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Hobbes Novakoff

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Posts posted by Hobbes Novakoff

  1. however there they don't seem to post helpful comment such as "...can easily over-maneuver with..." etc. Or tech level i.e. this rocket can be built with the General Rocketry and Survivability nodes, etc. for career mode folks.

    Yes, but that's the poster's fault, and it's hard if not impossible to ascertain the atmospheric flight characteristics just from a craft file, because you'd have to develop a new aero simulation accounting for stock physics, which would most likely require a peek into KSP's source code. With FAR, ferram4 knows exactly how the physics work-He coded them himself (Mostly). With stock, we can only do testing-there's no real way to guess exactly how something will fly without taking it into KSP and flying it. Tech level is an interesting idea however, and should be easily readable from the craft file.

  2. The fuel lines are not processing correctly (check your video). You might want to fix this and double check your software/plugins/videos before release in the future.

    This isn't their software (I don't think...), I'm pretty sure it was made by Sketchfab or something, as there was stuff about it on the forums before they announced it.

  3. Perhaps this is where fuel cells come in? I do agree with the people that RTGs do sound too nerfed if it ran out over a couple of years, but having an infinite source of energy renders any other sources of electricity useless. Fuel cells sound great when you don't have a better alternative. Furthermore, nerfing RTGs gives us a better reason for putting probes into "hibernation".

    A problem with fuel cells is that it's waaaaaay too easy to leave them on during a long time warp and come out to find that every last drop of fuel is gone. And it's equally as easy to leave them off and find that your battery is completely drained. Not to mention, the fact that RTGs are an infinite source of EC is balanced by the fact that a) They give 0.75 EC per second, so you'd need about 10 of them for 1 ion engine, B) They weigh a ton, c) they're crazy bulky, and d) they cost thousands of funds apiece. They're balanced as they are. They're also the only viable choice for long-term missions.

  4. Had a quick look at the github, seems its written in Python. Might be possible to run this on linux and mac directly from source, will try this weekend

    I was looking at their Minecraft exporter and it seems that that provides instructions for running it on a Mac, and it is written in Python as well. Requires some command-line fiddling, but it might do. I'll try it out once I'm home from school.

  5. Space engine FX are probably more trouble than its worth.

    RTGs are heavy, expensive, and produce absolutely pitiful amounts of EC. Keep them as infinite power sources for tiny chem-probes.

    Clamshell fairings have been debated to death, and curved fairings are already possible, as is seen in the screenshot.

    LV-N shouldn't have its activation obfuscated for the sake of realism, there needs to be a way to very clearly see that it is on. It's the same problem I have with ion engines.

    I agree wholeheartedly. RTGs are intended for low-EC trickle operations-In other words, probe cores. They're also quite useful when building military stuff (Although that shouldn't be a prime concern of the devs) because they can be hidden inside armor, unlike solar panels. They're also absolutely essential for exploration past Dres, with the new power curves for solar panels.

    - - - Updated - - -

    For balancing purposes, RTGs should have reduced power over time, and eventually run out over a few years. This should make people want solar panels as the better solution for long term energy needs.

    However, you have forgotten to take into account that with the new update solar panels are effectively useless past Dres. Therefore, RTGs are necessary, and if you want a long-term installation in the Jool system (like a Laythe base) with RTG decay you'd have to keep it continuously supplied with either new RTGs or with fuel for fuel cells.

    Also, "good looking" takes precedence for me over "realistic looking." I don't want these effects because it makes my ship look like it's being propelled by overgrown RCS thrusters.

  6. I think Prince of Rockets will do ok, with or without your expert opinion. He already had a nice screenshot of the plane embedded in his OP, which is all you "really" need IMO. I prefer the slideshow of it getting into orbit to NOT be embedded as I believe he can get it into orbit so I didn't really care about viewing that entire album and am just as happy it wasn't more to have to scroll through.

    Oh, wow. The picture didn't show up on my internet. Sorry for being rude.

    Comcast is so evil that they deliberately withhold images just to start online flamewars :D

  7. OH, so you want the entire slide show embedded right here so you don't even have to leave the page? Well, I've got good news for you then. Since Google has amazing geolocation services for their content, clicking on my link will probably load them faster than if I had embedded them with Imgur (with the added benefit of me not having to sign up for Imgur). Enjoy!

    Yes, but when people glance over your post, they'll be looking for pictures, not links. You want your post to pop out. And if you don't like imgur, you can still post photos. However, the way Google hosts photos on Drive is royally ****ed up, so you are going to need to use one of the bazillions of image-hosting services. And if you don't like that, make a website and host the photos there. But really, just sign up for a proper image hosting service. Or you can have your craft languish in the bottom of the forum because when people glance over the OP, they think you're a forum noob who doesn't make good craft. Your choice.

  8. Embed the images? Clicking on the screenshots link takes you to a photo album. Clicking on one of the pictures starts a slide show. Each image can be downloaded individually. If you want to embed one of them inside the forum, right click on one of the images and pick "Copy Image URL". Then, [NOPARSE] Paste it inside here. [/NOPARSE].

    Okay then... So why aren't the images embedded?

  9. Screwed around with 5v5 jet battles over the KSC, using BDA's new AI mode. ~550 parts in range at the beginning of a battle (Though that number went down very, very quickly) meant that I was running at about 10-20 fps, however. Not a problem, as BDA doesn't care about FPS. I might upload pics, but I'm too lazy to create an Imgur account at the moment. I launched them all at the same time, so I generally counted myself lucky if I hadn't had a midair collision in the first 20 seconds. TL:DR: Many 'spolsions. Somehow, Jeb managed to survive almost all of them practically undamaged. The last one he got absolutely shredded by vulcans, then the cockpit fell into the ocean.

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