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Everything posted by hellblazer

  1. RS-25 - I had to size my down a bit in the configs. RSBengineRS25 - rescaleFactor = 1.35 ( GameData/RealScaleBoosters/Parts/Engines/RSBengineRS25)
  2. https://kerbalx.com/hellblazer/SS-Atlantis-w-Unity Try this one instead. Shuttle, Canadarms, Boosters and tank. https://kerbalx.com/hellblazer/SS-Atlantis
  3. Maybe he meant it wasn't made to work... But it does... You do need to use RO engines, RealFuels ect. to make it work. Try this pack for the shuttle engines.
  4. Launched the Unity module inside of Atlantis today. Testing out the strength of the Canadarm. I'm trying to get used to the shuttle. Space Shuttle System http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/132975-space-shuttle-system-112/&page=1 Real Scale Boosters http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/130776-112-real-scale-boosters-0131-2016-05-08/ Adjustable Landing Gear http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/89874-105-adjustable-landing-gear-v120-masscost-scaling-tech-nodes-drag-may-30/
  5. Time to build my ISS RSS: After about 20 launches I finally figured out the right RO engines and boosters to get the shuttle into a LEO. I managed a 400km circularized orbit while taking the max payload size (3m x 11m) at 20 tonnes (44000 lbs). Testing complete Album http://imgur.com/a/9jYXT ISS http://i.imgur.com/t01MKV1.jpg Space Shuttle System http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/132975-space-shuttle-system-112/&page=1
  6. RSS: After about 20 launches I finally figured out the right RO engines and boosters to get the shuttle into a LEO. I managed a 400km circularized orbit while taking the max payload size (3m x 11m) at 20 tonnes (44092.5 lbs). Album http://imgur.com/a/9jYXT Thanks Bandit102
  7. Got the tank and boosters setup. Had to add a few procedural tank sections to make it work.
  8. You may need tweakscale and tweakable everything to adjust the height of the landing gear, heat shielding, and suspension.
  9. Thanks for the mod. Too bad the KSP shuttle mods seem to be the hardest to make and maintain. Please hurry with the RO version I used the adjustable landing gear mod. Even has heat protection.
  10. I won't going to 1.1.x anytime soon. I have over 100 mods installed using 1.0.5 64bit workaround (approx. 2500 parts). I have mods that are from .24 to 1.0.5 installed. RSS/RO/RVE goodness.
  11. Took a while to finish my ISS. Had to stop with parts as it was turning into a slide show. Planning on breaking it into pieces, launching them, reassembling them, then de-orbit the station. Made for RO/RSS ISS album: http://imgur.com/a/1UoCb
  12. Can someone make non-magnetic docking port? I want a smoother more realistic docking procedure. I just hate the close is good enough approach with KSP docking. "A docking/berthing connection is referred to as either "soft" or "hard". Typically, a spacecraft first initiates a soft dock by making contact and latching its docking connector with that of the target vehicle. Once the soft connection is secured, if both spacecraft are pressurized, they may proceed to a hard dock where the docking mechanisms air-tightly seal together, enabling interior hatches to be safely opened so that crew and cargo can be transferred." ~ Wikipedia
  13. Squad's history? They're only responsible for the base game. If you add mods to the base game its only your fault. Doesn't matter what game you have. Updates and mods don't go together.
  14. You know if you just copy and paste the whole game file and name it something else...hmmmm KSP 1.0.5 or RSS 1.0.5 or anything. Steam will only update the game file linked to it. I have .25, 1.04, 1.05, and 1.1 Beta. You can literally save the game anywhere on your pc. It's not Squad's fault or the modder's. If you just bought the game I guess this is your first update and you will learn to backup your game.
  15. Slowly recreating the ISS. I have a long, long, long way to go to finish. Then I get to disassemble it and send it up in pieces. RSS fun. http://imgur.com/a/nQ870
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