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Everything posted by Gaarst

  1. The gram was defined as the mass of a cubic centimetre of water. The SI unit of mass was defined as the mass of 1 litre of water which turned out to be 1 kg (or 1000 g), so instead of creating a new unit, they kept the kilogram.
  2. Possibly an issue with the CoP (Centre of Pressure) shifting away from CoL during reentry due to high AoA. It would be easier to find out with screenshots of your shuttle (you can't upload images directly on the forums but you can upload them to an image hosting site and simply link them in your post).
  3. There is a huge difference between "reducing dV used" and "increasing dV available".
  4. Hill spheres exist, but they don't define an orbit, neither are they spheres.
  5. I understand that the author could claim the separate mods as his own but not the whole pack in a sense that another user couldn't be forbidden to build the same modpack, or at least a modpack containing the same add-ons (with possible added content), as long as it does not violate any other rule.
  6. I wouldn't go as far as saying it would work, but I believe it would indeed make more sense for an engineer to improve the efficiency of an engine rather than a pilot (who probably has no idea of how his engines work).
  7. Except it isn't. If no-one ever did something as obvious as weather, there's a reason behind. You give a very complete description in terms of gameplay, which is great, but it doesn't solve the main problem which is performance. Something as simple as clouds can eat your FPS if you don't have a great PC, let alone a full weather system.
  8. Expect that engines actually work by pressing big red START buttons, you don't choose your settings. You choose your thrust if you want/can but you can't alter fuel mixtures, chamber pressure, combustion temperature, expansion ratio...
  9. You can imagine that an engineer actually knows how to operate a drill or refinery instead of just pressing the big red START button, it still makes some sense. You can gain fuel by being a better pilot by saving on manoeuvres, using better trajectories... but not by magically making your engine more efficient.
  10. This would literally make no sense. Why would a pilot increase the efficiency of an engine?
  11. So now you're linking Squad's internal affairs with the amateur modding community, I'm going to have to ask for some support backing this claim. Every single modpack should not be banned, and I don't think anyone (at least anyone relevant to the matter) believes that. If it was the case, there wouldn't be a debate and modpacks would already be banned. There is a debate because it is indeed unfair to outright ban every modpacks for repackers that are willing to invest some time in their work, but it is also unfair to allow every modpack for modders who will then inevitably see their work stolen and for moderators which will have to do the repackers' work in ensuring their packs are not breaking any rule. People are trying to find a compromise between the two extremes, or at least a solution that satisfies the most. Again, it's not "some modpacks" that don't do it right: because it's easier to do it wrong that right, there will always be more doing it wrong than right. Majority wins. Plus, as I already stated somewhere else: as modders are the ones who create original content and have their own work redistributed, their opinion is more valuable. The community evolves, maybe. I can't really answer that because I never noticed modpacks to be that big of a thing in past years. If I had to say something I'd say it's because KSP is nearing its finished state. There are less releases and modders spend more time making their mods right. They have also acquired more experience doing so and this adds value to the mods they write.
  12. Yeah, no. As discussed in the other thread about banning them, modders usually have a negative standpoint on modpacks, banning them wouldn't make modders leave. Also, you seem to consider modders and repackers as the same people which is completely wrong. Anyone can zip two mods together and call it a modpack, while modders create original content. Being able to write a mod implies you have the will to spend some time and learn new things to do it (which I personally don't because I'm really really lazy); being able to write a modpack implies you can right click a folder and zip it. Of course if you compare the amount of work put into "advanced" modpacks (RO being the best example even though it doesn't directly redistribute its mods but I'll still consider it this way here for the sake of my argument) to any mod, you'll find that modpacks are more complex and do provide something else that the simple addition of these mods*, but the problem is not this end of the spectrum. * Another issue I see with modpacks is that they don't necessarily bring anything to the game that its component mods couldn't bring when installed manually. I'd welcome a modpack that provides an original framework through which its mods interact more fully (RO again), but unfortunately these are rare. EDIT: back to topic: a modpack website isn't necessarily bad, as long as done right (this is valid for pretty much everything TBH).
  13. Science philosophy, epistemology, ontology or even applied mathematics can offer what you want. I'm pretty sure there's a name for the specific field of studying similarities between different fields but I can't remember it. But yeah, as K^2 said physics is convoluted you can't go around that. The fields I mentioned are broad fields and do not go in depth of a subject in particular to search for one truth, they are closer to humanities that empirical science. You're studying these correlations from a philosophical standpoint, but I'd be surprised if there was anything behind them.
  14. 42% on a poll answered by 70 people (when we know several millions bought KSP) on a modding subforum, whose question isn't even "do you want modpacks" but "should modpacks be banned from the forums". It's neither a representative nor an accurate result. Anyway, modders provide additional free content to the game: even if it was 99% they would still be right.
  15. An old one, still makes me laugh facepalm each time I see it.
  16. There are other ways to gain recognition from the KSP community than pretend you're writing mods (even if that's not your intent, it's how it will be seen). Plus, this is an advantage for the repacker, not for the community as a whole.
  17. You're saying you can't see a single disadvantage of monopolies? You don't have to be an economist to see what a terrible idea this would be. Just two examples: CKAN goes down: byebye KSP; I don't want to use an automated installer because I have custom configs because of compatibility issues that I don't want to be overwritten whenever I update a mod (Steam anyone?). Back to the modpack issue, I think a good thing would be to enforce strict rules for repackers (have consent of every author, explicitly state all the licences in the OP, guarantee they will provide support for issues...) and simply delete the packs when these are not respected, with no appeal. It would avoid simple zipped bundles just because looking out for licences and asking authors would take time that would-be-repackers obviously don't want to spend on their pack. This wouldn't solve issues on the user end though, ie: people complaining to the authors instead of the repacker because they can't be asked reading a few lines of instructions.
  18. How close? A neutron star is between 1.3 and 3 solar masses, not going to do much at a few light years away. Also the solar system can't get close to a neutron star, things usually don't drift off in space freely. Besides, the closest neutron star is a few hundred light years away.
  19. There are pretty big communities in French and German (and Portuguese also, no idea why they didn't do that one) that would have enjoyed having their game translated. I don't know about other languages, but all in all, all this fuss for 4 languages is kind of disappointing, from a user's PoV (I know there is a lot of code behind). Hopefully the big part was about implementing the translation API so maybe they'll be able to easily add more to the list later.
  20. Kinda offtopic, but. Anything invloving the Space Shuttle doing anything else than sitting in a hangar (or fixing Hubble) is a terrible idea.
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