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Bill Phil

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Posts posted by Bill Phil

  1. Maybe give it some torque. I constantly forget things like that. At least give it SOME torque... After all, the Mk1 pod has torque, so it's not like it's beyond their technology.

    EDIT: How about the Stayputnik is unlocked with the Goo canisters, and a Srayputnik MkII replaced where the current Stayputnik is in the tech tree. The MkII would have SAS but no torque, or something like that.

  2. My main problem is the roads. Light gray right next to a sandy color? No sir! Make all roads sand or none, please.

    Also, #Shackville.

    Corrugated metal shacks, maybe an industrial garage for VAB ( no SPH yet in Shackville). A simple shack for Mission Control, some RVs for Astronaut Complex, R&D should be something with a few RVs and a couple of shacks. Admin should be a very simple shack, and the Launchpad could be touched up, but for Shackville it should be the same as now.

  3. Uh... no. Apollo 18-20 were cancelled by Nixon because of budget issues. The Saturns were already built for them. Skylab was a 'Well, we have a spare Saturn now, what shall we do with it?'

    EDIT: Okay, to cover myself I'm gonna hold my hands up here and say I was wrong... sorta... In 1969, it was decided that Apollo 20 would be scratched and replaced by the Skylab launch instead. Buuut (here's the Sorta) Apollo 18 and 19 were scrapped in 1971, due to both budget cuts and the cash-hungry development of the STS.

    So you're still wrong :P There are two flight-worthy Saturn V's on display as museum pieces, so it wasn't a lack of Saturns. But I wasn't as right as I thought I was. :)

    Huh. I forgot about that one Saturn.

    Btw, I've probably forgotten more than you'll ever know. I actually DID know that stuff, a while ago...

    Technically we're both right and wrong, I said they didn't to use it, but I didn't really specify who "they" was. I meant the US government as a whole...

  4. They cancelled Apollo 18+ because of a lack of Saturns. One was taken for Skylab, which left one last Saturn, and they didn't want to use it, I guess.

    Hey, you could do the manned Venus flyby with Apollo tech, just use LM engines on the CSM and use the booster stage as a "HAB" module.

  5. This is more of a balance thing. It prevents you from getting so far in the tech tree early on. Basically preventing one mission tech tree missions. I was going to put a tech limit on the game anyways...

    Although, a good way to force you to leave Kerbin would be to lower the science modifier in the system. Mun and Minmus are just too high.

  6. That's super cheap compared to the ISS. NASA spends way to much on manned spaceflight. We need more Cassini like missions.

    Even so...

    I'm all for Cassini like missions, but NASA was forced in this expensive situation. Manned spaceflight is a necessity. A person can think, make up ideas, and can cover more ground. Humans are also very useful. A human hand can do a lot, wielding a weapon, a science tool, can hit a button, etc.

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