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Everything posted by Revenant503

  1. Hi Totally silly question - I don't use the IV's that much and have Crew Portrait which seems to get confused when I move crew from the IVA equipped Tantares_crew to the Non-IVA Tantares_orbital (or the IVA does). So..question...I I delete the spaces folder, how badly are things going to break?
  2. Is it possible you have RF Stockalike installed? Thats the only way I could see that
  3. been seeing a couple of those with different downloads...I suspect kerbalstuff is having a bad hair day
  4. Congrats to see it on its way. Next time I start a career I'll definitely use this.
  5. Tantares is things that travel in space like a soyuz, or a progress or a Vostock Tantares LV is launch vehicles - specifically a 1.25m R-7/Soyuz rocket (depending on what you want to call it) a 2.5 M U500/Proton rocket (depending on what you want to call it) and a kinda huge N-1 rocket (Only one name because it didn't get a chance to get another)
  6. Funny...I was very young the first time I saw a picture of one and I thought they were being sent to the moon because people were afraid they'd try to take over the earth
  7. To be honest I thought your posting was clear - maybe add the requirements into the individual .craft files might help but if you try an load a file with parts that don't exist it actually tells you the missing part name so I'm not sure if that would help. I personally would have liked to see separate spacecraft like the soyuz as well as spacecraft+LV but thats easily fixed by re-saving after amendment or build able from just reading the craft files. PS the way you did proc fairings in some of those files are magic...occasionally I load your crafts just to look at them.
  8. Probably why its contextually illegal. i.e. you could probably use it in a history book or in a game which has historical recreation elements or just as a red star. But putting it up as the background for a political advert or during a public protest may result in a visit from unsympathetic people with truncheons
  9. Try adding procedural fairings too (and check you haven't pruned anything from stock - the shenzou wanted one of the stock nosecones)
  10. ITs great to see Tantares show on the front page suggested mod list for RO
  11. Thank you for coming up with the best reason I've ever seen to uninstall a mod
  12. I was wondering if maybe an alternate capsule config would be more appropriate. i.e. past a certain tech level the model config changes to crew 3 and swaps to a different IVA (or has a button to change between 2 and 3) similar to how the core/boosters rockets work in TantaresLV. Is that even possible?
  13. Hi I'm not sure if this is known behaviour, but I recently started a game where I installed Community tech Tree and techmanager from CKAN. I noticed all the Universal Storage goo wedge was missing and when I opened the next node, none of the other ones (like USI magnometer) were present. Starting a sandbox game everything was present! So reasoning that it was a tech tree problem I removed techmanger and CTT and the USI orbital science stuff came back No idea why, but I thought I'd mention it in thread in case anyone else has that problem and is searching
  14. Oh thanks if it wouldn't be too much trouble...otherwise I can just muddle through..I assume the next RO update will have them anyway from what your saying.
  15. Hi, Is anyone using Tantares and Tantares LV with RO/RSS/RP-0? I noticed there are configs in the pack and I'm thinking of starting a new KSP game and just wondering how it worked
  16. In that particular instance Yemo was talking about removing the time lag, Remote tech has a perfectly normal method of doing that, that is a players choice, if you bury that in a seti config file somewhere...then your either removing or obfuscating that choice. I thought SETI was about to be about rebalancing, not deciding how KSP should be played, which is how the last few pages of this thread read to me.
  17. Might I suggest not going down that route...your already edging up to moving from a mod to enhance gameplay to becoming a mod that limits choices. Not to be negative, but I really don't think this should be another Better than starting Manned
  18. The workaround is to use FASA Launch clamps which can do on-pad refuelling...I can't remember if RF modifies stock clamps to do the same thing
  19. If you go to the kerbalstuff link at the start of this thread and click on versions, you should be able to download previous versions. I just restarted with the previous version and found I had to rebuild the rocket I was using from scratch but it worked fine after that.
  20. I'm seeing that too with multiple different parachutes also I'm seeing parachutes burst into flame a couple of minutes into a launch (tantares TST decopler chutes)
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