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Everything posted by JTpopcorn

  1. I meant the idea of having one or more expert judges, rather than a group of community members. However, as long as the judges are experts in their categories there is no problem with having multiple judges. I am glad that this seems to have resolved itself somewhat peacefully. -JT
  2. Look for custom tech trees that people have made. Some of them follow a more realistic flow of tech with planes then rockets then nukes/rapier. You can edit your save to give yourself however much funds or science you want, so you can unlock certain things to skip the beginning tech grind so you can get to the fun stuff. Also if I recall, nearly all tech in the science tree can be obtained in the Kerbin Sphere of influence. If you want of video on how to edit a save file pm me, I can probably make one this weekend. -JT
  3. TRy mayber placing them in the SPH with the bay closed, so that way it knows they are external. It is defeinitly preventing their use because of the inside bay detection system.
  4. All right, time for me to say something. First, this is a thread, if this is for the community maybe a poll of what the community thinks is in order. I think I might have to agree with Hatbat. As with many major awards, the winners are picked by those that have great knowledge in the category that they are judging. There have been many times when actors or movies have won awards that the general population might disagree with. Something can be a good movie, without being the most liked movie and vice versa. Maybe this needs to be split into two competitions, one judged by experts, and one that is just a poll of what people think is the best. I honestly don't see the point in this arguement, as neither of you agree with each other. It is simply reducing quality Youtubers to Donald Trump level name calling. So yeh, just please stop and let the community decide, after all, that is what this is all about. -JT
  5. Could you put together an imgur album to put in the post so people can see all of the weapons. Also good job i like things that go boom.
  6. I'm going to say this because I know Hatbat probably would plus Ive talked to him some about it. First, season one did have the .50 turrets on fighters, and he found that bd weapons in space were simply to OP. By using BD weapons in space it takes away the challenge of fighting. Especially since BD weapons are more powerful than a good many stock missiles. Also guns in space is just a nope, point, shoot, kill. Fun, maybe realistic a little, but to OP for a cinematic fight. Finally the rest of BD is their so the weapons work. You dont need a jammer if you arent using jammable weapons. BD is used in atmo due to the ridiculous work/luck it takes to make anything more that short range encounters intresting. Thats all, JT
  7. After reading through the part file, there is no limit to science experiments in that code. I suspect it to be in the generic ksp coding.
  8. To make stuff not boom make a skeleton around the outside out of I beams. Quicksaving is your friend, as well as SAS but dont overdo it.
  9. The joint reinforcement mod might help. Also set up control surfaces as flaps to reduce speed. Most likely smashing the front.
  10. If you dont want modded, no one said the ssto cant change in space/refuel. Simply leaving a tank in space with docking ports, so extra engines could be left in orbit for duna, then used for eve would work/look cool.
  11. I assume by lifting you mean vertical takeoff. If so, a screenshot of your craft would help. Also, KER should be able to show the TWR of a given stage, and if that is less than 1 there is your problem. However, engines have fun thrust curves based on speed and altitude, so I assume that at a standstill the Sabre's can't lift the plane because they are most effective in upper atmo and space at high speeds. Right click on the engines once launched to see their actual thrust at rest.
  12. I believe someone found that ore is more dense than fuel, which means the best way would be to mine on a low gravity moon, shuttle ore to station, and convert ore to fuel at the station. The drills should stay on the surface at all times and be able to continue mining while the ore shuttle is delivering its cargo. I generally put all my drills on a single lander, with a panel on top so I can land on it and take the ore.
  13. A few things wrong with that plane, too much thrust, too much gear, and too little length, With the update drag is calculated differenntly, so making planes aerodynamic helps.
  14. A pic would help, one in the spaceplane hangar, and one of your f3 tab. There is a chance that if it is a heavy plane, al the weight is going onto a nosegear as the craft is loading in. Thats all, JT
  15. Unless you set up some modded autopilot system you will have to manually do the burns. Remeber to quicksave!
  16. Sadly, the white knight approach is much harder to engineer than a brute force method due to all the drag stuff. The general problem with a slow ssto ascent is that fuel is wasted in low atmo due to drag. I have only really gone for ssto's that are a mix, fast through the atmosphere but not crazily overpowered. I would post pics, but I dont have that save anymore.
  17. You could give yourself funds. Backup your save if it is at an important point! KSP folder > Saves > (yoursave) > persistent.sfs (open with notepad) > Ctrl + F > type in funds > edit overall funds, science or whatever > file save > start ksp BAM now you have money. Thats all, JT PS, PM if you have any questions.
  18. Electric props are in several mods including, Firespitter, KAX, and Boat Parts, and the Maritime Pack. You could also edit an engine to run off elctric charge. Thats all, JT
  19. Correction on this, the plane needs to fly slow or simply use parachutes to land. My fighter ssto lands at 230m/s by deploying drogues.
  20. Originally Posted by Endersmens Baha! So, you added attach nodes on missiles and bombs and such. This was great for putting them on the rails. However, now you can't stack them. You can't stack missiles or bombs. So it is nearly impossible to make a vertical dispenser. If you guys edit the cfg file you can simply make them stackable or surface attachable.
  21. Not easily, and if you dont know your way around ksp files good luck but so far I beleive yes you can do it. 1. Back up stuff (The craft files are in saves , whatever save you have it in , sph or vab.) 2. Open using notepad (program from my computer - notepad) 3. Scroll till you find your part. 4. Swap part name (beware of the CAPS) Swap resource fuel This might not work but its a guess. good luck!
  22. Just add more boosters. I got to the moon in the demo for .13-.14 so if its based in 1.0 it should be easier. Tall rockets with stages eliminate all drag.
  23. If the location is a problem I suggest simply moving the mine to another location.
  24. After looking I believe it is something that you add in the Unity stage of part creation. I suggest looking up a tutorial for making a command pod specifically the Unity part.
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