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Violent Jeb

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Everything posted by Violent Jeb

  1. I'll probably have to buy it just for the new "official" parts, assuming a handful the present "go to" parts are going to be trumped. Since it doesn't actually fix or allow me to create career contracts in any way [afaik], i'm not too excited.. but i am definitely going to wait for a large sale and assume they'll be a handful of balance passes before its actually complete.
  2. Not sure that anything except a ssto-assisted round trip is even possible under 50t. so ofc it'll have to be done with ssto. no ISRU? put the nail in the coffin. My most recent payload which was capable of getting from LKO to dunas surface, biome hop and return with seating for 2 in a rocket format came in at 58t. The launcher however was an additional 600t for a grand total of 658t. I'd be happy to crack 4-500t with a manned mission in a non-ssto format, which is 10x the requirement stipulated. my point is, ssto-only challenge because conventional rockets just can't hit those margins (AFAIK). ssto master race
  3. I hope they make the console DLC first that would be the best value for money that you could spend
  4. it's simple, look at the release history and infer. the fact that they have nothing to state is pretty telling. in lieu of upfront discourse, it's the only certain thing to base opinions from. 6-8 months between updates, like clockwork. the fact that they now have to proxy through FT MS / Sony additionally does not suggest the console updates will be any faster, esp when we have confirmation that the console release will essentially "follow" the pc updates. so, now i will go on to speculate, that FT might simply change gears and start to update to 1.2 (provided their contract goes that far), and hope that maybe some of the problems go away. For me play-ability requires a stable save game, when i've dropped thousands of hours into KSP. I genuinely think that this time next year would be an adequate guess. the turnaround time on updates given the success of this game is unbelievable. like, wheels were fixed in the code back in march/april?, and yet they refused to do a hotfix so we could use them, and let us sit until october for the update. Console work appears to be pretty much the same at this point. All i know if that "being positive" for a release that is "right around the corner" is counter productive to adequate gameplay updates and simply pads the pockets of SQUAD.
  5. I told console users in August to stop waiting for a patch. Since you just got an xbox patch (in all its glory), its all but certain that squad considers this a completed console "update" for Q4 2016. That said, they'll start on a new patch, which may be 1.13 some more or maybe upgrade to 1.2 entirely. In any case, it is obvious to me that this won't be any sooner than the new year. So in jan/feb, you might get a patch which actually fixes the saves, and possibly addresses one or two more issues. You are indeed expected to wait because you were foolish enough to not request a refund immediately after seeing this mess, now, in effect, you have signed up for this. I would say the console versions of ksp will not be fully playable till mid 2017 at the earliest, assuming FT is contracted to continue working on this project this far. There's a reason it didn't release in the countries with the greatest consumer rights protection..
  6. maybe if people would call them out on this crap and get refunds they'd pay people to do bug testing. not as long as you'll test it for free and only mildly complain while still playing something broken.
  7. oh i'm sorry that confused you, i meant up down left right. thought that'd have been obvious. I guess the answer is if you want absolute zero level flight and nothing even close is acceptable then this game is a joke (particularly on console) & you should look elsewhere, I should have realized. Sorry for trying to help enjoy the empty forums.
  8. [redacted, done contributing]
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