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Everything posted by KillAshley

  1. no idea when though.... ok but yeah updates already there for all, any bug reports please be sure to let me know in an appropriate manner and ill get it fixed.
  2. its all fixed....like i said it currently needs a development version of kopernicus which is not publicly available but when released this pack along with my update will work perfectly (excluding any usual bugs common with KSP)
  3. well actually its completely fixed, however it relies on a development version of kopernicus currently soooooooooooooo yeah I'll fully release when its all ready, but for the moment It'll keep sitting here in the dark
  4. So a long time ago i lost heart with the scene. Due to a number of personal issues and other factors i found myself without any motivation to work on my packs at all. I know I said that I was working on an update, but I could never actually put my words into action, so I apologize. Anyways I'm currently here with a small amount of motivation once again looking at all that has changed in the long time since I left, and a lot of the factors of why I left are still there, but this time I'm determined to update my packs. I don't know how long it will take, or how often I will find the time and/or motivation to work on them, however if you want you can simply follow my main Gihub repo to get the latest commits until i release. Thanks to you all for the understanding and for continuing to support me even when i wasn't here. -KA
  5. you could get past this my maybe installing some lights on your ships maybe? or if you reeeeeeally want to move back to stock lighting go to Gamedata/UnchartedLands/Kopernicusfiles and delete the Sun folder. no too sure about the Mun though.....somethign might have changed while ive been away
  6. i'm in hiding....... on a serious note, i'll add compatibility to NH when i get around to updating it, so don't stress
  7. i died, but i'm alive again now........... truth be told i put it off because we only got 1 entry this time, and it was past the deadline. Kind of killed my enthusiasm to judge really. On top of that i disappeared from the scene for a while altogether, so yeah. I pretty much consider round 4 to be dead do to no interest, and I'm trying to figure out whether or not to continue the project currently.
  8. To be honest the community here is pretty awesome, most things can be sorted just by reporting it here on the forums in a (polite) message, Sigma was merely suggesting creating a Github issue for a peace of mind kind of thing. Sometimes people don't realize things have been reported/being worked on already, and certain issues can take a long time to fix due to the game's messy code, but the bugs are normally fixed when they appear Although i missed what the actual issue is due the the thread being cleaned, , I'm sure it's either on my never ending to-do list, or Thomas's Kopernicus list.
  9. as above this only edits the planet's appearance, all positions, parameters and attributes are stock. So unfortunately any issues aren't caused by KASE
  10. the Scaledspace shine can be tweaked using the shininess value in ScaledVersion{} however you can also make the texture's alpha layer completely black or save it as DXT1 to remove the shine. The fadeStart and fadeEnd settings can be a pain, but they are also tied to the PQS's fadeStart and fadeEnd. Best place to look for an example for these settings would be RSS. pinging @The White Guardian for links to his tutorials by the way please remember to try avoid using SpaceEngine for textures of any kind, otherwise I tend to get very cranky lowStart etc are values at where the specific ground textures appear. It can be very fussy with some planets. the values are measured on a scale of 0-1, but KSP sometimes decides it doesnt like certain planets and makes the thresholds all kinds of messed up, however I find that changing the shader helps (look for the materialType value) or even changing the template to a more forgiving one may be useful too (theres a reason i use so many gilly templates). steepPower is how strong the steepTex is applied over the main textures on steep slopes. MultiFactor is basically the tiling for the "far away" textures. Basically it's the same ground textures as close up only tiled larger to give scenery when you come in to land. If you want to start toying with them try looking at my mods, as they all use modified PQSMaterials so it might be a good starting point.
  11. dont worry about using it, as long as the orbit isn't too bad ill allow it, i just want to prevent ridiculously weird orbits
  12. basically if it doesn't go flying off into the endless cosmos then ill consider it "stable enough"
  13. OK so it may have been a day late, but its here now. With the interest of many new people wanting to take a shot at creating something I have decided to provide a relatively simple round this time. Previously regarded as the building blocks of bodies themselves, now known to be the floating fragments from millennia-old collisions, asteroids are always floating about our systems. Today your task will be to create a new small asteroid streaking across our system. Round Rules; -Size must be be between 10 and 30km radius (giving extra size for people struggling with small-scale PQS) -It's orbit must be relatively stable (don't make the orbits too rediculous) -Try to strike a balance between realism and beauty (a clump of loose rock doesn't have to look boring) -Bonus points for the most unique shapes As always send your completed bodies to myself and it wouldn't hurt to send it to @Thomas P. in case i am unable to judge them. Closing date will be 2nd September 2016
  14. thats odd, i don't touch it's rotational period so i don't break any other mod that could rely on it (contract packs, RT maybe) I have no idea why it changed, ill have a look at some point though
  15. yeah i got kinda distracted lately and forgot about it. Luckily im here now and the judging is done! KCM Round #3 was an interesting round and I'd like to congratulate the entrants. However there can be only one winner and that winner is..... newcomer @Agent-Daniel_46 congratulations dude, your world, Trin. was especially good work for such a new user! (looks like getting a hand from TWG was wise ) also to note is that the next contest will probably start at the beginning of next month, so don't forget to check back then!
  16. ill update the Arkas info as for the polar coords its under Filter>Distort>Polar Coordinates. However it's better to crop your texture right down prior to warping it, otherwise it'll take the entire image as a polar region. Maybe crop to just under half of the vertical height. yeah, KASE only retextures the stock planets....think of it more as a texture pack than anything else, and OPM is natively supprted
  17. only a little more memory than stock tbh, you should be fine running it i remember this being an old linux bug with kopernicus ill check [17:34] <KillAshley|SEMI> Thomas: is there still a linux bug with kopernicus making planets yellow and striped? [17:35] <Thomas> Yes, if you screw up your graphics drivers because open source pedant or sth. like that :P there we go don't know about any fixes, maybe try asking in the kopernicus thread about it
  18. those "missing areas" arent always surface biomes....just parts of the biome map that are colored RGB 0,0,0...KSP shaders are pretty poor
  19. Ok so for everyone with the Kerbin orbit bug. I'm sorry about no noticing it before release, but usually i don't leave ships orbiting Kerbin during tests, which is how i missed such an obvious issue. Anyway with that said though, there are a couple solutions until it gets fixed, as said above this one works for now; however there is a highly experimental cfg i would like some volunteers to try. @Sigma88 wrote a cfg that should remove the issue, however i havent actually had time to test it myself due to a bad work schedule. For those interested in testing it, it's install is pretty simple; Download this cfg place the cfg anywhere inside your GameData folder Run the game Feedback would be much appreciated, and remember to back up your saves just in case! good luck dude! Thats.....very odd. No idea whats happening there, I'll look into it, cheers! Photoshop, Kittopia and a lot of patience! Photoshop can un-distort polar coordinates, meaning you can edit them easily then stretch them back out again. However most of my textures are exported directly from the PQS itself using Kittopia.
  20. he wasn't the only one oh and it should probably be said that im a little tied up at work atm, so judging wont be until the weekend.
  21. @GoldenPenguin @ibuckshot5 are you sure you've both used the correct .dds formats? Incorrect .dds format could cause the issue
  22. exactly what @Sigma88 said, but remember you'll need to adjust the atmosphere too, as the pressure at the KSC will be lower if you raise the terrain higher basically the weirdness comes form going below 0m altitude, the only instance where you can go below it is when you have an ocean there otherwise, as you found out, weird things happen. you could also patch the VertexHeitMap instead of adding an offset, instead of the VertexHeightOffset you can use; VertexHeightMap { offset = 0 //Kerbin's is set to -1500 so start at 0 and work up order = 10 //Kerbin's actual VertexHeightMap order enabled =true } Bare in mind, however, that altering the height of Kerbin's terrain will make it so that it's LandControl colors will appear at the wrong height. You'll need to adjust each landClass to set the height
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