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Everything posted by Spheniscine

  1. By the way, it also affects the CoM (if their parent is off-center). Unfortunately neither the stock editor CoM nor the KER flight engineer (thrust offset/thrust torque) display the effect.
  2. Physicsless parts now add their mass to the parent part. However, the editor does not shift the CoM accordingly when that parent part is off-center (e.g. http://gyazo.com/582c25afe07a8f182da6b5197378855c )
  3. Actually, with a polar orbit, you won't need much delta-V for plane changes. Switching back to KSC so that you can warp faster than 50x could get tedious though.
  4. Apparently we saved the ROUND-8 (against being repurposed as a xenon tank), but they forgot to move it? o.o
  5. (1.0) Physicsless parts now add their mass to the parent part; this affects delta-v and thrust-to-weight. (One can build a rig that fires two identical SRBs side by side to prove this.) KER still doesn't account for that.
  6. Gave this mod a try and apparently when I "revert to assembly" with a hangar the game sometimes crashes. Here's my crash logs: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/26985795/ksp%202015-04-03_024616.zip
  7. To get the navball to be more useful for rovers (showing heading and level) you need to either place a docking port in the front, or rotate your probe core. Or use the external seat for manned rovers.
  8. Sure, Waypoint Manager will show you the locations of the waypoints within the flight view. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/104758-0-90-Waypoint-Manager-v2-1-4-2015-02-23-%28Formerly-In-Flight-Waypoints%29
  9. Ah well maybe I'll just launch new ones. It's an opportunity to make my designs more "user-friendly" at least. Also looks like only the Kerbin system is eligible. I'm not exactly looking forward to "send four tourists to Eve Base Alpha... and return" anyway
  10. Really nice. Too bad about the station/base contracts though... they require empty space on those to spawn, and before this mod I have been filling them up completely just for the heck of it... >.< Bases I can make some kerbals EVA I suppose. I am reluctant to leave kerbals from stations floating in space though...
  11. Mine is en route to Jool, for a very special Anomaly Surveyor mission. Bob is keeping him company.
  12. You have to be careful with the interplanetary transfer, and make course corrections to ensure that you enter at the correct side of your destination. It is helpful to focus view on the destination (double click, or click → Focus View) so that your trajectory is shown relative to it. Ensure your hyperbolic trajectory passes the right side before the exit symbol. Even now, just after you enter the SOI, you might be able to reverse your orbit by burning anti-radial for a while; it would require more fuel than a midcourse correction, but less than after orbital insertion/aerobraking. Or you could capture to an extremely elliptical orbit, then reverse your orbit at the apoapsis, where your velocity is low.
  13. Awr just my luck; when I recompleted the Mun monolith contract I got a contract to explore Pol instead (which cannot be declined). Ah well, next synodic period or two, I suppose...
  14. Oh dear... this is worrying. I just accepted that contract too, and couldn't see the orbit of the mystery object from the tracking station - when I Hyperedited a craft there just to see if it waited till then to show me, it doesn't recognize that it has orbited Jool... edit: Confirmed - my save is effectively broken and stock contracts won't recognize the position of my crafts either. Luckily I have a quicksave from when I landed for the Mun monolith contract... re-edit: If it's important, I had been neglectful in updating and was using ContractConfigurator v0.6.3
  15. Vall needs an anomaly symbol option, please. (not gotten there yet but you know)
  16. When you call counterclockwise "prograde" and clockwise "retrograde"
  17. Hmm... I think my pyramid contract may have been accepted from an older version...
  18. The waypoint for the desert pyramids is also a bit (few hundred meters) off. Screenshot (Spoiler Alert): https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/26985795/KSP-Pyramids-offset.png Also, I recommend putting the waypoint on the statue/idol, since it is the most interesting feature.
  19. Yes, I have a contract for temperature readings on waypoints over Jool. Will try the fix and let you know. edit: It appears to work (GUI works; not tried using the waypoints on Jool or anywhere else yet). Thanks for the mod! Log file: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/26985795/KSP%20%282%29.log
  20. CC has the *option* to disable stock contracts, so that you can build "story-based" contract packs without them getting in the way. It doesn't disable them by default. There's a config file (GameData/Squad/Contracts/Contracts.cfg) that you can edit to choose which contracts would show up though. Though I'm not sure I'd recommend disabling the part-test contracts, unbalanced though they may be, since there aren't that many options for early-game contracts in the current version.
  21. Yeah I see a lot of NullReferenceExceptions... [EXC 03:34:10.338] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object WaypointManager.Util.TerrainHeight (Double latitude, Double longitude, .CelestialBody body) WaypointManager.Util.WaypointHeight (FinePrint.Waypoint w, .CelestialBody body) WaypointManager.WaypointData.CacheWaypointData () WaypointManager.WaypointManager.OnGUI () Full log: https://www.dropbox.com/s/4oy0rkfzy3ixo1w/KSP.log?dl=0
  22. For some reason the GUI doesn't seem to work for me: http://gyazo.com/2e4b33e0edc6b3a36d2e734bfb4df2b9 None of the buttons work; the window can't even be dragged.
  23. Hmm... perhaps it's because the mass ratios in KSP are different from the model planes you're used to? Make sure the center-of-lift stays behind the center-of-mass, and all that... oh and don't forget shifting as fuel is burned...
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