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Bill Phil

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Posts posted by Bill Phil

  1. Antimatter is the most energy-dense material in the universe. It's the best way to travel at near light speeds. Unless you want to use staged fusion rockets. Plus, there is plenty of materials we don't know of. Like Unbihexium, it hasn't even been synthesized yet!

  2. They're Karbon based. That must be it. It's basically carbon...

    Umm... They could be in a biological relationship. Like us and hundreds info bacteria types. Their bacteria just makes them look green, and acts like plants providing food for Kerbals and Kerbaks providing food for it.

  3. Admittedly, flying without SAS isn't that hard. Except for the launch, and even then it's not bad. Plus it is kind of fun because you feel like you're actually piloting the rocket. But my problem really is not the Stayputnik, but where it is in the tech tree. In my opinion, it should be placed earlier in the tree with a reaction wheel. Then the current Stayputnik's location would have an SAS probe instead, maybe a Stayputnik Mk II or something.

  4. Well.... Let's see. A few meters a day compared to a dozen kilometers a day...

    A one month exploration could possibly give you just as much exploration. If not more. Although I think that a permanent base is needed...

    Yeah. Probes can do that too... But they take skilled labor hahah.

    Seriously though, I would just like to see people suck it up and send people to space. The chances of your ship screwing up and killing you are less than you getting killed just by driving your car. Especially with multiple craft that could assist each other in-transit.

  5. I mentioned 2 total Saturns, I forgot about that last one. And just because I've forgotten more doesn't really imply age, it just implies that I do a lot of research, especially to pass the time. I don't know what you're getting at here though...

    The government basically said, not really, of course, but the gist of it is "We beat the Soviets to the Moon, been there done that." And so "they didn't want to do it".

    You also seem to have forgotten that NASA has no control over its own budget size. Not to mention what they spend it on...

    They didn't do it because of budgets, they cut the budget, and at the same time cancelled those last missions. ( it's all coming back to me now...)

    It seems you're getting a bit frustrated or something...


    Lets just agree to disagree if you really want to keep talking. I don't like debating late, and I'm tired right now...



    I would suggest looking up the 1969 Space Transportation System proposal. The space shuttle was only supposed to be a part of the system. From space stations to space tugs it was all there.

    Oh. Hmmm.... Then I would try to keep it close for Apoapsis and Periapsis, as well as inclination. The argument of Periapsis is relative to the Ascending Node, which has its own Longitude value relative to the chosen Epoch. I wouldn't care about Argument of Periapsis or Longitude of Ascending Node at all, it's pretty tough to get right. Especially if you don't know your current Ascending Node's longitude.

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