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Hobbes Novakoff

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Posts posted by Hobbes Novakoff

  1. 11 hours ago, Shpaget said:

    There should be a logic check to make sure the script waits for the download to finish. Probably the simplest way would be to check the folder size and if there was no change for more than a few minutes, it goes ahead and moves the files.

    Alright, thanks a lot! I'll try that out once I get back to my desk.

  2. 2 minutes ago, worir4 said:

    How will you respond to the egg thrown at you yesterday?

    I think that eggs are certainly a major problem in America today. We need to put a stop to illegal immigreggtion. *Mumbles something about arming border patrol agents with electric mixers*

    Q: How do you think your recent remarks regarding banning bacon from entering the country have affected your standing in the polls?

  3. I'm actually a double agent! This is a sting operation! I'm working with you! Oh, the nuclear-powered rocket? Erm, it's not nuclear powered... Here, take a look at it. I'll give you your privacy. Look, this super-heavy door is to give you all the privacy you need!

    You are pulled over in an airliner with a key labeled "Cockpit," a smartphone, and a book titled "How To Fly A Plane."

  4. A: Well, our engineers have actually dug up some ancient technology codenamed End Flight. This will bring great prosperity to the fields of grass currently covered by debris!

    Q: How will you contain the fallout from the use of this new technology?

  5. @Tex_NL is correct. Currently the only versions of the game are for Windows, Mac, and Linux. Versions for consoles will be released eventually. (As in, we basically have no idea besides "sometime before the Earth is incinerated due to expansion of the sun.") Do you have a computer? KSP is not a very demanding game, especially on low settings. Most computers more advanced than a Chromebook can probably run it, if badly.

  6. 14 minutes ago, Camacha said:

    Can you provide evidence that the system continuously or on average pulls 350 watts? The overwhelming majority of even enthusiast systems out there simply do not.

    I meant at load. I haven't directly measured it at the wall mainly because watt meters are super expensive but I've used some PSU calculators.

  7. 8 hours ago, stibbons said:

    Keep your GameData folder in dropbox. That lets you straight out install a mod from somewhere else. It's been a long time since I've used dropbox, so I don't know how easy it is to configure it to use multiple folders like that. But worst case you can use symbolic links to achieve this. 

    I was thinking of doing that, but my Dropbox doesn't have enough storage to sync everything.

  8. On February 22, 2016 at 7:12 PM, Camacha said:

    600 watts is well beyond what most systems actually use nowadays. Even ridiculous computers tend to use a lot less.

    While I agree with your first statement, "ridiculous computers" can use a whole lot of power. My computer, a (relatively) modest build with a GTX 960 and 6600K, pulls about 350 watts, with only the CPU overclocked. If you were to ramp up your OC or get a high-end GPU (or two) you could find yourself easily pushing 600W. LinusTechTips built an absolutely stupid system with 7 GPUs and a 28-core Xeon and power draw was in the region of 1530 watts. Obviously somewhat of an edge case, though.

  9. So I have three devices which I browse the forums on-my desktop, my laptop, and my iPhone. Like many people here, sometimes I come across a mod or ship that I want to check out ingame. However, I can't play KSP on my iPhone (for now) and my laptop is not good for KSP, so I do all my KSP-ing on my desktop.

    Anyway, I'll cut to the chase. Using Dropbox from my laptop or phone, I put the files in, and they get downloaded to my desktop basically instantaneously (the desktop is on 24/7). I was wondering if I could somehow make a lightweight script or some such that keeps an eye on two folders in my Dropbox folder on my computer, and if it sees anything, automatically move it over to the GameData or Ships folder. (I have very little programming experience.) 

    If you have any other ideas for how to accomplish this, just tell me-my solution is certainly a convoluted bit of work. Speaking of, relevant xkcd:


  10. 6 hours ago, Alphasus said:

    I use grey ones sos that they don't clash with my black case. I could get corsair air series fans as my led fans if I did need them though.

    I have two AF140s and an AF120 installed (all red LED) and I'm thinking of installing an extra fan on the bottom (I have approximately 12 spare fans of various types, yay for school science fair projects!)

  11. On February 16, 2016 at 11:21 AM, Alphasus said:

    Gives an extra $150 if you don't need both, so that is a 960 and 6600k.

    I will heartily recommend both of those choices (My new rig is an 6600k with an MSI GTX 960 4G). If you're like me, mainly CPU-bound games like KSP and Cities:Skylines with a few older games thrown in like Planetside 2 (or non-intensive games like Rocket League) that's a great combo to use. I have my i5 purring along at 4.5 Ghz, 70 °C with a Hyper 212 no less. If you're more of a serious AAA gamer, save on the CPU and put the money towards a 970 though.

    PS: Those temps are running Prime95 Small FFTs. I never get above 55 °C when gaming.

  12. 4 hours ago, Mad Rocket Scientist said:

    Have you ever used a graphing calculator?  So much fun!

    I probably lost an entire year's worth of class programming a crappy Pong program that wasn't even Pong on my calc. It sucked and was really laggy (dat 10Mhz CPU though) but it was 2.5 KB of blood, sweat, and "[Hobbes], put that away, this is social studies class."

  13. A: A so called 'woodchuck' (correctly speaking, a groundhog) would chuck-that is, throw-as much as the woodchuck in question was physically able to chuck (ibid.) if woodchucks in general had the capability-and, presumably, the motivation-to chuck wood.

    (Thumbs up if you get that reference.)

    Q:What is your stance on being asked questions?

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