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Hobbes Novakoff

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Everything posted by Hobbes Novakoff

  1. There's an extremely simple solution to your problem. It's called moving the cursor. If you're talking about the KER info windows, that's KER's problem and should be brought up in the relevant thread. - - - Updated - - - If you're talking about the VAB infos, I've never seen any issue wth the cursor blocking those out. Unless your screen resolution is appallingly low, that shouldn't be a problem.
  2. How does this work? - - - Updated - - - Also, craft file?
  3. When you're scared of jumping into a pool because you think you'll explode into sploosh. When you angle yourself headfirst when falling to increase your chances of survival. When you attribute spacecraft failures to the Kraken. - - - Updated - - - When you want to say "Joolian" instead of "Jovian."
  4. You could also mod the config to have a small explosion radius. Or, better yet, have KospY make the explosion radius tweakable.
  5. Same with engine exhaust. Yes, IRL in space it does look like a pancake. However, everyone expects it to look like a cone.
  6. How about with milestones you get a relatively large amount of money (like a grant). If you don't complete the milestone in a certain time, the amount you get from subsequent milestones decreases (or your reputation could take a hit and future milestone monies are based off rep.) If you successfully complete it, you get a boost to reputation, and subsequent milestones give you more starting money.
  7. OP, from the looks of it, the type= value is what you want. You can check the configs for some other Kerbals, see if you notice a difference.
  8. Indeed. It's not like adding red tape accomplishes anything here. If you don't want PNGs, you can convert the texture yourself. One of the things that makes KSP great is its free and open modding community, and I don't think that should be needlessly changed.
  9. I wouldn't mind extra gameplay challenge, as long as we can get that amazing voxel-mesh-sim-thingy in nuFAR.
  10. A certificate would be nice, but this, and only this, would be amazing.
  11. I don't know, but it's probably floating-point errors in KSP that are causing your imbalance. - - - Updated - - - Either that or just messed-up pre-1.0 aerodynamics.
  12. Really, there isn't any point in blocking off modders from doing something. Frankly, the instant you plonk something into GameData besides the Squad folder, any guarantees Squad has made on how the game will work (including faster load time etc.) are invalid. Squad has no obligation to make the game work as advertised-or even work at all-when mods are installed.
  13. I do believe this is on the WNTS list. However, a mobile VAB/SPH app, or just a craft viewer, would be cool.
  14. I agree airbrakes are OP. Reentry heat does not really affect rocket-based missions, however it's made SSTOs a bit more interesting and makes for some nice effects, especially with camera shake.
  15. They do. They fixed that 4 days after it came out, in the 1.0.1 hot fix. EDIT: actually, after rereading your post, I think you mean that it would be unbalanced if we just had a free heatshield on all pods. However, you could just increase the pod mass. Thing is, I think that an integrated heatshield wouldn't really work, as I'm pretty sure the stock heatshield code can't account for one face being ablative, but other faces not. I can't acces KSP right now, but we should test if heatshield work when placed backwards.
  16. Minor bug report: For the explosives, the equip slot is set to left hand, but the explosives show up in the right hand. I fixed it by copying over the position values from the user guide part. Also, is it possible to make it so that explosives don't need a drill to be attached? It doesn't seem like you need to be mechanically inclined, it's just slapping on what is apparently a GTA 5 sticky bomb. Also, it would be awesome if the timer and/or explosion radius were tweakable.
  17. You can easily make an aeroshell with a fairing; in fact, that was one of the intended uses.
  18. Yup. I believe you are looking for a flap. And those are stock already.
  19. I don't think Tweakscale should be added. Right now, it's quite hard to build small, just due to the size of the parts. Brain surgery with a hammer, if you know what I mean. If Tweakscale were added, all those amazing creations like UpsilonAerospace's tiny shuttle would really lose their magic, as all you would have to do would be scale struts down and bam-micro. The limitations produced by part size have lead to amazing new uses for parts that you would originally never think of using, e. g. roll cages made out of those LT-5 micro landing gears (probably not the best example, but still.)
  20. To quote Siri: I'm not sure I understand.
  21. The point of the Rhino is a low-thrust, high-Isp 3.75m engine. Admittedly it looks like it would be akin to the Skipper, but it's actually in the same role as the Poodle and Terrier. For a 3.75m atmo engine, use the Mammoth.
  22. KSPAPIE is a mod dependency used by stuff like ProceduralFairings and a few other mods (I don't remember which).
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