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Bill Phil

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Everything posted by Bill Phil

  1. 1g at 1rpm? That entails a 1790 meter diameter. Or a ship about a mile wide. I don’t think it’s practical to land anything of that size except on an ocean, and even then... the lightest shape for that diameter will be a torus...
  2. Yeah. But it isn't that bad. My first language was Fortran though so I guess C was a little easier...
  3. Arduino could work well, though that depends on a few factors (size of rocket and others).
  4. It might be printing it because of the return statement and not the if statement. Comment out the if statement and run it again.
  5. Yeah it should run. Again it should print “activate response” only if the if statement is satisfied. Are you saying that it doesn’t even when c is greater than a? What are you using to run it? IDLE?
  6. Yes. Have you used the code with -100 as an input?
  7. Well a is zero, so anything greater than zero will satisfy the if statement. In fact all your function does is set one variable equal to another.
  8. Put return c in the voltage function, then instead of using c in the if statement use the function with an input. a = 0def voltage(b): c = b+0 return c if voltage(1)>a: print("Activate Response")
  9. I’m not exactly sure about it but libraries are essentially extra functions for a language. Like a graphics library so the language’s interpreter or compiler or what have you can access a computer’s graphical output, or the sound system, or take in certain inputs like a joystick or gamepad. Arduino has its own language. Another library example would be when I used the libraries for the accelerometer. It turned out there was a library with a faster function, so I switched which one I used in my program. Libraries generally carry the stuff for interfacing with servos and motors and other hardware. If it’s a language designed for that (RobotC) then it doesn’t need extra libraries, but Python certainly isn’t that.
  10. Python should be capable of all that with the right libraries. I would recommend something else though if that's what your doing. I don't know exactly what you need but an Arduino might be able to do it. I've actually integrated an Arduino with a 6-axis gyro/accelerometer before, so it has the capability for rudimentary guidance and maybe other things as well. Python is cool because it's interpreted - meaning no compiling is necessary. But this also gives it a few drawbacks when it comes to performance, though this has become less relevant as hardware has improved.
  11. Language is interesting in that what really matters is that the speaker and listener (writer or reader, whatever) understand each other. As such it doesn't really matter, so long as it's understood. But yeah, this is a thing that can be tough to deal with.
  12. All of them and any future DLCs should Squad keep their promise. I bought KSP back in 2012.
  13. Maybe I could change physics to make FTL not violate causality.
  14. Separating rockets is a different beast. As an aspiring aerospace engineer I can tell you that the sheer forces, dynamic pressure, and other consequences of such high speed flight are nothing to sneeze at. Even the rockets separating is usually something that is thoroughly developed and tested - it's no easy task for rockets either. That said it is possible, but would entail lots of development. The aerospike on the X-33/Venturestar is not that good of an engine - even the SSME outperforms it in most respects - indeed the SSME is simpler as well I would wager...
  15. Yeah, but imagine the damage if the thing exploded? That stuff is toxic... thousands of tonnes of it probably isn't a recipe for success - let alone flying people on it.
  16. Technically Asperger's is no longer a diagnosis according to the DSM-5. No, to be diagnosed requires numerous aspects to be satisfied. I believe the DSM-5 replaced Asperger's and a few other things with Autism Spectrum Disorder, which I am on. I was diagnosed with Asperger's but now I have mild autism - specifically the kind that does not interfere with intelligence but does affect behavior and some other stuff. I remember being somewhat confused when the doctors and other personnel used different names to refer to my condition - which the DSM-5 changed in 2013 if I recall. Here are the criteria, but don't get ahead of yourself - satisfying these does not mean you are on the spectrum. Interpreting the criteria is usually the job of a medical practitioner. https://images.pearsonclinical.com/images/assets/basc-3/basc3resources/DSM5_DiagnosticCriteria_AutismSpectrumDisorder.pdf OP: Asperger's is not strictly relevant, though it may change your behavior to the point that you spend more time with computers than most others and thus have a better understanding of them. Your thought processes may also be different as well which can benefit you in your understanding. I have Asperger's/Mild Autism as well but I do not credit it with my proficiency in math - indeed I used to be awful at it. Over my high school career however I was able to gain a good understanding of math to the point that even college math courses were fairly easy to me - when I studied for them. Similar case with my programming/coding experience.
  17. The Saturn V was capable of direct ascent if you are willing to reduce mission requirements (fewer crew members, less payload on the Moon, and so on). As for building rockets big enough... well the big limitation was the size of the Michoud assembly plant for the USA, which limited the stages to 10 meters in diameter. However clustering may have been possible, like adding Titan SRBs or even some new LRBs. One of the Saturn V modification proposals even proposed something like that. It’s generally considered impractical since for the same launcher you can get better performance with Apollo-style.
  18. Nice. Now to hope for a similar user interface to give solid motors thrust curves...
  19. Direct ascent is possible. Indeed there was a concept for a two man direct ascent mission that could use a normal Saturn V. As for practicality... well, EOR and LOR generally have advantages. I lean towards EOR, but LOR has advantages as well.
  20. One time my radio freaked out and played two songs at the same time plus static. Pretty weird, but it actually sounded fairly interesting as well. It started with one song and then it was almost as if it transformed into another song.
  21. Well some people just bite the bullet and accept long transfer times - going with already existing rocket technology (or future tech that isn't much better in terms of specific impulse but much improved in other aspects) and the consequences of that. One interesting idea I had was to scale the whole thing down. Like, for example: Star Wars takes place on and near multiple planets across a galaxy. But what if instead of that we made it take place in Jupiter's system of moons, along with man-made artificial structures (large habitats like O'Neill Cylinders)? Normal rockets could be used, maybe nuclear thermal ones. Hydrogen for propellant is abundant, and if fusion tech is around so is fusion fuel. Solar power is still a possibility, but a larger area is required for the same power. Then there can be issues based around who controls what, like parts of the different moons and so on. Saturn's moon system could be interesting as well. It doesn't have to be on a grand scale. If you scale it down enough, even rockets like we have today aren't necessary. For example, you could have a cluster of orbital habitats close together so that spacecraft with simple propulsion systems and low specific impulses could rapidly traverse the cluster. If the cluster is, say, 24 thousand miles across, then it would take less than 42 hours to traverse at relative velocities similar to your average airliner today. Total delta-V would be less than 1km/s (I'm assuming that since the orbit of such a cluster would be pretty large that everything is basically stationary in space relative to each other, of course orbital drift would need to be accounted for and station-keeping would be necessary, but with enough energy that shouldn't be an issue). And that 42 hours is a worst case scenario, most trips would be much shorter. Combat spacecraft in such an environment would be interesting. Basically I think that if you have to have FTL in your sci-fi story , it may be worth it to scale it down. I try to keep stuff like FTL out of my work unless it's possible in general relativity, and even then it's usually stuff that requires a civilization that's already interstellar.
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