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Everything posted by Gaarst

  1. Thanks for the kind words, but remember that @CarnageINC is doing more work than me in the backstage, don't forget him!
  2. Tant que ça spam pas 4 threads à la minute ça devrait aller. Le subforum sert à ça après tout (on avait un subforum entier pour le français avant, mais maintenant on a plus qu'un thread et un subforum commun). Avec un peu de chance quand Squad traduira (un jour) le jeu en français (ou autre), on aura plus d'activité dans la section International et ça motivera les admins à rouvrir un subforum par langue.
  3. This has been brought up quite a few times already and we've been looking into doing it. Since it would have been a pretty big change, I wanted to wait for 1.3 to arrive and for mods to update before changing the format of the list. It was already suggested to make open to everyone for editing (though this still needs to be discussed), but the argument you brought about switching languages is a good one, I'm now pretty much convinced that this is the best for the future of the library. Also I can't use online spreadsheets (unless it's Excel, I can somewhat use Excel), so I'll have to look into that too. Busy schedule ahead!
  4. As I understand it, To Boldly Go is more intended for modders that want to create their planet packs. It is an external resource, but as it is a tool for modders we've put it in the top "Mods for Modders" section so that it is more visible. One could argue that it could go in planet mods too, it's kind of a borderline case, thanks for making me notice this, I'll consider such cases later on. Added! It would be a good addition to the list, but as the few posts below yours discussed it would require a new category for "in-game documentation" as mentioned below. It's already easy to find, so I don't consider it a priority for now. I want to prepare the 1.3 update and discuss potential changes for the update in priority, but we'll get back to it! It's a good idea! I want to finish updating the library in preparation for the 1.3 update before this, but we'll add this category after that. Thanks for the kind words! If we can help in other languages that I can't even read (besides a few rocket names) it's great! Localisation is a wonderful way to get new players into the community, so I hope your translation will help these new faces. (I just realised that besides updating to 1.3, searching for mod translations is going to be a pain... oh well I have time)
  5. I'm back, and coincidentally 1.3 is out! We'll first wrap things up with 1.2.x (pushing Carnage's latest additions, and take care of the few requests above, I'll do all that tomorrow) before worrying with 1.3. I've written a small note about the library and the update to 1.3 at the top of the library, copied below: 1.3 will take some time to move to, and there may be some changes to the list (now's the time), but nothing definitive yet. We'll try to keep the list updated as regularly as we can, so please bear with us!
  6. X never cancelled time-warp in the stock game, it's a KAC feature. Use / to cut time-warp in stock.
  7. If it was this simple it wouldn't be an issue. @Snark I can understand that it's not a trivial piece of coding, but you and other modders (I don't who wrote the original KER dV/burn time calculator, which was probably refined anyway) did it in their free time. Squad should be able to do it themselves*. Polishing may not be the best decision from a business point of view, but I think the "it's too complex" excuse is not valid in this case (except when people claim it's just a couple operations). Hopefully, after 1.3 and the expansion, 1.4 will be a polishing update solving these issues (yet another thing 1.4 (and all previous versions before they were released) needs to be). * Plus, as opposed to modders, they have the possibility to change existing bits of code to (perhaps) make the task easier.
  8. Vader appeared as a force ghost alongside Yoda and Obi-Wan at the end of RotJ.
  9. 1.2.9 is a pre-release, you have to enable beta versions or patches or whatever in Steam for it to update.
  10. So make it that every single person in the forums has to ask a mod to edit their signature? I'm not a mod, but if I had to do this I'd probably quit very quickly.
  11. Read the part called "INSTALL INSTRUCTIONS".
  12. Title. Broken since whenever manoeuvres were added, and already solved by several modders. I'm genuinely surprised this isn't brought up more often. A reminder now and then is necessary it seems.
  13. The only lack of appreciation I see is by you towards compliments from other members.
  14. They do cool stuff. They can't keep a schedule, but so far they have achieved what they tried to. They still need to prove that what they are doing is worth the trouble and stop promising making whatever comes to Musk's mind in 3 days though. Falcon Heavy has a 50/50 chance of launching this summer or being delayed over and over again. They won't go to Mars in any delay they announced, not even doubling the timescales. ITS will never fly. They might find a way to make reusable launchers profitable and lower costs a bit further, but I don't think it will be that significant. My opinion would probably be higher if I didn't have to make up for the insufferable fanboyism going on.
  15. Care to develop? Or give a link to the original discussion if it isn't too old? I'm interested.
  16. Probably welded into a single part, and drag and gravity disabled. I'm still surprised at how well things several times larger than physics range behave. Suddenly building Deathstars doesn't seem so unreasonable.
  17. It's not ice because this rocket uses solid fuels and hypergolics. Because NTO has a pretty low boiling point and India's pretty hot my guess is that it's some sort of thermal protection to avoid boiling during the rocket preparation. Pressurising the fuel tanks will increase the boiling point so they are probably not needed for the few minutes of the flight so they are discarded. (It's just a guess, I'm not sure it's the real reason) EDIT:
  18. Increasing the difficulty just makes career grindier, not challenging. Progression makes no sense whatsoever, adding the need to farm every single biome to unlock parts that you should start with is just annoying.
  19. No problem, I changed it! If you want my personal opinion, the first one is much better than the other one. To be honest, I don't think the second one deserves a spot on this list, hence: removed!
  20. No. The Kerbal sun is greater than Jupiter, it's radius is almost 4 times that of Jupiter (and one third that of the Sun). It just occurred to me that this picture is wrong, don't know where they got the 65,400km radius from: the game states 261,600km.
  21. Quoting a post I wrote some time ago: KSP bodies were not designed to be real, so funny things happen when you try to compare them to real things.
  22. D'un autre côté, quand il y avait une section française, il y avait plus d'un post par mois. C'était pas aussi actif que les sections espagnole ou portugaise/brésilienne mais c'était déjà ça, le fait qu'il n'y ait rien du tout ça dissuade pas mal. Sinon il y a encore au moins deux modérateurs francophones: DuoDex et un autre dont je me rappelle plus le nom.
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