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Everything posted by KillAshley

  1. so any problems anyone noticed so far? any complaints? I'm going to start working on some patches to add mod compatibility when i get a chance, probably starting with rescale packs as they are a pain so I'd like to get them out of the way. Also I'm hoping to make a small polish up on some planets. For example the creamy color on Mun seems a tad too "plastic-looking" for my liking so i might mute it down a little. Also I might increase the size of Dres's craters as they should be bigger according to the description (damn me and my trying to create a "lore" to the pack!) Anyone had an explore with the biomes yet? Will be hard to find them all
  2. Yeah slowly as I flesh out the smaller details the rescale support will come. This initial release is completely barebones, with only stock support. I have quite a few things ready, but by the time this gets a 1.0 release it should have full mod support...fingers crossed!
  3. Magic! Haha na I had plans on how to create jool in game, however that idea changed when it became unfeasible to get done. In the end I used a lot of Photoshop magic....technically it is still procedurally generated...in a sense....
  4. Small announcement, but... Uncharted Lands v0.1 is now officially released! You can download the pack from Github HERE, link is also available in the OP. Please let me know any and all feedback regarding the new system and it's planets. Also any bugs at all that you find are more than welcome to be reported. In it's current state, compatibility is not yet tested for all the major planet packs, however there shouldn't be any MAJOR issues. Also certain mods, such as DOE, Planetshine, etc. will have incorrect colors for the planets, but this will be worked on when i have time! Enjoy!
  5. sorry guys, been pretty busy wrapping up my new pack lately so haven't had much free time (damn work). I'll sort these things out ASAP. Thanks for the stories/screenshots too. Love to hear what you guys have been up to
  6. so for those people who wont realize, I have updated the OP with some clearer info and better pictures. This is mainly due to the fact that UL is almost ready, just some final testing and one loose end to tie up, then it should be good to go for an initial release. Thanks to everyone who has supported me and had the patience to wait for me to find time to work on this. Hopefully the pack will live up to peoples expectations!
  7. have i ever given you my pressure curve calculator? might help make those atmospheres....
  8. DO NOT use this for Kopernicus, this is outdated tutorial for kopernicusTECH and is way outdated for kopernicus standalone
  9. I was really hesitant when i saw this, but I had a quick look and almost spit my drink from laughing! such an interesting idea dude, love it! Just get some screens for the OP so you can get the downloads you deserve +rep!
  10. it was tylo >.< ok so the pack is ready for a release. HOWEVER there are a few little things i would like to get sorted before it happens, namely biome maps & science multipliers. ScieDefs can wait until another time, but i feel career integration is pretty essential to me.
  11. and i would like some time to get this nice and polished, rather than rushing and releasing junk:wink: how about instead of a DL link, I give you this instead; (yes the last one was Laythe)
  12. well things have wrapped up nicely today, got a LOT of work done tying up loose ends. Very likely I'll be able to get some sort of an early version release very soon...although i WOULD like to get science integration done, but that might take a while! Here's hoping I get more done tomorrow then things will be nice and polished! almost forgot....Eelo was the cratered one, yes! Also yes Minmus was the last pic i posted...looks like you guys really have been playing attention to the development of this pack lol! how about this one then:
  13. welcome to KSP! There's only so much detail you can get onto the PQS...even if the resolution on the colormaps are increased the pixelated terrain will still exist, as there's only so much color that can be painted over the terrain. TBH its mainly noticeable because of the contrasting colors of the terrain, so it's either use solid colors for planets or put up with a little distortion
  14. these aren't new pqs mods, amarius. They are the stock standard ones. There's nothing too special about this pack in terms of things it adds...because it actually adds nothing, just a few scaledspace textures.! Everything I've done so far is doable by anyone, at any time.
  15. KSP uses a gravParameter equation to calculate mass based off GeeASL & radius. Each of the stock planets have them set already so i just leave them...probably should fix them up at some point......
  16. correct! Why didn't anyone else notice that giant ball of fire in the sky? was quite obvious to me!
  17. \o/ looks awesome dude! Will be having a go when i can >other planet packs aren't included, i simply include patches to ensure that IF you decide to install an additional pack then it will fit nicely into my system (although i cannot say it will be fine adding a tonne of them, as the patches are made with only the individual packs and NH in mind) >Yes there should be contracts that generate by the stock game, although i heard it can be a little stubborn sometimes tbh I don't know...the flightGlobalsIndex numbers are basically a redundant value on the .cfg's that don't really need to be there anymore as kopernicus generates them at runtime. I have no idea why the game is so temperamental about the contracts...for some they work fine, for some they don't work at all As cantab said its all pretty easy to find out yourself, but unfortunately i don't really have enough time to do it myself
  18. Correct ibuckshot5! that IS Duna! How about we play a game called "guess the planet!"
  19. Ok, pushed through the update v1.6.6 is now live! -Fixed all normal maps to proper .dds conversion -Added Arkas support -Added Urania System support (first draft based off feedback about positioning) -Removed flightGlobalsIndex numbers -Added missing Aptur SciDefs
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