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Posts posted by Starhawk

  1. 16 minutes ago, Stoup said:

    If it was planned from day one... Why was this fact not communicated day 1? Or when people were upset in general about the price? Would have been the best to mention this then, rather than to infer that the only 'price drop' we could expect was the fact that we spent 50 on EA instead of 60 on full release

    But it was mentioned.


    Happy landings!

  2. On 6/11/2023 at 4:52 AM, Wheehaw Kerman said:

    It’s possible that by the time we’re ready to launch an interstellar shot, we’ll have our infrastructure in the Kerbol system built and more or less maxed, and be perfectly happy to fast forward until the starship arrives and then focus on the new system, leaving the Kerbals at home as a source of mostly automated supply missions.

    This is exactly the sort of thing I would expect given the time scales we are discussing.

    On 6/11/2023 at 11:28 AM, Scarecrow71 said:

    I'm looking forward to interstellar, mostly because I'm curious to see if we get planets who orbit their stars in clockwise fashion.

    This is a matter of frame of reference, it seems to me.  KSP uses the plane of the ecliptic as the reference.
    I am speculating that there is no correlation between the ecliptic planes of various star systems.
    So, when looking at a new star system, the reference frame could be chosen based on that system's ecliptic plane.  When choosing, it would purely be a matter of convenience which way you have the planets orbiting.

    On 6/11/2023 at 11:28 AM, Scarecrow71 said:

    Or if we get planets that spin on their axes (axi?  Axises?) In the opposite direction.

    Well, we already have axial tilt so, in theory, it would seem that these could easily be added simply by specifying their axial tilt as 180 degrees.

    Happy landings!

  3. And another hearty rewelcome to you!

    11 minutes ago, LittleBitMore said:

    I've upgraded my KSP skills, and I've landed on Tylo

    Tylo landing is one of the bigger challenges in KSP.   Congratulations!

    Happy landings!

  4. Some comments have been removed.

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    Forum Moderation Team

  5. 9 hours ago, Scarecrow71 said:

    How?  Axial tilt has nothing to do with a bodies' orbital inclination, and the tilt has no effect on where the equator is or doing a gravity turn.

    EDIT:  After thinking on it, the orbit of the craft would be on a different plane than the orbit of the body.

    It's all about interaction with the surface.  If you don't want to land on or take off from a planet/moon or map its surface, then axial tilt can safely be ignored.

    42 minutes ago, Delay said:

    Didn't they say at some point or another that the Kerbol system would be mostly untouched, especially with regards to axial tilt?

    I don't have an exact quote handy, but I believe they said the Kerbol system would remain mostly the same and I don't recall any specific mention of axial tilt.

    In any case, it's not really a large change.  Take a trip from Kerbin to Minmus as an example.  Imagine that Minmus' orbit has zero inclination while Kerbin has a 7 degree axial tilt.  It's the exact same problem as the real case in the game where Kerbin has no axial tilt, but Minmus has 7 degrees inclination.

    Happy landings!

  6. 4 hours ago, PDCWolf said:

    I do however think they won't dare change any of the original KSP planets to include the feature, much less Kerbin and its moons, which are the basis for learning the game for any new player.

    In fact, Moho has 7 degrees axial tilt, Dres has 13.6, and Eeloo has 33 degrees tilt, among others.
    Kerbin, Mun, and Minmus have 0 axial tilt.

    Happy landings!

  7. 1 hour ago, pbau5 said:

    Honest question, how are people completing these "return to Kerbin" objectives with the SOI trajectory issue... and staying sane?

    Check out this thread.

    Happy landings!

  8. The last few days have allowed me to squeeze in a bit of KSP2 time so I worked on the weekly challenge and built and moved a space station.

    Here's the first module, containing some fuel, some docking ports, some antennae, and a cupola for taking in the views.


    And here is the second module being docked to the first one.



    And here is the launch of the interplanetary tug.


    And here is the station in Duna orbit.


    Now all it needs is a lander.  And maybe some kerbals.  :)

    Happy landings!

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