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Violent Jeb

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Posts posted by Violent Jeb

  1. No question about it.

    But the part that gets me is that KSP will necessarily handle like c&c or rct on PSX for the same limitations with the controller in these regards. Part placement in the VAB is something I would never do with a controller. I even have the steam controller and have never had a desire to map KSP for it.

    I would rather perform my own brain surgery, but that's just me! I am sure there is a demographic that doesn't have a computer which can handle KSP but managed to get a next gen console, and those people will surely deal with it.

  2. Yeah its 3200 dv to orbit, and realistically i've only managed to top that once or twice. So you're looking at 4800 dv for mun, and around 4200 dv for minmus. Note that once the craft is there you'll only ever need around 1200 dv for takeoff and landing operations on either and the rest is potential fuel for other purposes.

    As long as you're comfortable with inclinations then minmus is the obvious choice. Less fuel, solar panels work at night (except when behind kerbin), and there are giant flat swaths which will make landing a breeze.

    On the flip side, if you have a very small craft it might be hard to land and "ancor" to the minmusian surface. RCS and SAS should help with this. Not much of an issue for me as my mining rigs are usually 100t+ monstrosities.


    The other consideration is that return flights from the mun take a day, and return flights from minmus take a week. So if you're looking at a lot of time-critical operations, The mun will be faster.



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