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Bill Phil

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Posts posted by Bill Phil

  1. Hmm... Yeah. A better goal is kind of needed. But maybe make a final goal that you choose how to get there, like colonizing every solid body in the solar system. Then the player figures out what they want to do themselves, with that final goal of colonizing as a long term project.

  2. Even so, some people limit themselves in sandbox. Also, the land on Mun with 30 parts and 18 tons limit would be easier to do if the KSC you were using was limited.

    Plus, the devs put a lot of work into these buildings. I wouldn't mind being able to choose which one so I can admire it. To be honest, I was actually expecting this to be a feature in 0.90, it just seems like an obvious choice.

  3. Please get back to the subject of the thread, which is game features, not explosions.

    Exactly what I was thinking. Wizzlebippi, why do t you start a thread in the science section?


    Good. I'm glad that the debs have finally confirmed that it wil happen soon.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Please get back to the subject of the thread, which is game features, not explosions.

    Exactly what I was thinking. Wizzlebippi, why do t you start a thread in the science section?


    Good. I'm glad that the devs have finally confirmed that it wil happen soon.

  4. No, its not. A rocket engine works by burning fuel and oxidizer, not exploding it. You've probably heard of knocking in your car engine. That is the point your fuel stops burning and starts exploding and it seriously screws up your fuel efficiency (plus your engine). Lazarus1024 already explained this.

    Bold mine. The idea of flight (not including Chinese gunpowder rockets from hundreds of years ago) is to fly, then live to tell about it (or recover data/experiments, etc.). The point is to be in control of your craft. There is a reason there were manned aircraft in 1903 and not a manned spacecraft until 1961.

    Hmm... So you don't know what an explosion is? You have said that an explosion is a rapid increase in volume with large levels of energy, but you seem to forget how rockets work. Car engines burn, yes, but rockets explode. The rapid volume expansion comes from the nozzle. Also, you could call a rocket a shaped charge... Because it is. It's designed for constant acceleration while it's on, constant burn, with lots of energy and lots of volume expansion, like an explosion.

    A car engine has strokes and combustion is not constant. A constant combustion is present In a rocket engine. We call this an explosion because it is.

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