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Capt'n Skunky

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Everything posted by Capt'n Skunky

  1. [mod]This is not the place for this discussion. If you want to post on topic and welcome the new member, have at it, otherwise ZIP IT! Don't make me lock a member's welcome thread because you children can't behave like adults and stay on topic.[/mod] Cheers! Capt\'n Skunky KSP Forum Moderator
  2. annnnnd we\'re done here folks. The bottom line here is not about the show or it\'s content, it\'s about the attitude of a few bronies that are annoying and arrogant with there 'Deal with it.' attitude. It makes the rest of you look bad and the show even more unappealing. It\'s that whole few bad apples things. The worst part is their peers don\'t seem interested in applying a little pressure to these few to keep them from looking bad. Sound familiar? Yup, it\'s the same reason a lot of people hate cops because there are a few bad ones and the good ones stay silent. So... [mod]Locking the topic before it goes any further and gets out of hand.[/mod] Cheers! Capt\'n Skunky Kerbal Comics
  3. Luigi, was it really necessary to needlessly bump this thread with nothing but quotes? If you\'re going to bump the thread, at least contribute something to it. Cheers! Capt\'n Skunky KSP Forum Moderator
  4. I understand the 'cooking with gas' meme, one of the oldest memes on the planet. But I was referring to the amount of heat your suggested setup would generate in a tongue-in-cheek manner. Yet again another fail in the US/UK humour translation. Arrr! Capt\'n Skunky
  5. The poll was closed and I\'ve been watching for a flame war to erupt from the beginning. We moderators have been given a ruling on the brony posts and will be cracking down a bit more. Cheers! Capt\'n Skunky KSP Forum Moderator
  6. If we lose even one potential member it\'s not good. Each member is equally important and scaring off just one is unacceptable. It inevitably means that it will have the same effect on some others. It\'s not good no matter how you slice it. Arrr! Capt\'n Skunky
  7. Looks like the photo was made from a real satellite. ;P Arrr! Capt\'n Skunky
  8. There have been cases of members being told by their friends they like the game but won\'t join the forums just because of the few annoying bronies. It\'s just those few that are screwing it up for the other ones and potential new members. Need to get the more mature bronies to apply a little brony peer pressure on the bad apples. Excuse me, I have to go wash my hands now. Arrr! Capt\'n Skunky
  9. Damn, I really wish I had some drawing talent. You people make me look a Kerbal with my envy. Arrr! Capt\'n Skunky
  10. Kerbosalsa! Yummy ;P Arrr! Capt\'n Skunky
  11. You aren\'t alone and Squad is aware of people\'s dislike for PayPal. Unfortunately, it\'s currently the only economically feasible method for a company in Mexico. Arrr! Capt\'n Skunky
  12. No way to disable that I see, it even parses inside code tags which it definitely should not do. Normally there would be a disable auto-parsing of links checkbox in the other options area, but it\'s not. Seriously though, putting a sub-domain on the www sub-domain is lame. Arrr! Capt\'n Skunky
  13. I\'ll get this figured out. Arrr! Capt\'n Skunky EDIT: See post above. Your host is an idiot.
  14. You\'re going to have to upload to a file host like MediaFire. Your host has a stupid way of configuring their URLs to make users pages sub-domains of the www sub-domain. Get a better host. Arrr! Capt\'n Skunky
  15. Craze, watch it. You know better than that. Capt\'n Skunky KSP Forum Moderator
  16. About that quote in your sig Jupiter, have you ever considered there is no missing link because Kerbals are intelligent grass? Arrr! Capt\'n Skunky
  17. Welcome to the KSP Forums! Happy Launching! Arrr! Capt\'n Skunky
  18. No problem. I\'m interested in seeing a config editor. And a utility that can scan a craft file and install or report missing all the parts needed would be useful. Arrr! Capt\'n Skunky
  19. Well, see the thing about being a generic mod enabler is that it can\'t deal with any game specific formats, you know, because of that whole generic thing. =P Arrr! Capt\'n Skunky
  20. Oh, GME will copy over craft files if included as part of the pack, but it won\'t deal with issues of parts not in the pack that are used in the craft file. That\'s why there\'s a specific folder structure needed for it to work. Arrr! Capt\'n Skunky
  21. A .craft file would be outside the scope of a mod. It only copies whole mod folders but handles overwrites. I basically delete parts from packs that I never use anyway so when I copy them over I only get the parts I want. Arrr! Capt\'n Skunky
  22. Someone else here on the forums was creating some form of mod manager, don\'t have time to find it atm. GME does it\'s job just fine, don\'t see what else someone would need. On the plus side, it can be used for any moddable game. Arrr! Capt\'n Skunky
  23. I have a bad feeling about this thread. I\'ve got my eye on you! Cheers! Capt\'n Skunky KSP Forum Moderator
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