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Bill Phil

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Posts posted by Bill Phil

  1. So on my Mun landing mission, everything went smoothly. Even the actual landing part. But it was on the way home that I noticed something. I had to EVA my kerbal to get some science. All of a sudden Dodon gets flung away ( this NEEDS to be fixed, kerbals aren't complete idiots) AND he imparted rotation to the craft. The craft was rotating and I actually almost raged. That rarely happens, especially for KSP. I chased it and just kept getting batted around. I finally decided to use the time warp button to stop the rotation. But then I saw it start rotating again. That's when I realized that the reaction reals are applying torque WHEN THERE'S NO PILOT. This shouldn't be a feature, especially with the new SAS in kerbals thing. It almost ruined my mission. I did get the guy back in to the pod and I stopped the trim. But, Squad, why would this be here?

    So, has this ruined any of your missions? Or would you like to comment on this phenomena? Or anything?

  2. Not especially - the reason nuclear tests stopped was more than "people are scared of the N-word", and a running NTR is looking at levels of radiation comparable to the grounds around Chernobyl mid-meltdown. It's not exactly insignificant.

    It's not like a NERVA is a multi pile reactor complex. Plus it could eject/vaporize the fuel, although that's a complicated system.

  3. The Shuttle only failed because it was the only thing funded. If the space station planned in 1969 was done the shuttle would have been necessary. It also failed because the USAF got involved...

    Besides that, a generalized spacecraft is just that, generalized. Excels at nothing. So a mission built craft will always be better, but it might not be a good interplanetary tug.

  4. Yeah. I haven't gotten to the Mun in 0.90.0 yet. I'm going to later today. That and Minmus. I guess my StanSAT design could be placed on top of a lander, but I have no small docking parts....... So yeah. Man, 0.90 us taking forever... But it's fun too. I had to do the low-hanging fruit contracts earlier. Surveys and the like. I already have surveys on the Mun I have to do... And I haven't been there yet. Weird.

  5. Well, more levels could be added in between that don't change the look of the buildings. I mean, the current 1st VAB is big, and a few simple behind the scenes upgrades would boost part count to 50. Then 75. Then 100 and tier 2 looks. Then 150. Then 255, and finally unlimited with tier 3 looks.

  6. A simple litmus test: When calculating something, do you prefer to approximate pi or leave it as pi in your answer?

    If you approximate it, go for engineering.

    If you leave it as pi, go for physics.

    Problem. I do both....

    So... Engineer?

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