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Hobbes Novakoff

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Posts posted by Hobbes Novakoff

  1. So, I was just browsing KSP General Discussion, and I saw this thread. And post #2 in this thread had an idea. What if we could change the splash picture? Like, that picture that shows up while the game loads all the assets? Or even cycle through pictures? Like, say, just cycle through a bunch of screenshots from one of the wallpaper threads dotted around the forums. Or maybe take the most recent item in the Screenshots directory. Or something. Is this a thing? Make this a thing, Oh great modders with your mighty .dlls and .cfg files! I beseech thee!

  2. Also, is there a way to add screenshots to the loading screen? It would look awesome!

    To my knowledge, no. Modders! Make this a thing, with your mighty .dll files of mightyness!

    To answer OP's question, I don't believe that you can download the splash screens. However, there are several amazing threads on the forum with really cool wallpapers.

  3. Ladies and Gentlekerbs, Boys and Girbals, Kats and Dogs...

    Have you ever wondered what it would be like to fly a real fighter jet? Do your Kerbals need military training, but need a plane that they can't blow each other up in? Do you want to fly the things that the cool people down in Kerbal Military Engineering [/shameless plug] fly? Well, wait no more! Introducing:

    THE HPT-360 WASP!

    Da da da daaaa daaaaa... Daa da! (Du-dum!)

    (Such music.)


    Jeb is ready to go.

    The HPT-360 Wasp Trainer is the pinnacle in Aerospace Engineering. With a special design for maximum learning, and a reinforced endoskeleton, it is... Nah, actually the guys in the back just yanked all the weapon mounts and electronics off a Wasp Interceptor that we... borrowed from Kerbal Military Engineering. Still, it's really fast and extremely maneuverable.

    Here's an Imgur album for y'all:

    Javascript is disabled. View full album

    And here's the download.

  4. I'm sick of all these career pilot-icians running Krashington D.C. into the ground. We need more ordinary kerbals from ordinary careers, like scientist or engineer.

    Agreed. The partisan wars over the snack bar between the Demokrats and Republikans have gone too far.

  5. I heard a lot of GIMP here. GIMP works on Mac, I have a Mac, but is it user-friendly or will I require a couple weeks of getting into it? I'll also try out Acorn and Pixelmator.

    Gimp... Not very user friendly. The controls take quite a bit of getting used to, and you'll certainly need to watch some tutorials.

  6. Personally, for me my laptop i7 @ 3 Ghz (Turbo Boost to 3.5 Ghz) plus a dinky Intel Iris 6100 Integrated graphics card, 16GB of RAM, and flash storage, I can run up to 400-500 parts (10 46-part fighters that I was doing a battle scenario with) at a pretty good framerate (though the clock is slow), but it is more or less unplayable with anything over 600.

  7. I may be overstating this issue, but probably not by much. There are a lot of people bringing up Minecraft as an example, but Minecraft wasn't ported to consoles until after Notch sold the game to another developer.

    IMO, Squad should have completely finished the game, finished selling the game on PC, then sell the entire IP to another developer for a huge chunk of cash.

    Leave it up to the new IP owner to figure out how to port the game to consoles after PC development was completed.

    PC development is never going to be "complete." The only time it's going to be "complete" is when SQUAD stops working on it, which is not going to happen in the foreseeable future. Anyway, 10 cents, multiplied across a few hundred thousand sales at $40 each (that's being pessimistic, the game on PC has sold, according to some estimates, a few million), is still a hefty $1.2 million or so.

  8. I have a new MBP with Iris 6100 integrated graphics, runs fine and pretty stably, though about once every 3 hours (of total playtime) I get a crash to desktop with OSX's core dump saying "Graphics hardware encountered an error and was reset." However, this also has happened with other Unity-based games (Robocraft) so I'm just gonna chalk it up to Unity not playing nice with OSX Yosemite.

  9. BTW, a memory leak is when an application or program stores a value in memory, typically as part of a loop, then does not delete the value from the system memory when it is not needed-say, at the end of said loop. What happens is that your memory fills up with useless values, and you "leak" memory capacity, which can cause a game crash when the system tries to allocate memory that isn't actually there, causing it to freak out and force close the app. This is a pretty big problem in any program, but especially in KSP because since it's a 32 bit application (if you run OSX or Windows), it can only allocate about 3.5 GB of RAM, and because of the rather unique data requirements of a game like KSP (in a nutshell: literally every single asset in the game could be called upon at any moment, so everything needs to be loaded into RAM at startup to prevent the game having to stop for several seconds whenever you get into physics range of another craft or flip a page in the VAB.) 2.2 GB (or so) is used by the stock textures, parts, sounds, and whatnot, which leaves only about 1.5 GB (on Windows) or 1.2 GB (on OSX) for mods and leakage, which is not much, especially on a heavily modded install.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Also, I am not a programmer, so if someone wants to offer a more in-depth explanation of a memory leak, go ahead.

  10. I myself and only me, don't want to learn and fill my head with useless info that means nothing other than in the game as it now stands KSP.

    Well, that's a good thing, because you aren't. The Rocket Equation, orbit techniques, etc. are all completely applicable to real life, and if you install FAR, well-It's hands-down the best aerodynamic simulation I've ever seen in a building game (yes, yes, X-plane, I know, but you can't build your own plane. Not in any sort of user-friendly way, anyway.). The only reason that KSP is unrealistic, physics-wise, is the size of the bodies and the n-body simulation (which literally cannot be done at any playable rate on a silicon-based system that isn't the size of a house).

    And by the way, if there's anything that should be added to this game physics-wise, it's Space Engineers-style soft-body physics, or some kind of approximation. It always bothers me that when you hit an air intake, which should not contain any kind of combustible material, against the ground, at 10 m/s, it explodes violently instead of sort of being bent and crushed. Screw realistic planets, because frankly, if every number in the game was multiplied by 10, then Bam! Realism. (Okay, not really, but you see my point. The only reason some things are "realistic" and others are not is because of some numbers on the screen.)

  11. So, Apple is launching OSX El Capitan, and with it a version of the Metal API for OSX. So, I'm not a computer hardware expert, but according to this article, this bypasses the super-slow OpenGL framework, and basically makes stuff run way better. Unity (as well as every other major game engine, including 2K and Blizzard's in-house engines) will support Metal. What I'm interested in is a) is this integration automatic, or does SQUAD need to spend time on it? B) What performance increase do you guys think this would give, if any? and c) If this requires SQUAD to spend time on it, should they devote dev time, or is the OSX crowd just a too small segment of the player base?


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