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    Curious George

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  1. Thanks for the reply I try this with clean installed KSP 1.3.1 use same version of BDA as well as NAS now it works! they hit and bounce like AP shells, looks pretty good! Thank you!
  2. Thanks for developing/updating and sharing this awesome mod! I have so much fun with this mod, thank you! combing the feature provided by this mod and some blender /unity stuff, here comes the Scharnhorst! as you can see, targeting KSC , fires all main turrets....! Then i found some issues about some main cannon and shells: those shells (here i tested the 283mm SK C/28 , 203mm SK C/34 and 380mm SK C/34 turrets) just penetrate through the KSC quite weirdly, no shells bouncing / explosion is presented As contrast, when i fire the 10.5 cm SK C/33 turrets, they hit and explode normally.. Not quite sure is that due to the missing part of those bullets definition / CFGs ? For now, i just change their corresponding .cfg to something like this: weaponType = cannon (and remove the bulletType lines ) this make them behave more like the HE shells lol Did i miss some modules or mods? Might need your help to find clues here, thank you! ----------------- Using KSP NAS v0.6.6(download from CKAN) BD armory continued V1.0.0 (download from CKAN) physical range extender V1.5.0 (download from CKAN) ----------
  3. Nice to meet you!  I am a relatively new kerbalnuts from Taiwan.

    I've download your GN drive and CVN-65 Enterprise mod recently, and i have so much fun with them!

    Thanks for sharing these perfect making mods!


    Besides, i notice that in the release page of CVN-65 Enterprise mod, there is a F-22 with ACE-combat Idol master camouflage paint inside the  picture shown at the top.

    Can i ask you for this mod?


    I also like ACE combat series so much!

    I just made a acecombat X-02 mod by using blender and unity several days ago, but still some minor tweaking is required...  as i couldn't reproduce their variable wing mechanism with FAR physics by just using a stock animation module lol


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