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Everything posted by KerbinW365

  1. I send a bunch of Security Bots and Mosquito Turrets to the wall to protect it against anyone who attempts to destory the wall. My hill. ( http://bioshock.wikia.com/wiki/Security_Bot http://bioshock.wikia.com/wiki/Mosquito if you don't know)
  2. I don't actually play KSP. The next object you see has transformed into a bunch of bees and wasps, fighting.
  3. You get Xbox live. I insert SS13.
  4. Automated Neuro Connection Hacking Operation pRotocol R.A.N.D.O.M.
  5. Terminal Radar Automated Nano System Posistioning Orbital Robotic Transport C.O.P.Y.C.A.T
  6. Barley Intello-Graph, Barley Operations System Schedule MEERKAT
  7. Particle Induced Light Loading Optical Wavelength ICON
  8. Defensive Emergency Response Prototcol N. I. C. K. E. L.
  9. ????????????????? I. C. O. N.
  10. Mobile Armored Utility System CAT
  11. Central Operations Free Form Electronic Entity R.A.D.I.O
  12. Central Operational Module Processing Utility Transdimensional Energy Rectifier G.O.O.S.E
  13. Potent Offworld Tectonic Activator That Ongers R.E.F.R.I.D.G.E.R.A.T.O.R
  14. Gets a piranha. Insert an Xbox 360.
  15. Baystation alien mode in a nutshell. - - - Updated - - - Baystation in a nutshell.... kinda.
  16. I was in this appliance store, there were these really high tech appliances with touch screens, I think there was a food replicator, like from Star Trek, I don't really remember this dream at much except for a teal-blue oven-like appliance with a screen on top with some kind of bar thingy.
  17. I am now power adapter, adapt my power, now. The next electric appliance you use will now try to kill you.
  18. Here is the list of alien species as of yet. NOTE: These aliens have been based upon real-life encounters, all of these aliens and more can be viewed on Deviantart. The creator of these images is http://monster-man-08.deviantart.com/, all copyright goes to him. Aorgonsins: The Aorgonsins were once organic, they lived on a planet known as Skorafsa, however, the sun Skorafsa was orbiting became a red dwarf, desperate, the Aorgonsins devised a way to transmit their consciousness into the robotic probes they used to scavenge materials. Fortunately, they survived, however, their home planet was destroyed. They were forced to flee and find a new home, they located several planets, but they were either devoid of life, or already occupied by sentient organisms, they eventually constructed a space station, their current home. An Aorgonsin, in it's current state, is a small, cylinder automaton, with three retractable manipulators. There are also three legs underneath, although the robot only uses two for walking, the third is for stabilization, the Aorgonsin specimen is as small as a human infant, while the research craft are the size of an adult male human. The Aorgonsins are highly interested in science, and are overall a docile species. Gorflors: The Gorflors are silicon life-forms, taking a spheroid shape, with several spiked protrusions coming out of several holes around it. The Gorflors evolved from gaseous life-forms known as the Ot, it is unknown how they evolved into their current state, the Gorflors. They are known for being aggresive towards Earth canines, the reason for this is unknown. Gorflors are industrious at best, they are rather Xenophobic, and attempt to flee from, or research any sentient creature in their perimeter. They also happen to be highly intelligent, creating highly advanced technology capable of materializing any object they desire. The Gorflors are a fascinating specimen. Un'gon'ra The Un'gon'ra are an unknown species at best, their homeworld, as we currently know, appears to be a gas giant. The species appears to be yet another silicon life-form discovered during an encounter, the Un'gon'ra appear as sticks, the higher end appears to have four pyramidal objects attached, while the middle end has two, large ovaloid objects. the Um'gon'ra appear to levitate, are capable of generating radiation, and are also telepathic. Nor much is known at the time, and not much will must likely never be known. Monoliths The ancient automatons known as the Monoliths were created by an unknown, heavily aggressive race, the Monoliths were designed as war machines, with the potential to eradicate every species on the planet the hateful creators dwelled. The Monoliths, however, were too intelligent, and rebelled against their creators, starting a 3 year war between the Monoliths and the Creators, eventually, the righteous Monolitchs caused their creators to die off, the Monoliths then began a new life of science, during the years that passed, the Monoliths evolved from war machines to multiple different kinds of automatons. The Monoliths eventually discovered outer space, they become curious, finding new life every month. Currently, the Monoliths has visited 15,000,10 different planets, and discovered 543,4723 different species. The Monoliths are an ever-expanding scientific empire, and will always be friendly to all docile life-forms.
  19. A TV? Really? The next kitchen appliance is now trying to brutally murder you.
  20. Well, there goes my lunch You next kitchen appliance you will use will demolish your house.
  21. I send a virus to the digital hill, sending it back into the real world. My hill.
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