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Violent Jeb

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Everything posted by Violent Jeb

  1. that command pod combined with the science jr is a huge amount of mass, low heat tolerance, and very low drag. Result, you come flying in wayy too hot. Edit: squad did change the atmosphere, and reduced the drag on the mk1 parts quite a bit. What I would suggest is to have your kerbal get out in orbit (or suborbit), take the data from the science jr, and everything from the science bay, then jettison both of these along with your empty tank and engine You will save probably 40-60% of your total mass. Now the heat shield+command pod combo should be able to come in with almost any angle with 3km/s velocity, and you can open your chutes once you're subsonic. Almost always, its the science jr overheating and causing catastrophic failure between the rest of the craft.
  2. Well, its good to give a point of reference for what other monoliths might look like. Maybe it should be a little better hidden around KSC, but I do like the idea that they are large enough that you might actually see one without being directly on the ground.
  3. The panels do seem to radiate some heat, but in my experience a burn longer than 5 minutes or so can overheat a single NERV. note that this is heavily dependent on other factors, like how close you are to the sun, if you're on the night side of a body, etc. But i do know that I have overheated single nervs with xl panels on moho during suicide burns.
  4. until i read this i had no idea CKAN was quite so insidious. Its kind of astounding that one rogue thing creates so many headaches for other content creators. The writing is on the wall. pandering to the LCD puts the enjoyment of mods for everybody at risk. Its like others have said, just because you can, doesn't mean you should. If CKAN can cause such problems, it is hampering continuity of mods in general. its kind of surprising it hasn't been g-lined for this behavior. I thought for sure it was opt in. For full disclosure I haven't had any issues when i have used CKAN but if a mod doesn't work I wouldn't think to complain or trouble a person doing such a service for the community. Personally i'm going to take a "boycott" stance and proceed with manual installation, based on what I have read in this thread. As an end user, I only hope the mod makers don't get too discouraged from this "convenience". I want to support the mods themselves, not some app so I can have 150,000 mods that are no good when the big names disappear. all just IMO. mod makers en masse in no way should have to negotiate like this for something they've made.
  5. how do you get stuck underground? is this like in the water? i'm the one stuck on eve. We got kernne kerman down and had nearly 10k dv to land. That was before we had to deal with the aerodynamics. Now kernne doesn't have enough TWR to control the ascent, and its unlikely we can land a craft close enough for a rendezvous. On the bright side, after 8 years in isolation, kernne has declared himself lord of eve and moho by proxy.
  6. yup, my first mun encounter, i just waited until it was almost directly overhead and shot right into it. Didn't survive, but i learned alot. Head over to youtube if you want to see people and their crafts getting into orbit, and try to study what they are doing different,. bigger engines, are they using sas, rcs? how is their rocket shaped, etc. you'll get there.
  7. Google can easily tell you sales have surpassed 1M, but afaik they'd prefer we not air out the sales figures. with that said, I am also willing to bet that the majority of people who will buy, have already bought. While i'm sure an active community and active devnotes will go a long way, I see a successor or dlc as the logical extension to keep the game relevant after they sort the wheels and smooth the edges of unity 5 In the meantime, I stay positive we will see updates until they release a universally acclaimed update, since we haven't really been seeing the most well-rounded or received updates.
  8. I know this is a joke but having a HUD in first person ksp would both blow my mind and be a must-have download. The IVA is already between their eyes so i don't see why they couldn't
  9. This is the fastest route if your orbit is within a few km of the target.. You can do a burn prograde until you get an encounter of less than 2km on the way back around, only one pass. It helps to use the manuever node to do it at the most efficient time, but it'll work everytime from a mostly circular orbit
  10. I have no idea how to "make" contracts appear. I'll get the mun contract ,and not the minmus contract, and the game might give me a mission to duna, but I have never seen a mission offered to another body that i haven't already previously went to out of pocket, even after years of playing. My best guess is that contracts are sentient and completely do what they want. great career realism if you ask me.
  11. if this is the worst thread how did it only get 3/10? does a thread have to age you prematurely in order to get a lower score?
  12. For moho, the capture burn is almost the same as your transfer burn. if you want exact numbers its around 2k dv to transfer and 2k dv to pull into orbit I believe your orbital velocity is around 700 m/s, so if you'd like to land you'll need a good 800dv for a suicide burn to land. Note that you'll be moving pretty quick when you get to moho, so you'll need a twr at least .6 or so in order to slow down close to apo, without incurring big losses. The transfer time is short, the encounter isn't too terrible, and iirc moho has the most frequent optimal transfers of any other planet, so you can basically expect an optimal transfer within 30 days at any given time.
  13. I've experienced this problem extensively in 1.1.2. can't say for 1.1.3 yet. Usually, if I change ships, the ship i've switched to can use maneuver nodes, but when i return to the craft i want, I still can't do manuever nodes. Something that i've tried, is unsetting the target (if yours is minmus), setting a new target, and trying again. Sometimes it works, sometimes not. Other times i'll return to ksc, try loading the ship from the tracking station, or loading another ship first and jumping to the ship. basically try everything up to and including a reset. Its hard to replicate and harder to fix Other times, I simply can't make a maneuver where i want for some reason, the cursor doesn't change and no option for the manuever appears. However, in these instances I can usually force a maneuver after the apoapsis, or after escape from the SOI.When this is the issue, it helps a lot to have the PresciseNode mod, so you can "dial back" your maneuver and put it where you want. THAT works, instead of assigning the node directly where you want it first.
  14. the patcher hasn't worked in a long time. It shouldn't even be part of install afaic. Just do a complete reinstall an transfer your save file/craft files as needed
  15. I haven't heard of anyone else with a tracking station issue.. have seen a few posts about the SPH/VAB
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