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Bill Phil

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Posts posted by Bill Phil

  1. The scale of this game is what attracts me... I kind of want to make a 600 meter radius earth and do all the calculations as to G and whatnot. That would be fun to play around with, imagine, a 6 km Radius Jupiter! Tiny, but huge too! It would be a neat little project to fiddle with.

    Anyways, if this project does get shelved ( I hope not) can you release all the builds up to that point?

  2. Well, KSP isn't 100% accurate... But it does teach you more about orbits than battlefield at shooting.

    I think the main problem is that in KSP you just put stuff together in a Lego like way. It's not like that in real life. It take months to design and possibly years to build. Not to mention the constant threat of budget cuts.

  3. "The world is so different than it was back then..."

    I don't think you are aware on how recent the extinction of mammoths took place. There were still living mammoths on Wrangel island after the pyramids were build. It is likely, that mammoths didn't go extinct because of changing climate, but because of human hunting activity.

    We have many "fresh" mammoth cadaver that were preserved in cold places. Getting a complete DNA seqence isn't really a big problem.

    I was talking about extinct species in general...

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