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Everything posted by Gaarst

  1. This is a thing? Never noticed in 2.5 years on the forums.
  2. It never killed anyone to download a mod for a challenge you know? No one says you have to corrupt your precious stock career to do it. Cool challenge, but unfortunately I won't have the time to attempt it in the next weeks. I'm still going to follow the entries!
  3. I'm going to take a wild guess and assume there is no retro-compatibility with 1.1, anyone tried?
  4. You know you don't have to overwrite all your install as soon as a new version comes out, right?
  5. @adsii1970 I've already been told about the jelly avatar. I just figured some change is good from time to time, I had had it for over a year. The old reputation gave several points of rep at once (up to 5 depending on how long you had been on the forums) and you could write a message with it. I also don't recall people giving reputation being displayed on the post itself, you used to receive the message as a private message that only you could see, but I might be wrong. The current one does mean anything, it's just vastly different from the previous one. Liking things has become more "common" (I personally give likes more often than I used to give rep, but that might just be me) which kinda makes for the decrease in rep points given.
  6. I've always thought locking a thread would allow you to have the last word in a discussion. I'd probably be a terrible mod
  7. I made a thing: All my RSS launchers, ordered by payload mass. (Smallest one is 1.25m wide, largest is 7.5m) Edit: apparently I've been ninja'd by TheSealBrigade two posts above
  8. Gives you all sorts of information that, IMO, we'd need to have in the stock game, as well as an autopilot for sending stuff in orbit and docking. Probably also does a bunch of other things. If you don't want to use an autopilot and want to do everything on your own, then MJ is pretty much equivalent to any other information mod (KER, VOID...). There are a couple other autopilots mods out there, but I'd say MJ is the most advanced.
  9. It probably doesn't work with KSP 1.3 since this version does not exist yet.
  10. Ion. It's easier than you might think: you just need to get to Jool and fly by Tylo, from there you can use a gravity assist to send yourself towards the Sun, flying by Kerbin and the Mun (using a gravity assist here if needed) and go to Moho. Requires a bit of planning but definitely doable without refueling (as long as it's just flybys).
  11. Wolfram Alpha says the correct answers are 227661.75839546605546875, -113831 - 197161i and -113831 + 197161i and Wolfram Alpha is correct.
  12. The critics were (and are as of today) justified. You can't blame FTE for everything, Squad handled the port poorly on their side.
  13. If people are stupid enough to try, they deserve it.
  14. Are you using Windoze 10? If yes, then the problem might come from Windows. I had the same problem; killing the Desktop Window Manager through the Task Manager restarted it and fixed the problem for me.
  15. So FTE did mess up real bad... The new company seems more reliable: they have done ports of several indie games that I have actually heard of (no idea if these ports were good though). Hopefully the final version will bring back the ones who left because of the original port. Also, I'm not familiar with console games and updates, but I found that there is a lot of insisting on "free update" in the announcement. Is it because updates are usually paid on console, or because DLC/Expansion/paid stuff is coming?
  16. Nah the forums are pretty calm right now. 1.0 and 1.1 releases were much more "debated". As far as I remember there were always people calling the end of the world KSP around pretty much every release or Squad PR foul-up.
  17. The game was released on PS4 exactly 6 5 months ago today. While I'm not sure Squad cares about one guy not supporting them anymore vs. millions of players on PC (in either cases, they already got the money), people are right to expect Squad/FTE to have better communication (or a working game for that matter).
  18. I went to Jupiter. Closing in: Best picture I could get of Io (300,000km away, next mission will focus on flying closer to the Galilean moons): Another picture of Io, with Europa behind (did not get any interesting view of other moons): Now on my way to Saturn (I'm confident I will catch Pioneer 11 at some point)!
  19. I don't want seasons but I want axial tilt, am I allowed to post here?
  20. As far as I know, Das doesn't use any mods of this sort. The closest thing I can think of is Collide-O-Scope which allows you to see parts colliders. Otherwise, you can clip the camera through parts to be able to see through them, no mod needed here.
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