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Hobbes Novakoff

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Posts posted by Hobbes Novakoff

  1. Wheels have more jobs to do than struts. Just look at all the rover wheels. Landing legs are simple, and while there is room for a larger set, that could be said of most of the stock parts. The plans get shorted with engine size more than the rockets do, for example (I really want a 2.5m turbojet). I you want bigger parts look to mods.

    I agree. With a lander, you generally have a cylindrical base either 0.625, 1.25, or 2.5 meters in diameter. Not much differentiation needed. However, with a plane, you can have several different types of fuselage, different engine arrangements (e. g. under-wing, like an airliner, or flush in the back, like a fighter jet), often several different fuselage bodies, plus you might be going for different aesthetics (like old-style biplanes, or something like a Cessna). You can see why you need to have different wheels. Same with rover wheels, and that's exacerbated by the fact that rovers are usually irregularly shaped.

  2. First off, I'm pretty sure that the Higgs Boson doesn't actually allow us to control mass or the way mass works. Second, this is on the WNTS list. Third, if you want a mod, post this in Add-on Affairs. Fourth, there's a zillion different mods for warp drives anyway.

  3. This would be kind of cool, but I don't feel that it's necessary. What is far more needed is an alarm clock system. In KSP, missions take months or years, most of which is idly drifting through space, interspersed with a few minutes, at most, that require the player. There's virtually no chance that you would have to be attending to two things at the same time on separate missions. If we do the math, and we assume that the distribution of player input times is random (A bit of a spherical-cow assumption), and that each of those instances takes five minutes, and you have say 50 instances (A quite large number, really) per in-game year, then the chance of having two events at the same time is: 5.3127076511630764472152467433303981261085575475531642760906042083334359×10^-8. In other words, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really unlikely.

  4. Ugghh... multiplayer, why does everything have to have multiplayer. Do you know what would ruin KSP for me.... landing on Eve and finding thousands of "ShaDoWKILLers" and "DEthhatER8s" have already placed their flags all over the place.

    I know, I know, it will be optional, its not going to be an MMO etc etc.

    Still, KSP seems one of those games uniquely suited to solo play. But of course... everything has to have multiplayer tacked on otherwise Gen Y loses interest. grumble grumble, you kids get off my lawn!!!!

    The point of multiplayer for me, I'd say, is doing co-op or competitive play with a couple of close friends. Theoretically you could have a gigantic gazillion-core hub (and since multithreading will be a thing, the gazillion cores will make a difference) and have a bunch of people on at once, but I think the point of MP is just to play with a few others.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Also... Multithreading. Yahoo!

  5. How about as a description for Goreyo:

    The nation of Goreyo used to be a nation of Kerbals who enjoyed practicing the ancient art of TaeKwonDo (Didn't even need to add a K). The country split in the Goreyan War, forming South Goreyo and the Democratic People's Republic of Kerbin, also known as North Goreyo. Their school system is extremely rigorous, and the children spend most of their days at school. The main sport of Goreyo is playing Human Space Progam, a space simulator made by PLATOON, in large competitive tournaments, to see who can get to the "Moon" or "Mars" with the least amount of money. This fostered a nationwide interest in space, and Goreyo is beginning to develop their space program.

    Props to Yukon009 for coming up with the Human Space Program idea.

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