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Everything posted by OhioBob

  1. @putnamto, I just checked my installation. I have both SVT and SVE installed with Kopernicus 1.3.1-6 and I've got rings around Jool. But I have checked to see if the other features are working (SVT adds terrain textures and scatter objects). So while the rings are working, I can't confirm the other stuff. I see no reason why you shouldn't have rings. You probably should report your problem in the SVT thread, but first read How to Get Support and gather up the requested information.
  2. I just looked at Galileo's configs. The way he has it set up, it's SVT that adds the rings to Jool. And if SVE is installed without SVT, then SVE adds the rings. So we should get rings with either SVT or SVE. So this makes putnamto's problem even more perplexing. If he's got both SVE and SVT installed (as his game date folder indicates), he should get rings even if he didn't install the SVE textures. @putnamto, what version of Kopernicus as you using? According to Galileo, SVT is not updated yet for Kopernicus 1.3.1-6. In the SVT thread he says that SVT requires Kopernicus 1.3.1-3.
  3. That's what @Galileo said here... You guys need to read the previous replies to see if your questions have already been answered.
  4. SVE and SVT are two separate mods, though by the same author. You can use one or the other or both, the choice is yours. But if you use both, they must be downloaded and installed separately. (According to your posted GamaData folder, you already have both installed.) SVE = Stock Visual Enhancements (adds things like clouds). SVT = Stock Visual Terrain (replaces the stock terrain textures). It is SVE that adds rings around Jool. If you're not getting rings then you did something wrong. I suspect you may not have downloaded and install the SVE textures. Go back to the SVE thread and re-read the instructions. You have to download and install SVE and the SVE_Textures. The reason the textures are a separate download because you can choose between low, medium and high resolution, depending and the capabilities of your computer. (edit) Correction, both SVE and SVT adds rings around Jool. With both installed, I believe SVT should give you rings even if you forgot to include the SVE textures. So I don't think that's your problem. Maybe you've got the wrong version of Kopernicus installed. According to Galileo in the SVT thread, Kopernicus 1.3.1-3 is needed, as SVT is not yet updated for the latest Kopernicus release.
  5. Have you gone through an entire day-night cycle? A new game in GPP starts at midnight local KSC time, so you have to wait for the sun to come up. This is done on purpose. A time of 0:00 on the clock is midnight at KSC, and 3:00 (midday) is noon. In stock a new game start with the sun already up. If you are indeed experiencing a black sky throughout an entire day-night cycle, then that's something else. I've never heard of that problem before. You're going to have to provide more information for anyone to help you. Click on the "How to get support" button in Galileo's signature and follow the instructions.
  6. I don't know of any other transfer window mods other than the one by TriggerAU. However, there is an online calculator if that's what you're thinking about... http://ksp.olex.biz/
  7. It's my understanding that when no slopes are specified, the slopes used are computed as follows: (1) The out slope of the first point in the slope between the first and second points, (2) the in slope of the last point is the slope between the second-to-last and last points, and (3) the in/out slopes for all points in between is the slope between the two points straddling it.
  8. What you describe is the way it works in real life, but in KSP specific impulse defined by a curve in the engine config file. This is a case were Squad made things more complicated than the simple real life reality. The equation for thrust is, F = q * Ve + (Pe - Pa) * Ae where q is the propellant mass flow rate, Ve is the exhaust gas velocity, Pe is the exhaust gas pressure at the nozzle exit, Pa is the ambient air pressure, and Ae is the cross-sectional area of the nozzle exit. For a given engine running at a constant throttle setting, q, Ve, Pe, and Ae are all constants (assuming a bell nozzle; not true for an aerospike) . The only thing that changes is Pa. Therefore thrust varies by an amount proportional to Pa. We have, F = Fvacuum - Pa * Ae
  9. If you evaluate it exactly using a cubic Hermite spline, the values are: Engine Vacuum Duna Laythe Kerbin Eve Mammoth 315.0 313.7 303.9 295.0 188.6 Twin Boar 300.0 298.7 289.9 280.0 141.7 Mainsail 310.0 308.4 296.4 285.0 143.7 Dart 340.0 335.2 303.6 290.0 230.0 Swivel 320.0 316.7 290.5 270.0 54.1 Reliant 300.0 298.8 291.3 280.0 95.0 Poodle 350.0 332.1 173.4 90.0 0.001
  10. @mindseyemodels, are you using Kopernicus 1.3.1-6? If so, then it's likely the mod you're using requires some updates to be compatible with the latest Kerpernicus. Try it using Kopernicus 1.3.1-4 and see if that works. If so, then use it until the mod maker releases a new version that is updated for Kopernicus 1.3.1-6. As a general rule, when a new Kopernicus is released, don't immediately install it. Give the mod makers time to get caught up.
  11. Are you talking about background stars? That's just a static image, called a skybox. There is no way to alter a skybox, but you can replace it. You need a skybox replacement mod and a new set of images. One of the Sigma Replacements mods allows you to replace the skybox. And Poodmund has some nice skyboxes. There may be other skyboxes out there if you don't like Poodmund's, but you'll need to search around for them. The Kopernicus settings that I talked about allows you to alter the sun or any other major stars in the game. That has nothing to do with the background stars.
  12. All you can really do with stars is change the color and the size of the sunflare (the glow around the star). You can also change the color and intensity of the light that they cast. There are several variables for color, best to probably just experiment with them. The size of the sunflare is control by brightnessCurve. Here's a post that describes how it works.
  13. UPDATE Version Changelog Updated for Kopernicus 1.3.1-6 and GPP Changed file structure to enable on demand loading. Added Final Frontier ribbons. Changed semimajor axes and periods of Nodens and Belisama. Revised CelestialBodies.pdf. Deleted Pre_GPP160.cfg. GEP will work only if matched to the correct version of GPP. For GPP, GEP must be used. For the GPP, GEP must be used.
  14. Then you should report the problem to the developer of the custom planets. When Kopernicus gets updated it is the job of the planet pack developers to get caught up to the changes in Kopernicus. If they determine the problem is with Kopernicus, then let them report it.
  15. Galactic Neighborhood supports over 30 planet packs. A list is provided.
  16. Not only that, but all the GEP configs contain AFTER[GPP], so yes, GEP will load only if GPP is also installed. The initial release of GEP was not written with GN in mind. However, I might be able to change it in the next release to allow GEP to load in GN without GPP. I'll put it on my to do list. BTW, in GN the GEP planets do not orbit Grannus; they orbit a new star named Mogounus. (EDIT) I just remembered also that GEP uses GPP's ground textures. Without GPP installed, GEP will look pretty crappy as it was never intended to work independently of GPP. From the opening post: 'nuff said.
  17. And if you have multiple stars to choose from, you probably already have Kopernicus installed.
  18. You definitely want to try to combine a plane change with an altitude change when ever possible to take advantage of the Pythagorean savings. However, depending on what it is you are trying to do, figuring out the best way to take advantage of it can still get a little complicated. For instance, let's consider the real life situation of transferring a satellite from low earth orbit to geostationary orbit. When a satellite is launched from Cape Canaveral it's going to end up in a low orbit with an inclination of about 29 degrees. So where do we make the plane change it get the satellite into a zero inclination orbit? It is most economical to perform the majority of the plane change in combination with the circularization burn at apogee of the transfer orbit. However, because of the Pythagorean principal, it's actually possible to get a couple degrees of plane change for virtually free by combining it with the low orbit burn that places the satellite into its transfer orbit. So the plane change is done in stages, with about 2 degree being done in the first burn, and about 27 degrees in the second burn. This results in the lowest total delta-v.
  19. @Geschosskopf, I just downloaded Alternis Kerbol and looked at its atmospheres. Alternis Kerbol is not using the "Realistic Atmospheres" mod for its atmospheres. @GregroxMun writes in the thread that he used my atmosphere calculator to create the atmospheres, but they are his unique creation. And from what I can tell, I don't think he changed anything regarding Kerbin's atmosphere. Unless there is something in the configs that I missed, Kerbin should have its stock atmosphere. You probably should report your problem in the Alternis Kerbol thread.
  20. There was a problem like that with the stock atmospheres at one time, but changes were made in one of the releases to help fix it. The upper atmospheres of Jool and Eve were revised so that they began a more rapid thinning at a lower altitude. But Kerbin's atmosphere was never really a problem. The stock atmosphere is based on the U.S. Standard Atmosphere, so it's already quite realistic. For RA I based the atmosphere on a set of models developed by the U.S Air Force that breaks it down by latitude and season. But both are based on Earth, so they are obviously very similar. I did a plot of LOG(pressure) vs. altitude for the stock Kerbin atmosphere and the RA Kerbin atmosphere. The lines are almost a perfect overlap. Where there is a tiny bit of separation between the curves, it's the RA atmosphere that has the higher pressure. But for most practical purposes, there no difference between them. There is a bit more variation between the models in terms of temperature. The U.S. Standard Atmosphere uses the mean northern hemisphere temperature a latitude of 45 degrees (at least that's what I recall). It is just a single temperature-height curve, so the KSP developers had to fill in the missing data with educated guesses. My research turned up better and more complete data to work from, so I believe my global temperature model is more realistic than stock's. This means there's more variation in air density between stock and RA than there is in air pressure. But again there just isn't that much of a difference between the models that there should be noticeable differences to the extent that you're describing. As to you're specific question, the air pressure at 15 km ASL is 6722 Pa in stock, and 6818 Pa in RA. The temperature varies depending on location and time, but the "base temperature" at 15 km is 216.65 K in stock, and 211.75 K in RA. Base temperature is the temperature without any latitudinal, diurnal, or seasonal temperature variations applied. Why don't you take a flight with the Aero GUI open and see what the temperature, pressure and density are actually reading?
  21. The stock atmospheres fade to nothing as well. The main difference between stock and Realistic Atmospheres is that the RA atmospheres use the ideal gas law. RA takes into account the surface pressure, the gas molecular weight, the planet's gravity, and the temperature-height profile to compute how the atmospheric pressure changes with increasing height based on real life principles. I'm really surprised to read this. While some of the atmospheres in RA vary quite a bit from the stock versions, Kerbin's is changed very little. I would expect the Kerbin atmospheres in stock and RA to be almost indistinguishable. There are some differences, but not enough to produce the glaring differences that you describe. I'm afraid I don't have any tips. I'm not familiar with Alternis Kerbol, so I don't know for sure what atmosphere it's using. But if it's using the Kerbin atmosphere from RA, I'm at a loss to explain the problem you're experiencing.
  22. I suggest you try asking this question in the KScale64 thread where you might find people who have experience playing at that scale. This thread is really just about resizing/rescaling the universe, that doesn't mean the author or anybody else here has any real game playing experience at the scale you're interested in.
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