You can point to the governments 'evidence' all you want, it doesn\'t mean shit until vetted by experts in a court of law. I could present all kinds of 'evidence' that showing you traffic child porn. That doesn\'t make it true. Would you like to be vilified for that before your day in court? No you wouldn\'t, nobody would. This is why we have a presumption of innocence in this country. Our government is not beyond fabricating evidence, they\'ve done it before and will do it again. Rather than just take the governments case at face value, I am taking it with a grain of salt. Unfortunately, if the US wants to lock someone up, regardless of the reason, they will. Ever heard of Guantanamo? I bet you can spot a guilty person just by looking at them, right? Just because people are defending the principle of innocent until proven guilty does not mean they support piracy.