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Violent Jeb

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Posts posted by Violent Jeb

  1. A 1.0 shouldn't have bugs. It should be balanced and playable.

    Matter of fact, it should also include all the features that were promised, AND be balanced and playable.

    So you'd better do all of that by 1.0, that is the release version you know - I know I didn't decide to make it 1.0, but that is the expectation.^

  2. Agree with you on the craft interiors. That's definitely not done yet. Even if there's no RPM like stuff, each pod or hab module needs an interior.

    If you read the Beyond Beta post you would've read we're getting more landing gear.

    I just finished reading, i'm excited about it but it still stands that these features will need to be tested.

    I wanted to post now, to help stand with others on this topic & make our opinions well-known. :)

  3. I voted no. This game is beta, even if it doesn't "feel" beta to those who have had time with it.

    I've been playing since ~.17, i agree with others that this is one of the best games i've ever played.

    If this is not an issue of money, this is an issue of semantics.

    Squad wants to refer to the game as 1.0, which according to convention, is a completed product. Unfortunately, the world does not revolve around Squad (rather the sun, thank you KSP) - Squad should conform to a version structure that indicates an "almost feature complete" game; beta.

    If your own community is this confused by your naming conventions not matching market expectations, think of how the general public will receive it.

    I understand that it might generate some sales to push 1.0 now since this release is going to be jam-packed, but along with what everyone has said, why not allow at least one more beta release.

    That will give you the opportunity to fit even more features into an actual 1.0 release. btw, you're still missing basic gameplay mechanics.

    •Craft interiors - you can't just do 50% of them. that is incomplete.If you're going to do that, you might as well remove all of them.

    •Heat Shielding - (even if it's one or two parts, it is a design consideration for rockets and a realistic one. You're trying to sell this as an educational tool)

    •Life support - ^^ (How does keeping kerbals / resupplied alive not = more gameplay?)

    •Resource gathering - That'd be nice to try out before a 1.0 release.

    •A meaningful career that doesn't feel like grinding out procedurally generated contacts just for funds. You might as well remove this and just keep "science mode" because i've launched the game ~10 different ways and can't get an enjoyable start to career without mods.

    •Ability to enable / disable atmospheres, active texture management, and similar performance mods (or features if you are wise), and do this from a launcher.

    •Bigger / multipurpose landing gear? (edit: They mus've heard me.)

    •A 2nd (or 3rd) landing gear wheel part(edit: They mus've heard me.)

    •A functioning tutorial

    •RPM / Alcor "like" features - In a space program game, people DO want to sit in the cockpit and have buttons and switches to play with, crazy but true.

    •More planets?

    •Future / emerging space technology?

    •Recoverable debris (again, if you'd rather not simulate funding considerations for the space program you could just remove career mode since it is an empty grinding mess)

    ^This is actually a "no-brainer" -

    ME: "What happens to the rocket debris?"

    Kerbal: "uh, idk we've never even bothered to go find the junk after." RLY?

    •Customisation options, beyond the space program name, why do all my kerbals and parts look the same as yours? Immerse me.

    Many people have said it, i don't need to repeat it, there is much more to be added before it'll be a complete game.

    Semantics and Version numbering aside, I've already invested in the game, so all i can do it hope we do see the updates (that will obviously be needed) after "Not-complete" Version 1.0 - And that we're not waiting months and years for them.

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