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Violent Jeb

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Posts posted by Violent Jeb

  1. Hey you're the second person to say this. 

    I am the biggest proponent of a dV & TWR readout. In fact, I also like to know my RCS dV, my drag at any given time, time to apo, steering and drag losses, the weight of my craft, thrust in kN, the time left on my stages, and my orbital shape with inclination. Its the type of thing you wouldn't head into space without.

    I'm just saying, for the week or two that any given mod is not out, you can still play the game. That's all.

  2. To answer your question; The easiest way for you to get that upgrade is to adjust your funds. I believe you'll need 200,000 in order to get the second upgrade. Though, if you find you'd like to buy that building without doing missions, you'll probably want to buy the next tier launch pad & VAB also, so i'd just adjust funds to 500k.

    And as mentioned above, you can get into orbit "manually", if you hit M you can see where your orbit/trajectory is taking you. Continue to fly prograde (yellow circle on the navball) while in space, and you'll reach orbit eventually (given enough speed and fuel).

  3. Here you go.

    Note that this guide is for .90, but a lot of the principals still apply (except for drag, afaik). Also note that wheels are a tad finicky as of 1.1.

    Assuming you have the Juno engine, wheels and the Mk1 cockpit, you should be able to get airborne with a dozen or so parts.

    Wheel placement is really important especially on the gravel (tier 1?) runway. Have you tried driving onto the grass and launching from a somewhat flatter surface?


  4. Let me tell you, if there is any mod worth waiting for ^^ that's the one.

    Personally, I've been playing 1.1 stock just trying to find bugs and seeing how viable vanilla play is. (It doesn't help that there's no mod-list thread for 1.1 yet :])

    IMO, Compared to versions before .90, the mods just enhance gameplay now, rather than being necessary to enjoy play. Its kind of cool to start fresh and determine what you can do without.


  5. On 4/20/2016 at 3:27 PM, KocLobster said:

    Obviously this is going to differ greatly from mod to mod, from modmaker to modmaker, and obviously it will differ from very simple mods to very complex, big ones. Which major update we're talking about probably makes a difference too. I understand all that, and realize that I'm grossly oversimplifying things and generalizing them. I ask only out of curiosity

    You literally answered your own question.

    Last update, one of the mods (might've been MJ or RPM), had to wait while they beat Fallout 4.

    Everyone has their own lives, and their own schedules. They have no idea exactly when squad is going to drop the update. So, just like us, i'm sure some of them had NO idea 1.1 was even out until the following day. It takes time. it also depends on exactly what changed in the update, as that will affect how easy or hard it is to update.

    Typically, new updates are when mods disappear. So while 95% of them will update, some of them may never update. The modder may have moved on, got busy, or simply doesn't want to.

    1.0.5 took a good month before all ~30 mods i regularly use were all ready again. As mentioned, this time, modders had the opportunity to work with the prerelease, so a few of them are already working. be patient, play vanilla, or try other mods that are available. Also, you're welcome to try the mods for 1.0.5 (or read the forums) - some of them may be working, and we don't even know yet!

  6. 12 hours ago, severedsolo said:

    Did you not read the 1.1 changelog? "We have fixed over 1000 bugs". There are what, 2 new features in 1.1? so, your argument that features >bugs is flawed.

    My "point" was than while in EA, you should expect more features than bugfixes. Now we are out of EA, we are getting more bugfixes than features. (I'm not saying this will continue, but 1.1 for certain)

    and the point is that we are still in EA. beta. Whatever you want to call it. Clear as a bell. Note all the technical issues many people are having across the board? Note the issues with ui, tutorials, wheels?

    You can call it whatever you want. If you're happy with it, i'm happy for you.

    and, at the end of the day I think EA is not about optimization but it should certainly be about bugfixing. If you have bugs, and you stack new features on top of bugs, any fixes are going to propagate through the whole system, substantially exacerbating the problem, and making them harder to fix. but hey i'm not in advertising so what do I know.

    Not only that but if your new update creates 2000 bugs and you fix 1000 of them that tells me you are running a bug deficit, whereby more bugs are being added than fixed. And sure they added two features, but completed upgraded to unity 5 on a game that is by technically "complete" (according to you), so i'd say its a substantial new "feature".

    It's fine if you'd rather have a bug filled 1.1 then wait for something much more polished, that's the absolute standard here, regardless of whether x<=1.0, don't know why you keep bringing it up.


    I was thinking leaving early access meant a finished game.  My outdated concepts of "finished" have betrayed me once again!

    I'm glad for the continued work, but this blatant disregard for the English language is out of control.

    Exactly. Version number means nothing anymore.

  7. 6 hours ago, severedsolo said:

    Well until 1.0 you were playing an Early Access game. Early Access IS Features>bugs. That's the whole point.

    I'm not gonna get into the whole 1.0 bug debate, again, but honestly, they have tried damn hard to please everybody with 1.1. The sheer number of bugs fixed is incredible for such a small team.

    okay.. we've had 2 updates since then.. so your point?

    and don't bring up EA if you don't want to talk about it. EA should be features=bugs but some people enjoy the state of gaming today. 

  8. So you have to reduce speed to reduce heat, either skim the atmosphere or get creative.

    and yes, IIRC you can survive with no heat shield if you're below 2.5 km/s

    If you're moving faster than that, AND you can't keep it from going head first, then maybe try to put a heat shield on top. 
    If you're going to be getting creative anyway, a tank of RCS and a pair of thrusters should also give you the control you need to stay facing retrograde while falling through the sky.

  9. I really like KCT, it adds elements of time management and makes the program seem more authentic. You have to be attentive to departure nodes and balance your time more effectively. That and contract configurator (i think thats the one), so i can dial in contracts that help financially motivate my missions.

    I'm also a big fan of Final Frontier, giving kerbals unique badges for missions/achievements and tracking their stats. It really personalizes your relationship with your crew, and sets up a character narrative in my mind (while the senior crew takes interplanetary challenges and new hires train on the mun).

  10. People have been jogging the airbrakes with some success. It seems in 1.1 you come in a lot faster for those landings. Tweaked my parachutes and smashed into the ground.

    If my craft is really top heavy, i'll let that beast come to earth prograde and fight it close to the ground to flip again. Heck, just land upsidedown, the kerbals don't seem to mind. Finally, if possible try bleeding off speed with a few extra passes, so that any forces that happen from tumbling doesn't rip apart your ship.

  11. 6 minutes ago, I_Killed_Jeb said:

    These poll options are frankly ridiculous

    They seem alright.

    Personally, I very much agree that its time to address some bugs.

    I remember - 1.1 was supposed to dramatically improve wheels with unity 5 and low and behold they're one of the primary things that is borked.

    I'd love it if career, the tech tree, UI, planets and kerbals behaved the way they are supposed to. Same with the klaw, the landing legs, the SAS autopilot. I'd love to see all the anomalies in working order. There are literally thousands of bugs, and each new update its like

    "oh, we got these great spaceplane wheels for you and fairings and junk! Oh and we just barely got 'em working before we blasted them out the door! Stay tuned for more new features and MOAR BUGS!"

    Stop, take a break, then polish this game until it becomes obvious what features are missing.

    PS: Its worth noting that 1.1 is definitely a step in the right direction. I'm not unhappy with it, i'm just unhappy that features > bugs and always have been.

  12. 1 hour ago, Otis said:

    The stock auto pilot is jittery and wastes electricity. This has been around ever since the stock autopilot was implemented. Why has this not been fixed yet? Seriously, what's the problem?

    It's doing course corrections. If you put it on prograde expect it to oscillate. If I had to guess, it's a PID issue, where the range that the ship can be out is set too small. But i don't see it as you being punished. It's a negligible loss of electricity, could easily be fixed with a solar panel, battery, or by pressing that fancy "t" key. I don't see it being fixed anytime soon.

  13. Long story short, the game loads all the textures & parts at the start of the game, and KEEPS them loaded. So the size of a mod, directly adds to the size of the cpu load when playing (for the most part). It's quite the bottleneck. If you only have 100 parts on a ship and are seeing lag with those specs that's what i would think.

    Part mods in particular, add textures (some mod packs are 100mb+). If you are playing with part mods I would only add parts you are finding yourself using. If you are using lots of parts (or indeed any mods), i seriously SERIOUSLY recommend the mod ATM Active Texture Management, which can reduce your CPU use more than 30% in most cases.


    (i'm sure someone can explain better i'm not too technical.)

  14. 56 minutes ago, Spudrotuskutarsu said:

    It could show what EC generation is on Kerbin and have a small reminder about distance to Sol affecting EC generation

    This. We know the output of solar panels on earth IRL, so we should be able to reference it from the VAB. Of course, you could also argue that its quite possible to not even use electricity on a ship and be successful but, i think its a good idea..

  15. I think it'd be cool.

    Maybe if they didn't overthink it, simple inventory not related to the "decline penalty" or anything else nonsensical.

    Simple list of KSC inventory, option to "auto purchase without prompt" if you are out of stock or like buying single parts.

    If you order parts, they come immediately (we can use KCT mod for delivery time modification),

    Beyond that, If you buy in bulk, you should save more. Buying say 10 engines at a time would/should reduce cost by 50% or so. Have a little slider purchase invoice UI where the price is adjusted based on quantity.

    If they did that, they could quickly establish a relationship parameter between part manufacturers, and give a further discount for loyal customers. Buying more from rockomax would improve your relationship with them and so on.


    It's a great idea.. But I don't think any of this is likely given the state of career mode.


  16. i'd imagine there is a small part mod that will satisfy your construction needs.

    For Vanilla Construction, I believe there is already Structural beams and other parts for building.
    If you decide to go out of the box, and use parts for their unintended purpose, it should be somewhat easy to clone the part and tweak the settings on your own game.

    Note the "in your own game" - For me personally it makes no sense to have a utility for disabling heat on certain parts only (F12 menu can just disable the whole thing if i need), or a duplicate set of parts.

    So i'd say no, it is not widely needed, but i'm sure a mod already exists with parts to help build complex structures..I do like the ability to save processing time, but i believe by definition making complex objects is going to increase processing and memory regardless (and there are already mods dedicated to this as well)


  17. I just wanted to say this is a great mod and thank you for your work with it. I've had compatibility errors with extra planet mods, but i try to get this running each play-through. I believe SQUAD removed the limit on career length, which used to be a deterrent for me using this mod, but overall its a great mod which adds quite a bit to the game-play despite the [apparently] simple concept.

    Keep up the great work

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