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Everything posted by michaelsteele3

  1. So I'm trying to make a signature that counts how many times it has been viewed. Here is the code, if you don't mind. <!-- hitwebcounter Code START --> <a href="http://www.hitwebcounter.com/" target="_blank"> <img src="http://hitwebcounter.com/counter/counter.php?page=5973064&style=0001&nbdigits=5&type=page&initCount=0" title="Amazing and shiny stats" Alt="Amazing and shiny stats" border="0" > </a><br/> <!-- hitwebcounter.com --><a href="http://www.hitwebcounter.com/countersiteservices.php" title="Blog Counters" target="_blank" style="font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 9px; color: #736C65; text-decoration: none ;"><em>Blog Counters</em> </a> However, when I try to use it, a message comes up and says: "You signature cannot be 500 characters excluding BB code markup" I understand why that is there, but is there a way to get around this? Better yet, am I doing the right thing to get the sig view counter? I'm very new to scripting/coding. Thanks
  2. My first thought: "Yea! *singing* We're going to jaaaill! We're going to jaaailll!
  3. As I look around the forums, I see signatures that say "This Sig has been viewed _________ times" How do you do this?
  4. I it just completely black? With no other color AT ALL?
  5. Could you explain a little bit more? And by cargo bay do you mean the space plane hangar?
  6. I'm pretty sure that would fall under the category of "Illegal" In real life. Maybe even a "act of terrorism" in some states.
  7. Bees. (Yellow Jackets and Wasps to be exact.) Oh yeah, and I couldn't sleep after seeing these: And this K have fun with nightmares <3 del wit it
  8. I own a roll of duct tape. What a mind-blowing achievement. I hate my life
  9. Wasn't alive. But I still feel sad whenever I think about it.
  10. Narrorator: But tada! A heat shield appeared! There, Stanley, I saved your life. Now can you please get back on track?
  11. Yes. It is possible. By the way, you should check out this documentary on youtube "What if the Earth stopped spinning?" Pretty depressing, but still fictional.
  12. If you don't hear or see any loud boom-boom sounds, you win. del wit it
  13. What are your systems specs, OP?
  14. Streetwind (Ironic name for this topic) took the words out of my mouth. You never really see wings on anything that just goes out to space, and it only has wings if it re-enters earth or some other atmospheric planet in the future.
  15. Here it is in a nutshell: 32 Bit: GUD! 64 Bit: BAWD! D: D: D:
  16. Banned for not being online when I post this.
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