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Everything posted by DocMop

  1. Mmh, then how do you get these penalties after all? Without running out of time that is.
  2. @LMA No. It just sets a fixed value for some defined parts. @Tortoise You already have ModuleManager included why not use it? Instead of packing every part config in the download and then let people override the stock files, you can put all your changes in one config file and let ModuleManager apply them. This way you do not have to overwrite stock files (which is no good idea because stuff can depend on them). Here is a example of my fuelWings.cfg @PART[wingStrake] { RESOURCE { name = LiquidFuel amount = 0 maxAmount = 25 } MODULE:NEEDS[CrossFeedEnabler] { name = ModuleCrossFeed } } @PART[structuralWing] { ... A bonus is, with the ":NEEDS[]" command you can apply changes dynamicly depending on the presence of other mods. In this case it will only apply the CrossFeed module if CrossFeedEnabler is present somewhere in gamedata. The big advantage is that you can support other mods (however, they are not "required" so people can choose not to use them) without the hassle of having to always keep an eye on them for actualisations as you can just tell people "My mods supports these mods: <link to the other mod>". And you don't get problems with other mod authors because you redistribute their mods which may violate their licence and copyright (REALLY BAD THING!). Here are instructions on how to use ModuleManager to apply changes to other parts: https://github.com/sarbian/ModuleManager/wiki Edit: Good explanation fo the NEEDS command:
  3. I will answer for him as I have the same problem: No empty stage under the chute. And it doesn't matter if the chute is alone in one stage or grouped with other stuff like engines. The result is always: No deployment.
  4. Maybe this was changed in the latest version but does your addon take the difficulty settings for science into account, especially the multipliers? Also it seems to not register my experiments all the time: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=327881026 http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=327880990 Custom Biomes is installed.
  5. Is there a way to uninstall RealChutes from a savegame? If I just delete the folder I get problems in the game like not beeing able to go back to the KSC overview screen (where you see all the buildings).
  6. Bug report for v1.2.1: When I open the AFBW interface to change some settings, all mouse and keyboard input is deactivated after leaving the interface. If I go back to the main menu via ESC, all the menu items are "greyed out" and there is no mouse. The only thing still usable is blizzys toolbar and the buttons on it. Also the "treat hats as buttons" option seems not to work with my thrustmaster T16000.
  7. The Vulcan can not be fired via action groups, only via mouse click. Or did I miss something? Would be nice if it could be fired like any other weapon so I can hook it up with my joystick I guess it's a problem with the continuous fire and the input event?
  8. I had the same problem as tg626 (post #2444) with the RealChute Stack Chute. Interesting fact: After switching to an other vessel and back to this one. everything beneath my capsule was gone and my crew was missing. However, when I accelerated the time, the rest of the ship reappeared (without crew) as long as I stayed in warp. The vessel was stock besides some ScanSat equipment and a Karbonite detector.
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