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    Designated Rocketeer
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    Listening to the Tragedy of Darth Plagueis the Wise

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  1. Having a variety of chutes would be nice. With the ejector of course! The old version (before linux picked it up) used to have a space+F auto-deploy all in range and rapid ejection via action group and ejector module. I actually can't remember whether or not THIS version does that too because it's been ages since I last played KSP
  2. That's already possible with vessel switcher. Alternatively you could just set "Toggle AI Pilot" to an action group. _______________________________________________ Anyways, onto another thing; I was testing the armor to see how many rounds it took to destroy a plate at 90o, 60o, and 130o. (IE, attempting to simulate armor on a tank) Initial tests took around 8-10 for 90, 12-14 for 60, and 18-20 for 130 when using the M2. Distance didn't seem to matter as long as the bullet hit. Not sure if it's possible for "damage falloff" to be a thing, or if I just didn't test far enough ranges (5m intervals up to 100m total). But so far it seems armor is easily defeated. Perhaps adding tiers for a future update? Anyways. thought this was an interesting bit of information that I should share. Wasn't sure if it was well known or not
  3. Yep, I'm an idiot lol. I didn't see there was an unofficial updated version. Fixed it, thanks!
  4. Getting a CTD with this pack(or Astronomer's Visuals, I can't remember which one it is ATM) installed, it's caused specifically by Texture Replacer. Is this the case for anyone else?
  5. Getting a CTD with this pack(or Andromeda Visuals, I can't remember which one it is ATM) installed, it's caused specifically by Texture Replacer. Is this the case for anyone else?
  6. Are you running any other mods? My suggestion would be to first run it completely vanilla to make sure it's 100% a mod problem, then add FAR to test, then add the rest of your mods (I recommend in groups of 3-5)
  7. Did you make sure you set the weapon manager to "armed"? Like @Murican_Jeb said, you can also set it to an AG so you don't have to arm it.
  8. I don't think this is a feature. But you should post a request on the github here for that.
  9. They've done a number of Bahamuto's mods already. [see below] But most of those are plugins, so I don't see them working on another (relatively) large parts pack soon.
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