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Everything posted by selfish_meme

  1. The spider engines are part of the suspension, not meant to be used, they surface mount to each other and help absorb the weirdness that happens to wheels when you do hard turns and provide a batter damping rate. The stock wheels are well known for being 'flippy', with these types of suspension systems the rovers are much better behaved. The batteries are part seat recreation and part preparation for the Elcano Challenge that I then decided was just too long/hard to accomplish.
  2. Good stuff, I was going to put it in my rover as well. I let Claw know because I can't see much use for it and I would rather have them work properly, maybe he can fix them in SBFM
  3. Also use shock cone intakes they are the least draggy, even better than any nosecone you can put on
  4. The LV-N is a nuclear engine and only uses liquid fuel, you have a LF and O tank on there plus xenon tanks but no ion drive?
  5. I really love this thing. Looks exactly like the chassis of the car I released yesterday http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/130958-Kakar-R1-Off-Road-Test-Vehicle
  6. A docking port Kraken just ate/stole my last project! Literally, it just flew off the side of the launch pad.
  7. Are you using Rapier Spikes at the back? Either a small nose cone turned around on the back of the rapier or a shock cone at the back, clip it inside so only the point sticks out.
  8. Windows? 32bit or 64bit? Your CPU is not very powerful, good enough just barely, on top of 32bit, you probably don't have enough oomph
  9. I wonder if this is the Kraken that strikes so many bases on Mun and Minmus?
  10. Seems to be, also seems to be limited to ground, got some airplane wheels and wings on it, launched it from the runway. Works as expected but the force does not seem to be evident once the wheels leave the ground, it is also affected by the torque input, i.e. slows down when you have a direction button pushed, I have two probes now, I will change root part and see if it remains. - - - Updated - - - So far top speed has only been about 60m/s (water usually gets in the way) - - - Updated - - - It might be possible to turn this into a Kraken drive, would be handy in space for a 0 fuel drive, but I don't think it's gonna be launching anything big. Little probes could use it though. I will upload a test craft for you all. - - - Updated - - - Let's hope it's not something one of my mods or install has produced, if someone could confirm that would be great download
  11. Stuck some wheels on it, confirmed it keeps accelerating, at least till it hits the water. I guess I cam going to have to upload the craft file for people to test.
  12. I'm wondering if it has to do with the docking ports, the first decoupler is supposed to allow it to turn, the second decoupler just has a cubic strut at the back that prevents the docking ports coming together till the turn is finished. It might be the magnetic force between the decouplers which means, yes I have discovered a new Kraken drive.
  13. That's what I thought, I initially thought it was a problem with a type of decoupler so I changed them, which required a decent rework. It's fair to say the phantom force of small white radial decoupler continued after it left the launch pad and continued accelerating across the grass. hmm, I'm trying to think how to use this?
  14. So I was building some hinges and trying different variations to get the effect I wanted, I just want the parts to separate so I set the decoupler force to 0, by the way I have done this with a couple of decouplers and then tried adding the I beam for heft. 0 force is a lot more force than I want! Edit: it's the Docking ports, not the decouplers. Has been tested to work with all ports. Craft file in thread, only works on ground so far, is a great rover engine, BlueCanary has made it throttleable.
  15. I thought I would put this up as the chassis can be copied and used for other things.. The Kakar is quite competent in it's own right but what I would actually use it for is a mystery. I needed a break from hinges and since I had been testing rover suspension components recently I decided to build a rover. Lots of nebulous goals, 70's muscle car replica, Elcano challenger, new suspension for The Dunation rover. What I ended up with looks a bit like a Paris to Dakar rally car so that's what it is. I was testing RevanaCortanas and Azimechs suspension and decided to combine the two. Revana's was great for smaller lighter rovers and Azimechs helped larger machines. Together they make this 5t rally car quite easy to drive. When things go wrong they are easy to recover from. I would not say it is the best suspension ever in KSP () but t's pretty good. So besides the suspension what else has it got? 4 wheel drive, two wheel steering. Brake Lights, Bright Front lights Good ground clearance will handle up to 2x time acceleration (3x if you are prepared to suffer cosmetic damage), 4x is a no no Integrated Roll Cage Front and Rear Protection Bars top speed 21.5m/s (adding ion engines makes hardly any difference, do not do) Top Speed turning without rolling unless you have just completed some fast plane changes and are trying to then reverse direction of turn. Even then cease steering input and it will return to level. 4 RTG's just in case you too decide to do the Elcano challenge, easily removable in case you too decide not to do the Elcano challenge (Hint go North to the ice, turn right follow ice coast till you hit the next continent, head South/West? sorta until back at KSC. Download
  16. I already gave you rep for something else so I am writing here about how awesome this is and hope to feature one friday!
  17. Plus if you run linux you can run ksp 64bit with all the mods, see the linux support thread though, AMD Is not the best choice for linux
  18. You put your craft up as comparison, not me. If you want to make claims provide proof.
  19. OK, donning my asbestos tights RevanaCortana's suspension in my opinion is better and different than MajorJims (who credits Vagani for his suspension) and also Azimechs. I use versions of MajorJim's suspension on my Rovers and RevanaCortana's suspension is definitely better. No mid wheel flex on maximum steer, and stiff enough to minimise body roll. My opinion is based on having tested my own Rovers a lot and Revana's, MajorJim's and Azimech's. To figure out what's what. i don't know who came up with the multi spider engine originally, but RevanaCortana has tweaked it very well. If anyone doubts this they can do their own tests but this is two seconds in from using Azimech's, it took longer to load that goddam beautiful beast. It's not all roses, Azimech does have suspension tweaks in the form of struts between mid wheels but they don't do enough to stop the above. Also it's just a plain logical fallacy to claim to have the best suspension. If you are smart enough for this then you are smart enough to understand the black swan fallacy. The absence of black swans does not mean they do not exist. i.e not being able to find better suspension does not mean that better suspension does not exist and to claim it is forum flame bait. Cheers Selfish Meme (for professional rover testing call 555 55555)
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