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Everything posted by Gaarst

  1. Hypersonic Test Vehicle sitting in a parking in the middle of an open airfield right next to a highway somewhere in FL. Did you know they used to test B-2s from ATL?
  2. No, some randoms rumours popped out from nowhere and somehow turned into facts. There was no announcement from anyone about anything besides SpaceX saying they didn't do anything wrong.
  3. Good luck building a payload adapter without ever seeing the payload.
  4. I've tried messing with video drivers and such, seems like everything is working and up to date on that side. I'm not 100% sure how to read a dxdiag, but it didn't look like there was anything out of place. I've successfully launched KSP today though, without changing anything. I don't know if the issue is still there somewhere, so suggestions are still welcome.
  5. No, the only launch command I use is -popupwindow for borderless windowed, and even then I made sure to try to run KSP using both shortcuts with the launch command and the executable file itself (without any launch command). No success there.
  6. I was playing my 1.2.2 modded KSP install, when it crashed (it always do). Tough luck, that's a 10 min loading to wait for; except now I simply can't launch it anymore: it crashes as soon as I double click the .exe. I couldn't be bothered fixing that crash then, so I decided to play my "unmodded" (only KER and Pilot Assistant) 1.3.1 game. Same deal, can't launch it, instantaneous crash when clicking the file. I then tried with an older modded 1.1.3, a 100% stock 1.3 with the same results (which is why I posted this topic in the unmodded section). The output_log.txt file is the same for each install (it's slightly different for 1.1.3 but it's only a syntax change), and quite short since the crash occurs six lines in: (below one the log for the 1.3 install) It looks like something to do with d3d11 (so Unity I guess) or possible my graphics drivers, though I didn't update or change anything recently. I'll try reinstalling drivers and the usual stuff (though I'm not really sure what to check) right after I post this, but any help is still appreciated.
  7. Part count went high very fast (and I wasn't particularly paying attention to that when building): the shell alone was 600 parts, and I keep adding stuff on the inside. I usually don't build with such high part counts though: my main install has a few dozens of mods and fps drops quite fast past 100 parts; here I was actually surprised at how "well" stock KSP handled the 800 parts: I get like <10 fps and <50% physics processing (fps is still low up to 100x warp) but it's very stable and decently playable if you are patient enough. I must admit I completely forgot the existence of this mod (maybe because I never used it before), but I'll definitely give it a go, thanks!
  8. No video because 800 parts is already too hard for my laptop, but a few pictures: (https://imgur.com/a/olz9Z)
  9. It already comes with a landing leg cannon!
  10. Parts attached inline are occluded when in the airflow (they obviously produce drag if you pancake your way through the air). Open or mismatched (1.25m attached on a 2.5m part) nodes create a lot of drag (even empty nodes at the back of an aircraft). Radially attached parts are not occluded at all (save in fairings and cargo bay) no matter how clipped or blended in they are. "Physicsless" parts add their drag to the parent part and are not occluded. Wing shape doesn't matter: a glider will go supersonic as well as a delta wing for the same amount of engines. Rotating parts out of the airflow (pitch or yaw axis rotation) increase their drag, rolling doesn't. Fairing shape does change drag: a blunt fairing will have more drag than a pointy one. Drag for individual parts is not calculated but is a hard-coded value set by Squad that may not depend on the actual aerodynamic properties of that shape (this is why Mk2 is so draggy). These are general rules on drag that the game includes in its calculations. It determines what drag cubes are exposed to airflow and at what angle, and deduces drag for individual parts this way. Stock aero never uses the craft in its entirety to calculate drag, it adds the contributions for individual parts.
  11. It looks a lot like the SS-520-4, a modified Japanese sounding rocket that failed to reach orbit last January. Disregarding the failure, a rocket this size should be capable of making orbit (it would be the lightest to ever do so). 310s Isp is on the very high end of vacuum optimised solid stages though, I'm not sure how reliable that figure would be. Also, happy birthday.
  12. Cool, didn't know a couple of American ISPs owned the entire Internet.
  13. So a supernova? (Somewhat) Relevant XKCD. Supernovae happening closer than a few tens of light-years have serious chances of making the Earth unhabitable. I'd be surprised if anything larger than a pebble is left of the Earth if one happened at the Sun.
  14. Hmm I wonder which one I would accept: an envelope full of cash, or some threats of people not using an obscure forum. And by not using the Internet you're hurting "content creators" that depend on traffic (the guys usually in favour of net neutrality) rather than the ISPs who get happier the less service they have to provide as long as you keep paying. Also, politics blablabla... can we please keep this subject out of the forums? I couldn't care less that your government sells you to various companies, and it's already been all over the Internet for a few months now.
  15. No. Atmospheric O2 has average velocities of about 400 m/s, which is about equal to the escape velocity on such a body. So you wouldn't even need a sun to lose all your atmosphere very quickly.
  16. Not sure what you mean there. If you look in two different directions you'll see two different objects. The CMBR is a bit of an exception but it's not an object in itself, and even then it's not perfectly homogeneous. You can't. If you want to see the Earth 1 billion years ago, you have to observe it from 1 Gly away. Since you need more than 1 billion years to travel 1 Gly, at best you'll be able to observe the Earth as it was shortly after you left. That or you find a way to travel faster than light.
  17. I've updated it! Thanks for making me notice, I've not really been working on the library a lot recently.
  18. You can have your KSP folder about anywhere you want as long as the structure inside KSP_[OS] is preserved. If you mean replacing the actual GameData folder by a link to another drive, I don't know; I don't expect a shortcut to work but using linked folders could.
  19. Besides the question not meaning anything, the poll is missing a "I couldn't care less" option.
  20. So literally how many jet exhausts your computer can handle for 30 seconds. You might want to add a few rules or scoring system to make it more interesting.
  21. The game won't start without the GameData folder because it contains pretty much every texture, sound, meshes and some more important stuff needed for the game to work. Don't delete it and don't rename it. The important stuff is in GameData/Squad, don't touch that either (unless you know what you are doing); everything else you may find inside GameData is mods and you can do whatever you want with it.
  22. Probably not. From the words of the ex-dev that made the SSTV signal: There was a small writeup by NovaS that was supposed to explain the SSTV as leading to a hidden planet, but as you can read above there was never anything serious. Now there may be mods that have Easter eggs referencing the SSTV or expanding its lore, but I don't know which ones do.
  23. Part Angle Display is what you are looking for; it has been unofficially recompiled for 1.3.1 by linuxgurugamer (see the last post in the thread).
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