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Posts posted by Agost

  1. Ok, cleaned the PC interior, removed the outer casing (for air) and rejittered the cables going into the motherboard to make sure they fit. The thing compressed all the textures without a blink; I could even ALT/TAB out (wasn't possible before). Moreover, loading now is fast and without any hassle.

    What the hell x2?

    Yes, it probably was overheating. So, what's you exact PSU model?

  2. Here you go:

    Win 7 64bit

    AMD Athlon X2 250 Dualcore (3ghz)

    8GB Physical RAM

    16GB Virtual RAM

    8GB Page File Space

    AMD Radeon HD 5850 (1GB)

    Corsair PSU (forget what wattage, but it's about roughly half a year old)

    All in all it's an old rig granted, but it should run KSP fine (and has). In fact, I managed to compress ALL the textures the other day with 4.1 and 4.2; yet all of a sudden it causes the computer to utterly crash now. What gives?

    Your CPU isn't the most suitable for a game like KSP, which likes intel cpus and very high ST performance. However, it's probably due to overheating, as stated before.

    Open your case, clean your pc and look at what exact PSU you've got. That's the second most probable cause of the shutdowns

    p.s.: it's a bit OT

  3. Potentially daft but quick question; I have Win 7 64-bit, but usually run KSP off it's 32-bit mode (for stability). Which version of Aggressive should I be running? x64 or x86?

    x86 : the version is based on your KSP install, not on your OS

    I just installed v4.2 x86 Basic and the game runs at over 3.5GB with the following addons:




    BoulderCo (Astronomer's Visual Pack - Edge of Oblivion 512k clouds, no optionals)






    Firespitter (plugin only)

    Hydrogen NTRs





    MechJeb2 Embedded by Dennis6492









    NovaPunch2 (only one part)









    TriggerTech (KerbalAlarmClock and KSPAlternateResourcePanel)


    Is there no spoiler tag?

    In previous versions I would be able to play for a bit, but normally a scene change would cause it to crash. However, now it basically crashes once I load the save game.

    Did I miss a step or do something wrong? I had no memory issues with a similar setup in 0.24.

    Running i5-2500k, 8GB RAM, Win 7 64-bit (launching game in 32 bit).

    If it helps any, my textureCache folder is roughly 720MB.

    I tried Aggressive, textureCache ~500MB, and it crashes consistently while assembling a modest rocket in the VAB. Similar memory usage.

    That's because this versions does not compress everything. However, did you delete texture cache before changing release?

  4. no... though, that makes me think about what happens with unhandled mods... Could be where the additional memory usage is coming from.

    could be anything depending on the mod. Some use resource maps or read to get information (eg. EVE uses them as a map for volume cloud spawning).

    Do you think you will implement a "fix" for unhandled mods? What was the cause for ATM 4.1 to compress every texture? I'd like to replicate this behaviour but I can't find anything relative to it in the general config file ( and the fast loading of 4.2 is too good to be ditched for the slower 4.1 )

    Was it in the .dll file?

  5. That one I'm not sure about. Likely resource maps and similar things. You would have to find the configs that say "compress = false" to "compress = true"

    Is enabled=true equivalent to compressed=true?

    I've also noticed that many cfg do not allow make-not-readable command. What could possibly go wrong if I make them not readable? Something like a memory leak when they get reloaded?

  6. Memory usage might be up a bit for two reasons:

    1) uncompressed textures are supported again. I had forgot about them during DXT caching, so they would always compress. Now, if the config says they shouldn't, they wont.

    2) Very Large textures will actually load instead of being skipped (hence the missing clouds) Since these textures are HUGE, they add a good bit to the memory usage (EVE Kerbin 1 would use 8k*8k bytes... so about 67MB in memory. Astronomer has similarly sized textures too...

    Which are exactly the textures that did get erroneously compressed? I'd like to compress them anyway :asd:

  7. You can't really say it's 40 times heavier than LF just because the unit mass is that much greater. There's no reason to believe a unit of Kibbal represents the same volume of a unit of LF. I simply picked a unit that represented the amount consumed in one hour of experimentation.

    The mass is intentional for the sake of game balance; to create a challenge. But if you don't like the stock mass settings, of course, feel free to make whatever modifications you like. The tweakables thing is an oversight, though. I'll fix that in the next release.

    The contracts require returning the experiment pods themselves. To be clear: these are the small ~0.1t, 1.25m parts, not the station research facility modules.

    Thank you. I'll figure out how to return them safely with DRE, but first... I need bigger engines. I hardly managed to put a single science lab in orbit with a skipper and 4 globe x2 boosters from KW.

    I wanted to add the zoology bay and some kibbal; 25t for the bay is ok, but 20t for the large kibbal storage... yes, that's kinda too difficult. The 2.5m kibbal container weighs almost as much as a thing many times bigger than it. Ok, the zoology bay is hollow inside, but it's still a lot larger. I agree with you about the whole challenge stuff, but kibbals are negatively OP in this way. If I were in you, I'd think about reducing a bit their density ( maybe 0.5x or 0.75x )

    However, if Kibbals are made of the same materials all KSP celestial bodies are... they should even weigh more :asd:

  8. Get it here: https://github.com/rbray89/ActiveTextureManagement/releases/tag/4-2

    Also, Sarbian is awesome, he implemented the multithreded portion of the update. Give him all the rep!

    You guys are awesome. Almost constant 100% on my i7 920, even on the HT virtual threads. Completely recached in less than 30 minutes. Second loading in about 2 minutes.

    Unfortunately the basic release doesn't seem as strong as the 4.0 version, since I was getting ~400 MB less at launch with it. I'll give the 4.2 version a try, but if there's a big memory leak I'll have to swith back to aggressive :( ( or tweak the basic one )

  9. 1. I've taken off a 2 tonne aircraft with one ION engine. That makes my TWR 1 : 1000. I could have kept adding wings until I weighed a lot more and I still would have taken off as long as overall thrust was higher than overall drag and high enough to increase speed such that overall lift higher than overall weight.

    False. Your TWR was 0.1, since 2000 N / ( 2000 kg * 9.81 m/s^2 ) = 2000 N/19620 N= 0.102 ( on Earth/Kerbin )

  10. My question is, consequently, two-fold:

    1.) What is the lowest TWR anyone has taken off with?

    2.) Is this still possible with "realistic" aero models? (NEAR, FAR, etc.)

    1) I don't personally know about this... but as long as you have enough lift/weight you will eventually take off. TWR>1 is needed ONLY for rockets, since they start going up vertically. Planes usually have TWR<1 (unless they're extremely powerful ) and they exploit their velocity to generate lift ( IRL it's because pressure differences generated by wing shape, in KSP is just generated by the angle of attack, at least in FAR )

    2) The exact craft you posted would probably never lift off or lift off and then crash in FAR. But this mod fortunately includes some very useful tools to verify if you plane will actually fly before bringing it on the runway

  11. Yes, the ship was only scratching the atmosphere. And i dont use FAR, Deadly Reentry or any other aerodynamic mod. I just want to make things look right. I would have put the orange tank behind the shield too, but that would have forced another launch, which is one hell of expensive in career mode.

    Have you given them a try? I'm kinda new to KSP but I'd never play without FAR... stock aerodynamics just don't make sense

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