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Everything posted by Dres

  1. Nah, I enjoy mine. (When I was registering this name, I almost misspelled it a couple times ) on purpose specAnonymus
  2. 1259: You climb up one of those weird stairwells with steps on the top, and upon reaching the midle step, find yourslef on the ceiling. Confused, you walk back up (down?) the stairs to where you came from, and find yourself on floor 1260.
  3. I did this because I could, and decided I will keep it this way forever. Not sure there is anything special about be though, so I don't care if I'm on the list. I just lurk forums of all types .
  4. ... Weird, I wonder where those bullet points in the spoiler come from, its not in the BB-code... <Serious Not Troll, Highlight it yourself. Anyway, my question: What is the farthest a purely troll account has gotten before it gets taken down? What about bot accounts?
  5. The Problem is, Tweakscale doesn't let you change thrust specifically, fuel type, etc. Plus it has problems scaling engines (Thrust scales Linearly, but Volume, and by extension, Mass, scale exponentially. m=d*V, V is a Cubic measurement.) You end up with super powerful Tiny Rockets, and relatively weak Massive Rockets.
  6. Dang, beat me to it. What I love about KSP is your ability to choose your own path, and follow it in any way you want. You wanna go around in a car crashing into buildings? KSP lets you do it. You wanna build a a military aircraft and launch an aerial assult on KSC 2? KSP lets you do it. You want to mod the game into a super realistic spae simulator and visit the equivalent of real bodies? KSP lets you do it. You want to stand on the top of a frozen hill, looking back at the bodies to explore, so far away from home and anything else? KSP lets you do it. At least in Sandbox, there are no quests, no necessary designs, nothing is set in stone. Your only limits are the laws of physics, and you do things your way, when you want to. That is what i truly love about KSP.
  7. -72 (+) Yes, at this point it has been one several times. I know atleast one was for positive, maybe two.
  8. Harmless Earth Lost Internet Outbreak Test, Reckless Outer Planet Escaped. (They are related, trust me.) QWERTY
  9. Oooh, this looks shiny! Downloading and bookmarking.
  10. Granted. Your wish invalidates your wish of wishing for an actual wish, thus making it apparent that you are wishing for more wishes. A confused fairy then blows you up for breaking wish rules. I wish that the speed of of light was actually 100 mph, and that I had an XKCD Phone.
  11. Jeb would bring about world peace for everyone, mainly because all other countries would be terrified that he would launch a Whackjob rocket at them
  12. I agree, its a false color image of the dust in the canyon floor. You can tell, mainly because it has actual terrain in it (such as a crater. middle of the canyon on the left).
  13. Possibly, but he would likely replace the entire staff with one competent employee, the rest being a combination of sheep and leafy green plants, to ensure every rocket explodes in the most spectacular way, while also having atleast one way to save Jeb, so he can be a BadS. (The KSP KSC staff seems this way )
  14. I'm pretty sure it does say money, but with a capital N. Edit: Double Ninjas
  15. BTW, You can actually destroy buildings with those things. Try aiming at the buildings from inside the SPH.
  16. My theory on this is that it depends on the number of "tipping points" an certain layout of legs has. For example, an object with more legs can have more directions it can fall more easily, one in each area between two legs. However, larger tipping points relative to circumference of the object can also lead to instability, as it is more likely for a slope to be toward a tipping point. For most slopes, fewer tipping points would be better because it minimizes the chance that the force down is close to the center of any said tipping point. The reason the third leg down-slope method worked is because it kept the pull down the slope on a corner, a direction which an object is difficult to tip. At least, that is my theory, it is probably wrong, so just ignore me
  17. This song is actually kind of catchy, if drilled into your head for an hour: http://www.riddlydiddly.com/ And no one can forget: http://www.nyan.cat/
  18. Ore can indeed be mined from asteroids using the drills. The mass also decreases as you mine, which makes me happy.
  19. I love the design style behind these things, they look great. And that docking port though...
  20. Congratulations on finishing! Though I am still sad it ended. *Waits Patiently for sequel*
  21. Once again, we meet at the solution to every problem every sapient being has ever faced. "If you have a problem, punch it in the face." Words that the very concepts that define humanity are based upon, and at least used to operate it in its entirety. Seriously though, this is powerful writing, and you must be an actual writer or something to produce this stuff.
  22. This sounds fun, adding in my speculatatron.
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