Found a bug involving RealFuels: I set the Cygnus engine to use hydrazine but when I activated the engine, it won't run because it needs to use the fuel mix of MMH+NTO but there's no such option to set it. Same problem too for the TKS rcs engines.
Tried docking using the docking port and parachute combo. When I undocked, it won't stop sticking to the other docking port. I got them separated using time warp but after I set it to 1x speed, everything just detached.
I noticed that Aerojet Kerbodyne's ICPS engine is not working. It shows two engine configs when I right click on it. (Hydrolox and Monopropellant mixtures) It appears the game is reading it both as an engine, and an rcs thruster.
Thanks for this update Beale! I made .cfgs for these to work with RealFuels if anyone's interested: http://www./download/vbd89s3ekjnos6k/Tantares_tanks.cfg http://www./download/h3bv6tfiy4lli1r/TantaresLV_tanks.cfg You also need this for the engines to work: EDIT: Fixed TantaresLV.cfg
It appears Aerojet Kerbodyne's cfg. is not up to date so I made an updated config: http://www./download/t3113lzzxy3viyy/AerojetKerbodyne_tanks.cfg I also made a config for Tantares and Tantares LV because it's not yet supported: http://www./download/vbd89s3ekjnos6k/Tantares_tanks.cfg http://www./download/h3bv6tfiy4lli1r/TantaresLV_tanks.cfg EDIT: Fixed TantaresLV.cfg
I've been playing KSP for a couple of months now. I've mastered the art of docking two vessels in 2 hours. For me, KSP is the game worth staying up all night for.(sometimes not sleeping at all)