work you do for the KSP community. I do appreciate it.
  9. Quick and hopefully simple question. What resources / activities have background processing enabled? For example, Antimatter will continue to collect when a craft in unloaded. If you have an ISRU Refinery mining water, is it supposed to continue in the background? Will Tritium decay into H3?
  10. The periods do seem to move slightly if the vessel is unloaded. We are talking fractions of what they are if the vessel is loaded though. My guess would be since the vessel is unloaded calculations are happening less frequently. I have also notices that this only happens if i am orbiting a moon. My nodes around Kerbin and Duna are not affected.
  11. Hey Everyone, I have done some googling and searching on various threads on the KSP forums, but I can not figure out why this issue is happening. I have placed a com network around Kerbin, Mun, Minmus, and Duna. Using Kerbal Engineer I am able to get my orbital periods to mach down to .1 second. Here is my issue. My satellites around the Mun and Minmus seem to speed up on their own. I can have on of the satellites set as an active vessel and watch the orbital period slowly change. After 10 Kerbal years, the networks around Mun, and Minmus are out of sync. Kerbin, and Duna are holding up just fine. I know this isn't a remote tech problem, in fact it may not even be a problem at all. Anyone know how to combat this? Thanks, Zach R Edit: Added some Pics http://imgur.com/a/2trtX#0
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