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Bug Hunter
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Everything posted by linuxgurugamer

  1. take alook at this: http://spacedock.info/mod/1040/Kerbal Object Inspector Continued Works in 1.2 Hi All, I just merged some more changes from @LeLeon, so be sure to update to the latest.
  2. This was one of those very strange things where two wrongs actually made a right, and when one wrong was fixed, the right was broken. It's fixed, version 3.3.9 is released. And this time it's done the right way. When it was working before, code was being called incorrectly, but in a way which allowed it to actaully work because of another related problem. When I fixed one during some cleanup, it broke. Please test and let me know how it goes.
  3. Since you mention the VA, I assume you are exmilitary. so, thank you for your service.
  4. That's why I said the "it may be a while", same issue that VesselViewer has, I think
  5. Thank you for confirming. Something got reverted, and I haven't found it yet. Good news is that I was able to pull 3.3.7 from git and compile it, so it shouldn't be too difficult to find. But I'm out of town for a day, probably won't get to this until tomorrow
  6. I can take a look, but think that it may be a while.
  7. I haven't yet finished with it, it is not updated for 1.2 yet
  8. Quite possibly related to the fact that the NoOffsetLimit is again bugged with regards to local/absolute coordinates; something got reverted. If you have time, could you install the previous version and see if it still happens there? Thanks
  9. Some had made a PR, which I merged, and when I tested it in flight, it seemed to work. Strange. Anyway, you are mostly correct, but just remove the FOR. Since this patch is included with the mod, no need to add an extra check there. Here is a correct cfg: @PART:HAS[@MODULE[ModuleEngines]|@MODULE[ModuleEnginesFX]] { MODULE { name = SensiblePumps } } Update imminent
  10. Not at this time. Create an issue on github about it. New release: 0.4.1 Fixed harmless nullref wnen exiting from flight to main menu. Only happened when mod is disabled Fixed harmless nullref wnen launching. Only happened when mod is disabled Fixes DivisionByZero when engine has multiple ModuleEngines per part, thanks @ThirdOfSeven
  11. Reviving a useful mod: Ever had a rocket snap in half on you while in flight? I know you have. Ever noticed how the engines in the snapped-off part keep running while there's still fuel in the remaining stage? I know this happened to you as well. Major Improvement - Optimized code by using onPartDeCoupleComplete instead of an OnFixedUpdate Ever wish the pumps in an uncontrolled piece of debris would behave like real pumps and stop feeding fuel into the engine? I know I did, so I made this little plugin. Usage: Just install. It will just work, by adding itself into every part that has engines with ModuleManager. Engines which are part of vessels which cannot be controlled, i.e. are debris, will immediately shut off, and do so only once. This will correctly observe engines which cannot be shut off, i.e. solid fuel rockets. If this behaviour is, for whatever reason, not what you want on a particular engine, for example, you're making a liquid rocket meant to be used as a dumb projectile, you can toggle it in the editor by right-clicking on the part. Source code Github: https://github.com/linuxgurugamer/SensiblePumps Downloads: Github: https://github.com/linuxgurugamer/SensiblePumps/releases http://spacedock.info/mod/1047/Sensible%20Pumps%20Continued License: The license for the code -- the entire silly half-page of it -- is GPLv3. ModuleManager is bundled with the plugin according to it's license permissions. https://www.patreon.com/linuxgurugamer
  12. No blacklist, just been busy. Sorry, I'll look at the present this evening when I get home
  13. I was asked, looks simple enough Won't work in 1.2 without update, or at least a recompile
  14. not yet, sorry. while it's working, I'm still testing. I'll PM you a link
  15. This is a short article about what I did last year: “Go to the talk”, my wife insisted. I wasn’t really interested, but went anyway, since she wasn’t able to go at the time. This was back in February of 2015, about a week before my 58th birthday. I had no idea what the talk was about. The talk was given by Dr. Green, and was about her experiences with her recent kidney donation. For Dr. Green, it was almost exactly 3 months since her surgery. I found it fascinating, and found myself thinking about it a lot over the next few days. The next evening, I sent my first email to the organization which she went through, Renewal.org. Rabbi ********* called me back, and after talking sent me some links with more information. Three days later I sent back the donor form to see if it would be possible for me to do this. The hospital (NY Presbyterian) sent me a package for blood work, which I had done and had it sent back to the hospital. My blood type is AB, which is pretty rare, only about 4% of people have it. So I wasn’t expecting the call which said that I actually matched two people on Renewal’s list. So we moved forward some more. This still wasn’t quite real to me, it was like something I was putting my toe in. Within a few weeks I was at the hospital for the donor evaluation, which was an all-day event. The testing showed a couple of anomalies, so I had to go in again for some more tests. The subsequent tests showed everything was normal, the anomalies were caused by some medications I was taking and were harmless. Then the call: When would I like the surgery, sooner or later. I just wanted to do this and get it over with, so surgery was scheduled for June 16. From what I understand, this was on the short side of what donors usually do. I spoke to my company to be sure that this wouldn’t impact anything at work. Tick, tick, tick. All of a sudden it was June 12, my last day at work. Surgery was scheduled for Tuesday. I had to be at the hospital in NYC at 6:30 AM. The weekend passed quickly, did some errands on Monday, did the pre-surgery prep work as well. Monday night had some unexpected visitors show up, including Rabbi ****** and his son-in-law Rabbi ****, who is the Rosh Kolel in *******. I thought I wouldn’t be able to sleep, but sleep came surprisingly quickly. I had my alarm set to go off at 4am, car service was picking me up at 4:30, along with Rabbi ***** who was coming along for support. The ride in to the city passed, we got to the hospital at 5:45, and had to wait until 6:00 before they started processing the people waiting. The wait wasn’t long before they called me in. I got into the hospital gown, and was waiting and chatting with Rabbi ***** when Rabbi ****** of Renewal asked if I would be willing to meet the recipient, who was in the next bed over in the pre-op room. So, unexpectedly, I met the recipient and his wife, who were very emotional and extremely grateful. About 10 minutes later they walked me (a long walk) into the operating room. My only real complaint was that I asked the anesthesiologist to tell me when they were going to put me to sleep, and instead, she just went ahead without telling me. “Go to the talk”, my wife insisted. Thank G-d for my wife. The end result was that 3 months later, I was walking into an operating room to do the donation. Why? Why put myself through the pain, of the recovery, of being out of work for a month? I think this can best be answered the same way President Kennedy asked and answered the question about going to the Moon. If this was easy, there wouldn’t be any issue about donors. But it isn’t easy, both in qualifying to be a donor, and in doing it. I decided to donate my kidney because I could, not because it was easy. It wasn’t easy. Pain medications don’t work well on me, so I had more pain than most. But the end result, a year later,was to see my recipient at a seuda, healthy and able to enjoy life again after nearly 40 years of suffering. I suffered for a week, to end someone’s lifetime of suffering. I’m not vain, and don’t boast about things. I made arrangements with my company to be able to take the time off, and aside from most of the people in my department knowing, that was that. At least, until the end of the week, when the CEO of my company, Saki *******, learned about it and, rather than sending a normal Friday, end of week message, sent the following message to all company employees: “This week I’d like to highlight one of our phenomenal Achieve employees: Jonathan *****, Manager of Technical Operations in our development team. Last week, Jonathan voluntarily donated his kidney through an organization that matches volunteers to individuals challenged with kidney failure. This amazingly selfless act made me so proud to have Jonathan on our team. Besides being a dedicated Achieve employee, Jonathon is a father and grandfather, who has inspired many of us by giving someone he never met before a new lease on life. Jonathon, I am amazed by your selflessness.” I could not have done this without the support of my wife, my rabbi, my company, and Renewal. As an ending to this, the benefit to myself went far beyond the initial donation. During a checkup about 6 months afterwards, the doctor found an extremely early tumor in my thyroid; it was essentially undetectable, and would not have been found except for the donation. So in the end, my donating a kidney saved not only the recipient’s life, but my own as well.
  16. I'll wait a few days, but just wanted your OK on it. I'll be doing it in my own repo, but would push to you if requested For those who are interested, I do have it working in 1.2.1
  17. It wasn't clear. He should have stated that, instead he just listed two licenses, and both Squad and the FSF were unsure as to his meaning. Doesn't matter. I released under the GPL, he is free to do whatever he wants, including asking me to take it down
  18. @Ippo @Coffeeman hasn't been around since April 11. How long should I wait before going ahead with this?
  19. Firespitter @LeLeon is doing a fantastic job of going through this mod and making updates. Please all give a shout out to him. He committed a whole bunch last night, it's now merged on GitHub. Details follow:
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