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Everything posted by GloriousWater

  1. Finished my Duna mission: Then I got Jeb and Bill stranded in a 27000x83000km polar Eve orbit with no fuel, power, science or anything. Mission Control has told them to hold their breath for roughly 800 days while a rescue mission is set up.
  2. Messed up my aerobraking a little. Note that this is on the way UP on a highly inclined, retrograde "orbit" and I was trying to get back out using my transfer stage's LV-Ns.
  3. Took a brand-new SSTO to Minmus. Shame the RAPIER is so thirsty in closed-cycle though.
  4. Nothing to see here, just a shuttle being normal. (the wings collided with the launch pad 30km above KSC)
  5. Jeb left some snacks in the fuel tank, which aren't suitable as rocket fuel. You accidentally blow up the launch pad.
  6. Played jetpack football with some debris on Minmus, didn't score many goals though. Maybe I should get a smaller ball.
  7. In my career save, the YADA (Yet Another Duna Ship) has launched to.... Duna. It arrives in 260 Kerbin days. And I have another Class D on an impact trajectory with Kerbin's equator. I'll redirect it whenever I feel like it or something.
  8. This is a design for a Laythe lander I had back in my 0.24.2 career save. Unfortunately that mission never flew. Still, here it is in all its glory: (I did forget to put batteries/solar panels on the thing, but it's not a probe so it can fly just fine anyway)
  9. Does making an SRB "plane" and decoupling the wings count? Next challenge: "Stress test" the VAB by firing the Kerbodyne SRB downwards on the helipad.
  10. Made a working cargo SSTO, rendering my recently made shuttle useless. Dunno why I put science on the command pod, this is in Sandbox.
  11. Did this challenge last night, but didn't find time to upload the pictures until now. No prizes for guessing what my tired self left out....
  12. You were able to walk away from that landing? Seems you weren't going fast enough! Anyway, I circularised the orbit of the class D I captured yesterday and started converting it into a fuel depot. It has the equivalent of 1.5 orange tanks of fuel on board, which should be good enough for now, at least until I unlock the Kerbodyne parts. *checks tracking station* Oh, and I have two more class Ds on a collision course with Kerbin, as well as a Duna launch window approaching. This will be a busy few weeks at KSC...
  13. Spent the last few hours redirecting a class D asteroid, which 'simulations' showed was on a collision course with KSC. It's now in a 221x355km orbit as the ship sorta ran out of fuel.
  14. I put a Mk 1 pod on the biggest SRB I could find and went straight up to something like 201km. Jeb somehow survived that flight by jumping out and not even slowing down with his EVA pack...... Yeah.
  15. Made a shuttle to carry cargo (or rather, 1.25m cylinders) up to LKO, because I'm terrible with cargo SSTOs....
  16. I decided to.... ahem.... clean up KSC. Totally not distracted rover driving, not at all!
  17. Had to get out and push the lander home.... from Minmus. What's worse is the lander ran out on a suborbital trajectory.... My first SSTO landed upside-down after issues with the abort system. It also had about 20 intakes for one turbojet engine. I place girders all over my first stages as a safeguard against the decoupler bug. ...I'm frankly amazed my Kerbals have survived this long, really.
  18. I had the Mun intercept a Class C that would otherwise crash into Kerbin, and it was in an eccentric retrograde orbit for 3 months. Then the Mun kicked it out again... Needless to say, I crashed an ion probe into it for SCIENCE!
  19. Thanks for the replies, people! You had me on the floor there. For future reference, I'm usually talking about the sitcom that goes by that name. Don't worry, I'm not exactly Father Dougal. ...Or am I? Well judging by my early asparagus lifter designs, maybe. Good job I perfected them before 0.25....
  20. Hello fellow KSPers, I am GloriousWater (name taken from a random thought when I was thirsty last July). I've been playing (and exploding) since 0.23.5 but never thought to register here until now. I consider myself a decently skilled player, having landed on several planets, made SSTOs/shuttles that don't flip out all the time, and jumped Mun craters at 60m/s without crashing. Quicksaves may have been involved. In real life I take an interest in buses (long story) and watch Father Ted. That's basically it.
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