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Everything posted by JTpopcorn

  1. [quote name='Spearka']emu stahp[/QUOTE] [quote name='Spearka'] Emu, we need to talk about your making of too many ships[/QUOTE] Spearka, while it not be my place, I don't think you should be trashing anyone, especially on a thread that isn't yours. There is a difference between constructive critisism and just being a jerk. Please stop.:) -JT
  2. I would just add a kraken warhead to them, then they would destroy all sizes of ships. Unless thry fixed that...feature.
  3. How about someone trying the double eve trip in 1.05. 1 launch to eve, return, go back to eve, and return again.:D It was done previously, but it would be interesting to see people try. -JT
  4. You are going to need to go fast, I saw a challenge for doing that.
  5. [quote name='Elthy']Then why are there some posts complaining about bad effects of Unity 5 on older PCs?[/QUOTE] They are concerned squad will use abilities/effects that won't be compatible with old systems. I doubt this will be a problem, and worse case that's why there are sliders for Physics and graphics in the current settings.
  6. [quote name='Kerbart']Even though the current 1.0.x versions are running on one core, would there still be an advantage for more cores? It's not like windows is not running anything else in the background, and when three or seven cores can take care of that, the "KSP core" would be interupted less for tasks like running anti virus scans, rendering animated cartoons and running photoshop, indesign and illustrator simultaniously on the second monitor, no?[/QUOTE] Yes, this is why 99% of cpus' on the market are at least 2 or 4 cores, but unless you want to run other major applications at the same time, many extra cores aren't currently needed. selfish_meme I also hit a frame limit, and the only way I have found to keep frames up is keep craft small. However, eliminating mods can help too.
  7. While super PCs will get more improvement, I wouldn't say you need to pay thousands for performance. Generally the thousand+ gaming rigs have half the budget for a gpu, which isnt needed in ksp (at least not on that level) It doesn't cost that much to upgrade a system, and with the Unity upgrade, an avegare quad core might perform nearly as good as a high end cpu. If anything, this allows for average computers to get a free fps boost, and while older systems may suffer, that is the current cylce due to improving technology. Just be glad you have to spend a few hundred on a cpu over many years, vs the standard 1k for all high end gpu's needed to play the newest fps at max settings. -JT PS. The units for money I was using is dollars, for all the non US folk
  8. [quote name='Farex']To explain it really simple: Good CPU i7 = you play in frames per second Bad CPU i2 = you play in seconds per frame[/QUOTE] Nope, not exactly, but as others are saying this may change soon (hopefully). In the mean time, a faster single core with destroy a low speed multicore processor. i7's currently are quad/hex/octo core processors with hyper threading. That isn't really used when playing ksp, and I would guess a crazy overclocked pentium would beat an i7 any day in ksp frames. While it comes down to how much effort you are willing to put into changing the OC of a cpu, in a single thread game, many threads won't help. :( Please don't make non tech based asumptions that will confuse others.:) -JT
  9. Rovers are controlled using the wasd keys, and b to brake.(be gentle) Unless the base is massive, a 1 piece base is the way to go. Other than that, it's completely up to your creativity to make whatever you want.
  10. Peaceful, did you watch the rods from the gods video:D -JT
  11. Is it possible to have a button to toggle textures/colliders of the part. I know mods have had that feature to switch between part varients, B9 had/has it. -JT
  12. So yes KSP will change, that is a good thing. It also does NOT destroy your progress. While you might have problems with long term missions, all craft, funds, science, rep CAN be transfered over game versions. While some craft might not work, building craft is part of the game, period. While these changes cause craft to need changes, they allow great things like boats and mining. The game will never be free of bugs, but no game is. The kraken can even be used for good if you have some creativity. Finally, any mod support is great, and it normally takes a week for mods to be made compatible. Also, this is not squad's fault, squad (generally) doesn't make mods, the community does.
  13. This is my long range speed boat during field tests, the actual craft used a single engine, and could be steered at 70m/s with a top speed of 100m/s [IMG]http://i.imgur.com/I4Mdxd4.png[/IMG] -JT
  14. Hit 100m/s in pre 1.05 Also I assume you mean boat as on water not below, because damage occurs on water not in it.
  15. Ksp uses one core, so a quad core i5 may show it uses a maximum of 25% cpu. 8gb is enough ram. Intel hd 4000 isn't enough for high graphics settings or lots of mods but stock should work. If you added mods, that might be the problem.
  16. [quote name='RRFroste']Download please[/QUOTE] Will do when I get home.
  17. [quote name='Majorjim']What kind of Ap can it reach?[/QUOTE] 25.5km was the max height on the circumnavigation, I still need to see how high it will go if I try, but I suspect it would make 70km. It could SSTO if I put in some oxidizer and threw on a rocket/rapier -JT
  18. Where did you all learn how to do this, I would really like to learn/make my own, but it is really confusing to try to figure out what to actually do. Thanks, -JT
  19. I thought that got fixed, that forum page you reference is from 0.23.5...
  20. The SR-71 with new parts and aero on an accidental:wink: maiden circumnavigation. [imgur]JXa44[/imgur] KerbalX link [URL]http://kerbalx.com/JTpopcorn/Sr-71[/URL] Hope you enjoy,-JT
  21. Craft looks nice, how did you manage to balance the thrust? [quote name='Spearka']nope, not even in there[/QUOTE] Really, becuase rocket builders says: [COLOR=#333333]Additionally, if you need a rocket built for you, simply post in one of the existing threads asking the 'Company' to design and build you a rocket/craft. [/COLOR]So while arming something is not making an entire craft, the request would belong there.
  22. This is a submissions thread, if anything unfinished craft belong in rocket builders.
  23. Thanks, this was only the maximum speed of the craft with a standard jet, not speed record stuff. Sometimes turning was possible too! I was experimenting, because I think it's safer to go these speeds over the smooth water rather than the bumpt land.
  24. With 1.05 and the water overhaul, I was wondering what the maximum speed on water is without bits of your craft exploding off. Asking for the elcano challenge because my old craft could just about do 95m/s on water. (Steering voids all warranties) Old craft: -JT
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