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Everything posted by selfish_meme

  1. I understand it works well for you, but from the other recent force dx11 thread others have experienced quite a variety of glitches.
  2. Frm what I understand the stock game loads up at 2.1gb with no mods (probably dx9) but some people report graphics glitches with dx11 and even corrupted saves. This is from another thread.
  3. The power supply delivers multiple outputs at different voltages and its 10 or 5 amps at 115v or 230vv
  4. Are you playing career, I think you have not upgraded your mission control and telescope, the grey means you can't place a manoeuvre node
  5. I have heard bad things about the DirectX 11 'setting', sorry I don't use Windows anymore and am not up to date on what goes on. So is it officially supported for KSP or is it a Unity CLI thing? This is my mod list, I am using the high 8K textures for Eve and Astronomers (which is what I guess this guy wants to do). When I checked last night KSP_64 was using 68% of my RAM ActiveTextureManagement MechJeb2 RCSBuildAid BoulderCo ModuleManager.2.6.6.dll Squad CollisionFX ModuleManager.ConfigCache StockBugFixModules DistantObject ModuleManager.ConfigSHA TakeCommand EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements ModuleManager.Physics TextureReplacer IntakeBuildAid ModuleManager.TechTree TriggerTech Kerbaltek PlanetShine
  6. Unless you are using the Windows 64bit hack, or the Directx11 hack, then my mods won't run on your computer, I have ATM aggressive as well and I am still pushing 6GB of memory used. I tried on a friends much better Windows PC and he could not even get Astronomers on EVE to run unless we removed a few components.
  7. Testing some changes to my production SSTO to see if I can make it better.
  8. No one has mentioned this but that guy is running a hacked version of KSP that you may or may not be able to get to work. If you want to reliably run all the visual mods you will want to run Linux. In which case you will want an Intel CPU and a discrete nvidia graphics card. I was playing with most of those mods last night and it used 68% of my 8gb. Or 5.6gb of RAM. If you are new to Linux I suggest Ubuntu, steam and the linux support thread.
  9. I'm pretty sure you did a test on two rockets Edit: you may be right I think it was another thread which just disapeared from my clipboard, on phone, about the same subject.
  10. What will it be used for, just crew transfer, fuel?
  11. Before I found out about the Take Command mod getting Kerbals in was challenging. Also note the chair is the wrong orientation in this picture forcing me to remember to switch to the probe core to fly.
  12. Me too, hence my Jool Grand Tour Spaceplane.
  13. I put a command seat and a probe core inside, plus other stuff like you, save weight on a cockpit for micro ssto,"s.
  14. I have an improved mk3 cockpit subassembly I was thinking of posting, they are just craft files, but in a different directory.
  15. BD armoury has an AI mode that can fly multiple planes.
  16. What would be a nice little improvement, especially for multiplayer eventually is an instant space warp drive. Currently multiplayer is really difficult because of time warp, a space warp drive could fix that. Unfortunately I think Squad have explicitly ruled out FTL though.
  17. I've been trying but so far the latest Mechjeb is the only one able to suicide burn my Tylo lander. I'm trying to copy it but the margins are really tight, a few seconds difference hovering can use all the fuel.
  18. On a mac you can set a right click, look in mouse options, even a one button mouse like my magic mouse, it just reacts to top right corner as right click. The only extra key you need in the VAB is the alt/option key, that is the mac 'hotkey' and then it plays like normal, but better scrolling.
  19. Red Iron Crown tested it, shock cones win, plus little nosecones on the ends of Rapiers are worth it too. Drag is king.
  20. Don't bother, roll off the end of the runway, you want as much speed as you can for the Rapiers down low.
  21. I think if you had a mk1 inline cockpit and a shockcone instead of the capsule and the two radial intakes you would increase your in orbit dv by a substantial amount. You would be able to airbreathe longer and at a higher speed. Same number of parts. Radial parachute would need to be behind the cockpit.
  22. Probably need Red Iron Crown to call it, it does seem confusing.
  23. You should check the Single stage entries in the stock payload fraction challenge, Rapiers can do a lot better than 13 tons.
  24. A recreation of Hotblack Desiato's ship?
  25. Vertical stabilisers are overrated, SAS can provide enough authority, I have a craft file for a Mk3 Cargo SSTO with no vertical stabiliser. I do agree with you though that unless he ditches the cockpit with a separator, say a TR-18D Stack Separator for 75kg, it is not permissible. With that it would be 48.74% by my calculations. Edit: no the rules state a manned command pod is OK, that means any torque, electricity or monoprop provided by that capsule are Ok too
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